View Full Version : It was "racist" of the Sweden to ask an umbrella for a ticket, so Hussain knifes her

06-15-2017, 11:04 PM
Other passengers intervened to try and calm him down, but this only increased his anger. He accused them of racism, threatening one of the men in particular and striking him in the face.

Alarmed, Hussain’s victim wrestled him to the floor – but the Iraqi managed to break free and produced a long kitchen knife, stabbing the man four times in the side and back and inflicting critical internal wounds.

Witnesses describe how Hussain then strode around the train cabin “as if he had won the national championship”, brandishing his bloody knife at the terrified passengers and demanding a father and his daughter tell him if they were “also racists”.

Hussain then began lecturing his captive audience on equality, instructing them that everyone was of “equal value” and demanding they show respect while his victim lay bleeding.


I would say this calls for the death penalty, but it's Sweden. There will be at least a few MPs giving lectures to be broadcast in the news about "tolerance" and "fighting diversity only creates problems."


06-16-2017, 01:30 AM
Feeling that enrichment yet, Sweden?