View Full Version : Commercial Calls a Spade a Spade!

Coon Club Road
08-06-2020, 08:00 AM
The title is "Ridiculous Commercial", however I think it's pretty spot on.


It covers most bases of the nigger lifestyle.

Please enjoy!

08-06-2020, 09:14 AM
That's one stereotypical, lazy, bootlipped buck. If you cut the last few seconds off, it's perfect!

08-06-2020, 09:17 AM
Funny how when the narrative is another "victim" group it is ok to make fun of niggers.

The only women still "making less" are almost universally either less experienced so they start out at a lower salary or have less accumulated time at the company and are being compared to someone who has worked there for 30 years. The same would be true for a man who walked into a company fresh out of high school with no education or experience. But if complained he wasn't making as much as his female counterpart who did go to college and has worked there for years he would be told that is how it works.

Coon Club Road
08-06-2020, 11:49 AM
I was talking with the office manager at a large tractor and construction machinery manufacturer one day. I had started the conversation with you look busy or something to that effect.

She replied she was composing a letter to the latest group of "Executives", newly hired fresh out of college by the company.

The letter she was composing was to instruct them to park in the extreme back row of the rear lot because it seemed that most of their cars had extreme oil leaks and it was making the front parking lot look ghetto... like all the handicap spots at Fambly Dollah.

You gotta start someplace just don't park out front!

Coon Club Road
08-06-2020, 12:21 PM
Most nigger joints I drive by look like Capt. Hazlewood parked his Exxon Valdez in the front row and went in to shop for a few hours!


08-06-2020, 12:30 PM
The title is "Ridiculous Commercial", however I think it's pretty spot on.


It covers most bases of the nigger lifestyle.

Please enjoy!


08-07-2020, 08:26 AM
well they say a woman's work is never done right? Maybe that's why we pay them less ! :lol

08-07-2020, 08:53 AM
well they say a woman's work is never done right? Maybe that's why we pay them less ! :lol

Diva's gonna have your ass, dude...
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. 4FYxbpwFoA-vVZpN6-paaAAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1

08-07-2020, 08:49 PM
Dude not cool at all, we have quite a few female members here on chimpout.

Does this mean I have to go to the naughty step? :lol

Coon Club Road
08-07-2020, 11:15 PM
Coons R will probably want to have his hand amputated after that!

08-07-2020, 11:28 PM
Nope, you have to go out find the fattest vile nigger you can and shake hands with him..... and we want pictures to prove it :lol

Thank the lord for Corona, I've noticed folk are ' fist bumping ' elbows now. If I was in a heavy duty fire retardant suit, I may be able to reciprocate with your aforementioned negro. I think this may be the best I could do. I don't touch niggers I'm afraid.

08-08-2020, 08:23 AM
Thank the lord for Corona, I've noticed folk are ' fist bumping ' elbows now. If I was in a heavy duty fire retardant suit, I may be able to reciprocate with your aforementioned negro. I think this may be the best I could do. I don't touch niggers I'm afraid.

With good reason!!