View Full Version : Sticker Fun

07-24-2020, 08:50 AM
I first met this kid in grade school who's dad worked at or owned a graphic image print shop. We always had cool stickers by the 100 count on hand to stick up any place you would normally stick stickers.

Stickers for beer, smokes, sports teams, trucking companies, cartoon or gimmick stickers, you name it, we had them.

The funniest one we ever had was a caricature of a boot lipped, afro headed nigger head with a red circle and slash through it. We had dozens of them.

We would pick a business like a carry out or what ever, and add our No Nigger sticker to the vast collection of stickers already present on the door. Then the game would begin of seeing how long it lasted.

If you remember back then, most businesses had glass doors with a minimum of a push or pull sign, Visa/Mastercard sign, smokes, Western Union, and whatever the fuck else kind of prodect they sold, so our No Nigger sign blended in well.

Sometimes they would be bladed off within the hour, sometimes they'd make it a few days. Just something to pass time in the '70's!

My kids and grandkids ask what we did when we were little without internet, I-phones and all that shit they have today... there you go!