View Full Version : Help needed - I'm serious....

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07-26-2020, 05:08 AM
Can someone please give me some assurance or at least a ray of hope than Hidin' Biden won't be elected as POTUS.
I'm having nightmares suggesting that he will and it's affecting my health - seriously it is.
I absolutely refuse to watch any of the MSN whose message is that it's all over- 'Biden by a landslide' but surely that cannot be.
I confess that even though I am not religious I'm starting to mutter prayers to myself in an effort to get to sleep each night.

Keep Britain White
07-26-2020, 07:57 AM
Fear not, my friend. Trump was even further behind in the polls at this stage in 2016. And a recent poll showed that 77% of Republicans are liable to lie about how they vote. (Mind you, they might have been lying about whether they lie - but I digress.)
My forecast: Trump will present the American people with a simple choice - Democrats putting the U.S. in the hands of anarchists, or Republicans representing law and order. He will win - maybe not by a landslide, but by a considerably bigger margin than last time. Then - with no third term to risk losing - he can REALLY get to work sorting out America! If I could vote, I think you know who I'd be for.

If America should do the unthinkable, you are finished as a superpower. But fear nor, I really don't think your people are that stupid. God Bless America!

07-26-2020, 09:29 AM
Yea that was like nobody you talked to was going to pull the handle for the Nigger second time around and look what happened.

Sheboon DeLuxe
07-26-2020, 09:46 AM
Full clip: you ought to know by now that nothing in this life is certain. Nothing. I realize that sounds harsh, but if you come to terms with and accept it, you will feel better in the long run. Let the childish yearn for certainty, and the TDS-afflicted lose sleep over an election, you can live above all that. You might want to turn off the news media for a week or two. I guarantee you will feel better, without their discouraging poison.

I wish you well.

07-26-2020, 12:09 PM
not even sure if it matters anymore who is president. I'll still be taxed to fuck and have to deal with niggers whatever happens. No president elect will round up niggers and ship them all back to the niggerland anyway, so I wouldn't even worry about it. Prime minister Baldwin of the UK once said of the British people - " If you give them their ounce of tobacco and pints of beer you can do what you want with them ! " - Yup, unfortunately the same resounds today. Most voters live a very simple life and literally conduct themselves as soldier ants to the state. Disposable fodder.

Midder Peenud Hayed
07-26-2020, 05:43 PM
After the debates it will be all over. There's no way Slo' Joe won't be reduced to a stammering babbling drooling idiot by TRUMP.

That being said, I continue to believe that there's a 50-50 chance the commies will find a way to replace Smoochy, but he will never be president.

07-26-2020, 05:53 PM

07-29-2020, 12:37 AM
If anything, biden needs to be in a nursing home. He won't win no matter how much niggers or Democrats whine.

07-29-2020, 01:31 AM
Just wait until Biden chooses as negress VP. Middle America and battleground states will not want to see another blackies be so close to leading this country.

07-29-2020, 08:23 AM
Just wait until Biden chooses as negress VP. Middle America and battleground states will not want to see another blackies be so close to leading this country.

Exactly!! I can't wait until the debates. Joe Rogan said that bite me debating Trump is like a 3 year old stepping into the boxing ring with Mike Tyson. That analogy is PERFECT!! :trumpdance:rofl:fulibs:bugeye