View Full Version : A&E lost half of their views cause they cancel their most popular cop show.

Cat fur allergic
07-25-2020, 02:45 PM
When the Marxist mob used George Floyd's death as an excuse to ramp up its ongoing war on policing, A&E instantly caved. That proved to be a costly decision. News broke Friday that the cable network has lost almost 50% of its viewers.


Cops be racist and shit. Niggers don't like law and order and shit.

animal mother
07-25-2020, 02:53 PM
Same thing will happen to all the nigger infested sports that pandered to the BLM shit storm. Even MLB caved with the kneeling bullshit. No fans in the stands? Guess what assholes, even after this Covid disaster subsides they will still empty.

Cat fur allergic
07-26-2020, 09:55 AM
Same thing will happen to all the nigger infested sports that pandered to the BLM shit storm. Even MLB caved with the kneeling bullshit. No fans in the stands? Guess what assholes, even after this Covid disaster subsides they will still empty.

I hope so , all of them goes out of business. But knowing sports fans :(. some of them will sell their daughters to the same niggers.

07-26-2020, 07:31 PM

cops be racist and shit. Niggers don't like law and order and shit.

karma, mufuggas!!!!!!

07-26-2020, 08:47 PM
Same thing will happen to all the nigger infested sports that pandered to the BLM shit storm. Even MLB caved with the kneeling bullshit. No fans in the stands? Guess what assholes, even after this Covid disaster subsides they will still empty.

I've got to agree with you there. All sports fans, players and even home viewers have been dropping for years before covid with even the Superbowl hitting it's apex in 2015 at 110 million. It has continued it's steady drop to under 100 million as of last year. Now, with the fauxrona virus, all sports viewing is tanking at an exponential speed even though very little is televised and no stadiums have fans. Some people would think that sports fans, not having their fix of their drug of choice, would simple watch another sport that is available. They do not. Some people would think that no fans in the stands = more fans at home but this is simply not the case. Fans at home want the illusion of being a part of the experience. Camera tricks and CGI fans are not cutting it. No viewers equals no sponsors. No sponsors equals no sports.

I believe that this BLM takeover by the entire sports world is nothing but a last ditch effort to bring in viewers and fans to a dying planet. It will not work. Niggers won't spend hundreds of dollars on arena tickets. They only steal sports clothing and they sure as hell don't buy mugs and other silly licensed trinkets.

The networks, promoters, team owners and all franchises involved took a huge high stakes gamble. Any one of them could have put a stop to this. They did not and will therefore pay a steep price for their cuckery. If you lose a bar bet, somebody walks away with a $20. If you loose in Vegas, the house (always) wins. Unlike all other wagers, there will be no winners in this. Not the fans, the sponsors, the players, owners, or anyone.

I don't see sports ever making a comeback without white fans willing to shell out hard earned major dollars to support it and they have all been ostracized and disillusioned by the very sports industries that they have created. People are sick of this shit. We are tired of niggers being crammed down our throats at every turn and one must only look no further than the comment sections of news stories to see it.

2020 may well be the last year of sports as we have come to know it. That, I would put money on - if I had it...