View Full Version : Two takes from eastern europe.... we do not like them

07-25-2020, 12:04 PM
hi from czech republic....
overall my country is blisfully nigger free.... more or less....
but unfortunatly even here we have the ocasional nigger... usually practising traditional nigger jobs like drug dealing and pimping.... and we have libtards who love the monkeys from hell

the first story i heard on a radio...
aparently there is a small number of us army personell stationed at one of our army comand centres... this is close to a town called mlada boleslav
aparently all of the us personel was quite happy with the posting.... cheap beer, nice surroundings... very nice exchange rate to dollar, nice women... prague with pretty decent night life about a hour drive from the base...
then the end come and bunch of nigger got posted to the base.
niggers being niggers did not wasted time to introduce themselvs to the locals by sexually harasing women at local bar.... long story short even very non violent czechs ened up beating the shit out of them....
and since then us personell is not alowed to leave the base..... iam sure they see it as price worth paying for diversity

second story i experienced myslef....
then blm protests arived here as well....
that is forgein libtards who were in prague did try to organise it but with exeption of few libtards the locals were not very interested....
i did by chance walked past by the first of demos in prague.... about 200 forgein libtards were doing the usual stuff... kneeling screaming something about police and racism... the few niggers in the crowd were dealing drugs, trying to find the one coal burner who was not over 60... fat even by nigger standarts or very obviously a tranny
around them were czechs who just could not understand what the fuck is going on.... in y country police has 80% aproval rate and is the seccond most trusted part of the goverment.... also white guilt is non existent here...
so one can imagine that the public reaction to all this was not what they expected.... even better when they did try this in another city... czechs staged a counter protest.... with nice confed flags etc.... libtarded media lost theyr shit over that but general public made fun of it
niggers in general are not welcomed in estern europe

Sheboon DeLuxe
07-25-2020, 01:10 PM
Czech sounds like a great place, better be ready to do what it takes to keep it that way. By the way, Pilsner Urqell is my favorite beer.

PS you should register and join up!

07-25-2020, 03:55 PM
We love hearing from our fellow humans from other countries and how they deal with the nigger scourge. It's good to know that there are places left on the planet that have yet to be contaminated with their filth and savage ways. Keep up the good work of keeping your land nigger free!

Have you considered joining us? We always welcome all walks of humanity here no matter what flag or faith as long as they are not niggers or muslims.

General Ned Ludd
07-25-2020, 04:44 PM
Niggers invade every civil society there is, don't let your country go down the toilet like france, the U.S, or the U.K.

07-25-2020, 05:22 PM
I was thinking Eastern Europe might be one final bastion of nigger resistance. I too would love to hear about life there and what is the situation with nigger invaders/parasites.

07-29-2020, 07:28 PM
I was thinking Eastern Europe might be one final bastion of nigger resistance. I too would love to hear about life there and what is the situation with nigger invaders/parasites.

Russia ESPECIALLY does not like niggers!!

07-29-2020, 11:10 PM
Russia ESPECIALLY does not like niggers!!

Nobody likes niggers. Russians just aren't as hypocritical about it as they are elsewhere.