View Full Version : Weekend stats

07-20-2020, 08:19 PM
The good part about this is that by the time the next chimpout occurs, humans will have gotten such a healthy reminder of what niggers are that when the apes scream "systemic racism" they'll look a lot like the boy who cried wolf.


07-20-2020, 09:20 PM
Nothing but an average weekend in the Chicago jungle. Unfortunately some of the human species never learn. The more the animal snarls, foams at the mouth, and attacks the more they seem inclined to keep feeding it. Even a rabid dog you love, you have to realize it can not be saved.

07-20-2020, 10:12 PM
Nothing but an average weekend in the Chicago jungle. Unfortunately some of the human species never learn. The more the animal snarls, foams at the mouth, and attacks the more they seem inclined to keep feeding it. Even a rabid dog you love, you have to realize it can not be saved.

A rabid dog is an ENLIGHTENED being compared to a nigger.