07-30-2020, 06:35 PM
In his own words he said that niggers get it because of what they are. I'll be more specific: filthy, unhygienic sub-primate beasts. But he still blames not having health care and not having nutritious food, when niggers already have cost taxpayers trillions in welfare and Medicaid. What more is YT supposed to do? Gibs, gibs, gibs even more.
The other side of the coin — and this has a lot to do with long-term social determinants of health — as a demographic group, African Americans have disproportionately greater incidents of the underlying conditions that allow you to have a more unfavorable outcome, namely more serious disease, hospitalization and even death. That is, diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, obesity, chronic kidney disease. If you look at populations as a whole, and you look at the demographic group of African Americans and the demographic group of the rest of the population, or Caucasian, what you see is a much greater incidence. So you have two things going against you: You are physically in a position that's more likely you're going to get infected, and if you do get infected, you're more likely to have a serious outcome.
The longer-term one is something that you're not going to cure overnight, and that is the economic and other conditions that African Americans find themselves in that they're not in a situation where they get a greater access to health care from a more of an economic standpoint.
But the other thing that I think we need to make a commitment that goes probably measured in decades. And that is, why do African Americans have a greater incidence of hypertension? Why do they have a greater incidence of diabetes? Why do they have a greater incidence of obesity? It's not genetic. It has to do with years and years of access to the right kinds of food, access to the right kind of health care. Those are the things that we've got to change. But that means that perhaps if there's one silver lining in this outbreak — which I hope there is always some silver lining in everything that's so challenging — is this, is to focus with a laser beam on the disparities in health that we've got to change, and it's got to change at the fundamental basic level. It's not going to be tonight or tomorrow or next week.
The other side of the coin — and this has a lot to do with long-term social determinants of health — as a demographic group, African Americans have disproportionately greater incidents of the underlying conditions that allow you to have a more unfavorable outcome, namely more serious disease, hospitalization and even death. That is, diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, obesity, chronic kidney disease. If you look at populations as a whole, and you look at the demographic group of African Americans and the demographic group of the rest of the population, or Caucasian, what you see is a much greater incidence. So you have two things going against you: You are physically in a position that's more likely you're going to get infected, and if you do get infected, you're more likely to have a serious outcome.
The longer-term one is something that you're not going to cure overnight, and that is the economic and other conditions that African Americans find themselves in that they're not in a situation where they get a greater access to health care from a more of an economic standpoint.
But the other thing that I think we need to make a commitment that goes probably measured in decades. And that is, why do African Americans have a greater incidence of hypertension? Why do they have a greater incidence of diabetes? Why do they have a greater incidence of obesity? It's not genetic. It has to do with years and years of access to the right kinds of food, access to the right kind of health care. Those are the things that we've got to change. But that means that perhaps if there's one silver lining in this outbreak — which I hope there is always some silver lining in everything that's so challenging — is this, is to focus with a laser beam on the disparities in health that we've got to change, and it's got to change at the fundamental basic level. It's not going to be tonight or tomorrow or next week.