View Full Version : BLAXIT: Niggers fed up with racism over Floyd death flee US

Whitey Ford
08-04-2020, 05:42 PM
She packed her bags, quit her job in law enforcement and moved to Mexico after George Floyd's death

All that vibrant cultural enrichment moving away? Say it ain't so!

Demetria Brown knew the exact moment she decided she'd had it.

She'd just watched a video of George Floyd pinned under an officer's knee, saying he couldn't breathe as he begged for his life. She sobbed as she played it over and over.
On June 1, a week after Floyd's death, she quit her job as a detention officer for the Los Angeles County Probation Department. In the midst of the global coronavirus pandemic, she sold her house, stuffed her belongings into 13 duffel bags and relocated to Puerto Vallarta on Mexico's Pacific coast.
Brown, 42, is one of many African Americans leaving the United States permanently for many reasons, including racism and fear of police brutality. Her flight landed in her new hometown on June 25, a month to the day Floyd died.
"Watching that video -- my heart broke and sank all at the same time," Brown says. "That video served as my final confirmation that I was doing the best thing for my life by departing the United States of America permanently."


Coon Club Road
08-04-2020, 07:11 PM
Instead of taking 13 bags, it's a shame she didn't take 13 boons with her!

08-05-2020, 11:00 AM
How about this for an immigration deal with Mexico: one for one. We get a hard-working Mexican, or even a Guatemalan or Honduran passing through, but Mexico has to take one of our niggers. The ones we take will be documented, and if one disappears from work, commit crimes, etc., we send him back along with 10 niggers. And we are absolutely going to build a fence to make it work.

animal mother
08-05-2020, 02:59 PM
I doubt that this sheboon will stay in Mexico long. They have no gibs!

LeeRoy Jenkums
08-05-2020, 03:51 PM
Wonder why she din't move back to the mudderland?

08-06-2020, 07:11 PM
That sheboons going to find out real quick Mexicans hates niggers as much as we do here in the USA

Hahaha! Small-brained, simian sheboon used to living on gibs is going to get a rude awakening if she thinks she'll be treated like an endangered species in Mexico. No foo stamps, Sec8, welfare, dis-bility, or reparashuns for you there, nigger. :lol

Reminds me of all the so-called "celebrities" (has-beens) who squawked publicly that they would leave the US if Trump were elected. Surprise! Not one of them has hustled his/her ass out yet.

Ray Cizzums
08-06-2020, 10:38 PM
Hahaha! Small-brained, simian sheboon used to living on gibs is going to get a rude awakening if she thinks she'll be treated like an endangered species in Mexico. No foo stamps, Sec8, welfare, dis-bility, or reparashuns for you there, nigger. :lol

Reminds me of all the so-called "celebrities" (has-beens) who squawked publicly that they would leave the US if Trump were elected. Surprise! Not one of them has hustled his/her ass out yet.

Here's one that made me puke directly into the newspaper, making for an easy cleanup.
Now I just shit into it, and mail it to the editors.
