View Full Version : Germany cracking down...

07-23-2020, 12:38 PM
..on former SS camp guards. This one was 17 at the time. He's 93 now, and I'm sure the citizens are rejoicing at this long-awaited justice.

Muzzies and niggers raping, robbing, destroying, and hacking people to death on the streets? Shhh! Don't mention that. They got the Nazi!!

A German court on Thursday convicted a 93-year-old former SS private of being an accessory to murder at the Stutthof concentration camp, where he served as a guard in the final months of World War II. He was given a two-year suspended sentence.


07-24-2020, 09:55 PM
He was a 17 year old kid and didn't have a choice. Jesus, what a fucking waste of time and money. Let the old man be.