View Full Version : A white whore hands her white baby to her nigger bf to step on baby's neck

Cat fur allergic
07-22-2020, 10:40 AM
Sheriff’s office investigating social media photo showing man kneeling on child’s neck


Photo Appears to Show Black Lives Matter Supporters Holding Down and Kneeling on Neck of White Baby

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/07/photo-appears-show-black-lives-matter-supporters-holding-kneeling-neck-white-baby/?fbclid=IwAR1w8bwRLqJrTflV1q1135zuSgHsSuljevgQh6Qi rmN0zXwX81SRxA2eFDw


The baby should be given to the father asap!

The grandmother, who the Gateway Pundit has opted not to name for the child’s safety, provided us with screenshots of conversations in which the mother attempted to defend the photo when confronted about it, calling the person “ignorant” and claiming that “he wasn’t hurting him.” She also claimed she was not present when the photo was taken.

I hope to God, the kid never goes back to the whore of a mother.


07-22-2020, 11:08 AM

Could be his nigger/sandnigger half brother. Hard to tell.

I'm sure that's a nigger's arm holding him down. He better get used to it. Life is hard on a kid with niggers in the picture.

07-23-2020, 06:03 PM
If there was any justice in this world these dirty filthy niggers and their white whore would be outed and doxxed. They are the lowest cowards on earth. Eye for an eye.

The white man better start standing up for himself and his family and friends. I'll never understand why my fellow white man turns a blind eye to this shit, we all live too comfortable, that's the problem, but these nigger beasts and their fucking (((enablers))) want what the white man has built destroyed forever, that is their plan. Communism and destruction. No way can we let that happen.

"Outed and doxxed"? I won't say what should happen here lest I break the rules.

07-24-2020, 08:25 AM

Could be his nigger/sandnigger half brother. Hard to tell.

I'm sure that's a nigger's arm holding him down. He better get used to it. Life is hard on a kid with niggers in the picture.

That looks like a spigger!! Maybe puerto ricoon or dominicoon. If I got a hold of that nigger cocksucker I'd be kicked off of this site if I said what I would do to that piece of SHIT!! May he go to prison and get his asshole stretched by a 400 lb. silverback named Bubba!!

07-24-2020, 08:30 AM
If there was any justice in this world these dirty filthy niggers and their white whore would be outed and doxxed. They are the lowest cowards on earth. Eye for an eye.

The white man better start standing up for himself and his family and friends. I'll never understand why my fellow white man turns a blind eye to this shit, we all live too comfortable, that's the problem, but these nigger beasts and their fucking enablers want what the white man has built destroyed forever, that is their plan. Communism and destruction. No way can we let that happen.

I live in Florida and my good friend, a bad ass biker dude is a member of the Proud Boys. I live in Florida and we are YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE in this state. BLM is coming to ST. Augustine this Sunday. I'm going to join the Proud Boys and stand in solidarity with the Police. It's rumored that the new black pansies will be there too. We are going to genuinely peacefully protest but if these niggers start anything we will defend ourselves.

Cat fur allergic
07-25-2020, 01:09 AM
They arrested the nigger. He looks much more like a nigger in these pics.



Now they should arrest the whore of a mother!

07-25-2020, 01:36 PM
Lock this chimp Up with Derek Chauvin! Good bye nigger bastard!

07-25-2020, 01:41 PM

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/07/photo-appears-show-black-lives-matter-supporters-holding-kneeling-neck-white-baby/?fbclid=IwAR1w8bwRLqJrTflV1q1135zuSgHsSuljevgQh6Qi rmN0zXwX81SRxA2eFDw


The baby should be given to the father asap!

I hope to God, the kid never goes back to the whore of a mother.


That POS c@ck$ucker actually looks more like an @$$lifter than a nigger.

Cat fur allergic
07-25-2020, 02:44 PM
That POS c@ck$ucker actually looks more like an @$$lifter than a nigger.

alot of ass lifters have nigger blood in them. They used not to, but slavery and their Religion requires them to free their sow with their kids.

07-26-2020, 05:31 PM
The way those BLM niggers and their enabler Antifag communist filth are allowed to mask up, riot, and destroy the cities that white men designed, thought up and built is enraging to me. All this peaceful protest nonsense makes us look so weak to the nigger and the white commie enablers, while they are allowed to destroy, loot, rape, rob and kill and if we so much as even look aggressive or start to fight back, the police and corrupt media are all over us, it's pathetic. I can't wait until we take the gloves off proper, they keep begging for it. Don't let them traitors wreck your city.

Well guess what chimpers?! I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!! That nigger c@ck$ucker ron rawls who claims to be a "r:uniggerevrun" threatened ST. Augustine with violence and the people of N. Florida TOOK A STAND!! Around 12:30 I and my buddy Ian the bad ass biker dude met the rest of the PB's and we were ready to make a statement. I'm an old maing of 63 but I'm 6 ft. tall 225 lbs. and pretty muscular. I am also a Grand Master in a few Martial Arts. If any of this nigger punks messed with me I would go Clint Eastwood on their @$$e$. When we met up with our crew it was about 20 patriots who are former Law Enforcement and Military and a bunch of bad @$$ biker dudes. I'm thinking that if we got enough of these guys together we could save our country from the marxists. Bikers for Trump were there and they are YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE!! All of us in the park were yelling TRUMP 2020 and people passing by in cars were giving us the thumbs up sign. It's amazing that in ALL of the vehicles passing by people were giving us the thumbs up when we yelled TRUMP 2020 and only 2 cars yelled "BLM!!" Then about 1 hour later the BLM @$$h0le$ showed up. It's interesting to note that the Trump Supporters numbered 350 OR MORE and the blm p@$$ie$ numbered 50 at most. They were yelling blm and holding signs but the patriots had a PA system and were calling them out and calling them marxists. Da' poleez stood in between us to make sure that there wasn't any physical altercation. It became OBVIOUS that there wouldn't be one because 50 soy boys and feminazi libtard muncher crunchers would have been NO MATCH for the bad ass patriots standing in front of them. This gave me hope!! Despite the lies of the lame stream media and the polling, I feel that Trump will win in a LANDSLIDE this November!! We must watch out for voter fraud. ANyway about a half hour after that the "revrun" showed up in a pair of yellow shorts and a tee shirt instead of wearing his "collar." He looked like a p@n$ie!! After seeing the SEA of patriots standing in front of him he gave the bug eyed aoc look and turned and left. One of the scouts for antifag showed up, as they were staying in a white van parked across the street and when he saw our numbers he LEFT!! But the best part of this is that the "new black pansy" cocksuckers DIDN'T EVEN SHOW UP!! TOTAL VICTORY!! As Sun Tzu said we defeated the enemy without fighting. Stand Up Chimpers!! We will NEVER let the marxists take over our country and we have to show them who's BOSS!! By the way, pased on the Trump supporters I believe that we are the silent majority. :thumb:duh:fulibs:trumpdance2

07-26-2020, 09:31 PM
Glad to see you had an enjoyable afternoon showing BLM and antifag that not all white people are cucked little faggots. Good stuff.

Oh brother, there is going to be a LOT more!! My MISSION until Nov. 3RD is to get Trump REELECTED!! Once that happens, these little libtard dip$h@+$ will be running to their safe spaces!!

Sheboon DeLuxe
07-27-2020, 11:22 AM
We must watch for vote fraud.

That right there is going to be the THE issue with this election. Dems are ramping up to create millions of fake ballots, every one of which will have to be separately challenged in order to be disqualified. The press will meanwhile be kicking up dust, running interference and obscuring the issue, counter-accusing the GOP, and generally being the subversive assholes that they are. How it plays out, I don't know, but it's going to be a helluva ride. At least that's my prediction.

07-27-2020, 11:23 AM
That right there is going to be the THE issue with this election. Dems are ramping up to create millions of fake ballots, every one of which will have to be separately challenged in order to be disqualified. The press will meanwhile be kicking up dust, running interference and obscuring the issue, counter-accusing the GOP, and generally being the subversive assholes that they are. How it plays out, I don't know, but it's going to be a helluva ride. At least that's my prediction.


07-28-2020, 06:54 PM
I'm not American or living in America, but I'll be a nervous wreck until Trump takes that White House again. The Demoncrat scum will be cheating left, right and centre, so everyone on the Right needs to get out and vote for him. If those commie scumbag traitors get in, they'll destroy America and force in their communist utopia, right thinking Americans can never let that happen.

Brother we WON"T!! I am waging WAR on the left now and I have a LOT of company.

07-28-2020, 07:19 PM
Good to hear, these fucking commies have got to go.I wish you and your pals all the best.

We stood up to that nigger "revrun" and blm and they backed off like the p@$$ie$ they are. The big mouthed bootlipped revrun knuckle dragged out of there as fast as he could. The new black p@n$ie$ didn't even show up. ANtifag was across the street in a white van and they got out of Dodge!! 350 American PATRIOTS were in the park and these marxists ran!! A bunch of p@$$y indoctrinated college keyids. They were terrified of the PATRIOTS in the park who are former LEOS, military, MMA fighters and Bikers for TRUMP. The left is full of cowards. Always stand up to them.

07-28-2020, 08:33 PM
Sterilize that white nigger

Keep Britain White
07-30-2020, 03:49 PM
We stood up to that nigger "revrun" and blm and they backed off like the p@$$ie$ they are. The big mouthed bootlipped revrun knuckle dragged out of there as fast as he could. The new black p@n$ie$ didn't even show up. ANtifag was across the street in a white van and they got out of Dodge!! 350 American PATRIOTS were in the park and these marxists ran!! A bunch of p@$$y indoctrinated college keyids. They were terrified of the PATRIOTS in the park who are former LEOS, military, MMA fighters and Bikers for TRUMP. The left is full of cowards. Always stand up to them.

Yeh, I too would like to congratulate you, haywood. Well done to you and all your fellow patriots.

07-30-2020, 07:46 PM
Yeh, I too would like to congratulate you, haywood. Well done to you and all your fellow patriots.

There will be a LOT more brother!! My father's family is from Loch Carron, Scotland and I will fight these CUNTS like William Wallace on STEROIDS!! My mother's family is from the Castilian region of Spain and now these spineless c@ck$ucker$ want to remove Confederate monuments?! What's next, removing statues of Ponce De Leon and the castle in St. Augustine?! That's MY HERITAGE you NIGGER c@ck$ucker$!! It's amazing how a species of Sub Humans wants to destroy the accomplishments of people that are far SUPERIOR to them!! I can't say what I personally want to do to that nigger "REVRUN" or I would be KICKED off of this site. I am just going to be a patriot and stand up for my beliefs!! I may be in my early 60's, but I am in better shape than most people half my age and I will NOT let the US become Venezuela!! My fellow chimpers, NEVER BACK DOWN!! The left is FULL of cowards and all you need to do is stand up to them. Look at Trader Joes!! I have already expressed my support of Goya foods!! Never, ever give an inch!!