View Full Version : Hero cop Darren Wilson will not be charged.

08-01-2020, 01:13 PM

Bell, who was elected St. Louis County's first Black prosecutor in 2018, said the investigation does not exonerate Wilson.

Actually it does. We all know the court of public opinion matters more to niggers and the left but inside, you will know he is exonerated.

I think as one of Trumps last acts be it in 2021 or 2025 is to pardon every cop who has ever had to issue batwings to a nigger.

08-01-2020, 01:39 PM

Actually it does. We all know the court of public opinion matters more to niggers and the left but inside, you will know he is exonerated.

I think as one of Trumps last acts be it in 2021 or 2025 is to pardon every cop who has ever had to issue batwings to a nigger.

I would SECOND that!!

08-01-2020, 04:13 PM
we all know the niggers will have a cat-5 chimpout over that..... Hell maybe they will burn down what's left of ferguson :lol

no great loss!!

08-02-2020, 05:42 AM
no great loss!!

The great loss starts after the last of the fires burn themselves out and the nigger start to bitch and moan about the shit condition of dey hoodz. Everyone knows what happens then:


We will be forced to pay for it all.
The circle of pooh continues.

Sheboon DeLuxe
08-02-2020, 08:48 AM
Oh Lawdy, dat ain' right! Cue the chimpout! :sheboon

08-02-2020, 09:44 AM
The niggers will suffer the most when they are no cops left. " where da po po? " - er, you wanted them gone niggers and you always get what you want, remember?

08-02-2020, 10:30 AM
The great loss starts after the last of the fires burn themselves out and the nigger start to bitch and moan about the shit condition of dey hoodz. Everyone knows what happens then:


We will be forced to pay for it all.
The circle of pooh continues.

TRU DAT!! But Trump has told Blue State Governors to FUCK OFF so I hope that this trend continues!!

Odin's balls
08-06-2020, 08:09 AM
That poor cop had that hanging over him for six years!

Niggers, even good ones are more trouble than they are worth.

08-06-2020, 12:59 PM
I have been in that dung heap of a city. No loss if it goes up in flames.

08-06-2020, 01:07 PM
I have been in that dung heap of a city. No loss if it goes up in flames.

And apelanta, and memfrica, and ba' mo and chimpcongo!! You get the IDEA!!

Midder Peenud Hayed
08-06-2020, 08:31 PM
And apelanta, and memfrica, and ba' mo and chimpcongo!! You get the IDEA!!

Baltinog, if my brief experience there, has by far the worst niggers imaginable. Truly evil and vicious jungle rabbits...

08-07-2020, 12:23 AM
Baltinog, if my brief experience there, has by far the worst niggers imaginable. Truly evil and vicious jungle rabbits...

Since I grew up in the state of Maryland I would have to agree with you!! D.C. apes were very feral as well!!

08-07-2020, 02:31 AM
TRU DAT!! But Trump has told Blue State Governors to FUCK OFF so I hope that this trend continues!!

We've just got to get him re-elected first, then I believe it will. Nothing will help turn the tide of this country more than having blue states and the misguided fools that live there be forced to live and die by the foolish choices they have made for themselves.

Afford them no quarter lest they turn from their wickedness and admit the folly of their ways. Let them shed their own blood first to right the course they have chosen!

Then and only then, should they receive one once of pity or help.

Then and only then, will they be worthy of the blessings our forefathers died for.

Until then, fuck'em.