View Full Version : Update, nigger confess to burning down historical church in France.

Cat fur allergic
07-26-2020, 11:38 AM
Shocking I tell you.

Refugee who volunteered at French cathedral confesses to setting blaze, lawyer says


07-26-2020, 11:44 AM
You beat me by a few minutes! Well damn, I had my money on the usual asslifter al-dindus.

07-26-2020, 11:59 AM
He did it cuz he was scared...

I don't know about you but the first thing I do when I am scared is go to a church to light it on fire... This is the epitome of nigger loving right here. Literally making excuses for niggers and islam.If this had been some Frenchman burning a mosque... HATE CRIME!! Bring back the guillotine!

07-26-2020, 06:25 PM
This being in France a nigger dunecoon loving government, he will get off with a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again.

Yep, but actually it could have been any European country, where now "refugees" (freeloaders, terrorists, and murderous niggers) get a pass no matter what heinous crimes they commit. This YT oppression just caused them so much mental stress they must be forgiven.

07-26-2020, 07:55 PM
He did it cuz he was scared...

I don't know about you but the first thing I do when I am scared is go to a church to light it on fire... This is the epitome of nigger loving right here. Literally making excuses for niggers and islam.If this had been some Frenchman burning a mosque... HATE CRIME!! Bring back the guillotine!

Yep!! The typical HYPOCRISY and double standards of the left!!