View Full Version : A&E Fucked Themselves!

07-24-2020, 11:20 PM
"A&E Sees Viewership Drop 49% After Canceling Live PD"

I love it! Bow and kiss more Nigger ass you stupid fucks!


07-25-2020, 09:27 AM
I gave up on TV years ago...niggers everywhere, installed like the political pawns that they are into every episode of every show. Big loud mouth ' cool ' niggers featured so the gullible will bow down and pray to their black nigger asses. The commercials are just a plague of niggers too. On the very rare occasions there is something I must watch on TV, I mute the sound on every commercial break. I've been doing this for 20 years or so. Your living room should be your sanctuary. Having niggers floating and spinning on a large electronic box in front of you is akin to suicide.

07-25-2020, 05:02 PM
That's good news..maybe the network will stop coddling niggers and bring back the show. They can always cut out the running apes until the country moves on from the St. Dindunuffin deletion.

07-25-2020, 06:51 PM
Simple solution. Make a live show about sending niggers back to Africa and watch those ratings skyrocket.
Make life in Africa look great with free kfc and unlimited rape and no evil racist popo and hope every nigger wants to be on the show.

Keep Britain White
07-26-2020, 08:25 AM
I mute the sound on every commercial break.

Cheers, CoonsRus. Nice to hear of someone else who does this. I've done it by habit for years.
I recommend it to all members. Just get in the habit of pressing that mute button whenever they try to ram these nigger-infested adverts down our throats.
Actually, I think I shall write to the TV companies and tell them what I do, and what I'll continue to do until they tell their advertisers we're all sick of their propaganda.