View Full Version : Koonye West: Israel should pay African women $1 million for every niglet born

Whitey Ford
07-20-2020, 02:24 PM
Kanye West: Israel should pay African women $1 million per child

Rapper Kanye West holds presidential campaign event, touts gun-touting Israeli women and suggests Israel could fund African births.


The 43-year-old rapper, who had previously expressed support for President Donald Trump, said earlier this month that he no longer backs the president and announced plans to run for the White House.

Despite initial reports that he had dropped out of the race after missing the registration deadlines in multiple states, West is continuing his presidential bid, hoping to win as a write-in candidate in those states where he missed the deadline for appearing on the ballot.

Among other things, West advocated a return to agrarianism and the undoing of the industrial revolution.

"When I talk to the billionaires, another white billionaire to be specific. When we moved to the city it was because of the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution is over with and now it is time to move back again. If you have agriculture as your business, you get tax breaks."


animal mother
07-20-2020, 02:34 PM
Looks at me Looks at me Looks at me Looks at me Looks at me Looks at me Looks at me Looks at m eLooks at me Looks at me Looks at me Looks at me...........................................

07-20-2020, 03:27 PM
I'm really tired of this uneducated, untalented negro flapping its gums.

07-20-2020, 03:52 PM
If they would disappear forever, 1 million would be a bargain. If you figure up what niggers cost taxpayers from cradle to grave, I'm sure it's a drop in the bucket. Israel would never take them though, they are not suicidal over there.

07-21-2020, 08:42 AM
Didn’t Israel just kick a bunch of niggers out? I am sure they are ready to pay...

The world should just band together, round them all up, and boat them all to Africa. I would say take the liberals as well but somebody was to make the coffee.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

07-22-2020, 07:20 AM
Didn’t Israel just kick a bunch of niggers out? I am sure they are ready to pay...

The world should just band together, round them all up, and boat them all to Africa. I would say take the liberals as well but somebody was to make the coffee.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

About 15 years ago Israel took in some Falasha (forgive me if I am misspelling the name) which are Ethiopian Jews. Did these schwartzehs that eat matzoh show gratitude to their host country? Of course NOT!! A town in Israel that happened had a rape in 30 years had an EPIDEMIC of MUH DIK!! Of course the Israelis departed the baboons. I wish one of those apes would have fucked with a female Israeli soldier that knew Krav Maga. It would have gotten it's MONKEY @$$ KICKED!!!!!!

07-22-2020, 08:43 AM
I still have no idea who or what this nigger is. I see its nigger name all the time, but have managed to elude its ' purpose ' - the nigger could be a Nazi general for all I know.

07-22-2020, 09:39 AM
If they would disappear forever, 1 million would be a bargain. If you figure up what niggers cost taxpayers from cradle to grave, I'm sure it's a drop in the bucket. Israel would never take them though, they are not suicidal over there.

That's a good point. In fact, they could stay if they are willing to undergo permanent birth control.

07-22-2020, 10:29 AM
That's a good point. In fact, they could stay if they are willing to undergo permanent birth control.

Hell, I'd let them stay here if they would do that! Of course, there would be a just a few other caveats:

-Second hand rap poisoning from hoopties earns minimum week in the pokey. Same for panhandling.
-Segregated schools all run by humans. Cops in every class. Class sizes could easily quadruple after that, more than paying for the added police.
-All prisons to be solitary cells with no entertainment - only reading materials are learning and religious excluding dunecoonology studies. Single shower per cell built in to toilet/sink and controlled by staff. Voila - no more prison prison bitches or rape.
-No more gibs. None. NADA. Zip. You want to eat? You're going to work for it - especially if incarcerated.
-Free crack, meth, smack, PCP and any other life shortening, addictive drug of choice. Even ethanol. We're already subsidizing corn crops for fuel. Might as well make a few more barrels for the monkeys. Hey, what's more fun than a barrel full of monkeys with bad livers? They can make there own damn jenkem, though, and forget the weed. That doesn't really hasten their demise.
-Surrender all guns. They can stabby-stabby each other all they want. There's no reason humans should be hit with stray bullets.
-Any violent crime against humans = automatic jenkem juice with all appeals surrendered upon agreement to stay. We do it with vicious dogs, why not with apes?

Too bad I'm not the King, huhh?

Ok, I'm done sidetracking now...

YT Rules
07-22-2020, 10:32 AM
Niggers should be able to collect a deposit when they visit 'Planed Parenthood'.

07-22-2020, 10:56 AM
^^ How would the pay the deposit to begin with?

YT Rules
07-22-2020, 12:17 PM
^^ How would the pay the deposit to begin with?

I think $200 for their aborted fetus would be fair.

07-22-2020, 01:19 PM
I think $200 for their aborted fetus would be fair.

OK, I see the confusion here. Deposits are paid up front by a customer, then repaid when a product is returned. I think the word you're looking for is bounty. E.g. When a hunter brings in a nuisance animal to a game warden, he/she can get a bounty for the carcass. In Louisiana, you can shoot nutria to keep them from destroying bridges, embankments and levees which puts human life and property at risk. You then turn it in and get a 6 dollar bounty.

While this sounds like a great idea for dealing with niggers, and for basically the same reasons, they do have one advantage over on nutria: The instinctive ability and knowledge to cheat the system. They would simply intentionally get pregnant, get an abowshun and collect the bounty. They would continue this cycle in perpetuity until all of it's demon seeds are exhausted or the sow is made good. The only good outcome from that situation is that each niggosuction increases the reproductive system cancer rates at an exponential rate especially when combined with herpeghonersyphilaids.

07-22-2020, 07:06 PM
someone enlighten me please....does this big fucking ape dance, sing, toss a ball, what the fuck is it famous for?

07-22-2020, 09:21 PM
someone enlighten me please....does this big fucking ape dance, sing, toss a ball, what the fuck is it famous for?

It is my understanding that this particular lower primate specimen, Koonyanus Westubus Africanus (koonye), is famously known for it's guttural throat mating calls which it uses to attract a mate of the Mudsharkus coalburningus species. While not the same species, this freak of nature union does somehow manage to produce offspring. It's mating calls in recorded form are highly sought after by other subhuman primate species. They are known to trade stolen coins for these recordings and have learned to use complex equipment to broadcast these mating calls while traversing through the urban jungles in stolen means of transportation in order to attract their own mates.

Koonye is also well known for it's mating with one particular animal, a descendant of the Kartrashian tribe known for it's extremely large ischial callosities (baboon butt) which has made it quite popular among all other great ape species.

One particularly nasty animal, the wigger wannabeum niggerus, is also curiously drawn to it's mating calls as well and will also flee from their own tribes to be in the company of any other lower primates that look to Koonye as the silver-back.

07-22-2020, 09:23 PM
It is my understanding that this particular lower primate specimen, Koonyanus Westubus Africanus (koonye), is famously known for it's guttural throat mating calls which it uses to attract a mate of the Mudsharkus coalburningus species. While not the same species, this freak of nature union does somehow manage to produce offspring. It's mating calls in recorded form are highly sought after by other subhuman primate species. They are known to trade stolen coins for these recordings and have learned to use complex equipment to broadcast these mating calls while traversing through the urban jungles in stolen means of transportation in order to attract their own mates.

Koonye is also well known for it's mating with one particular animal, a descendant of the Kartrashian tribe known for it's extremely large ischial callosities (baboon butt) which has made it quite popular among all other great ape species.

One particularly nasty animal, the wigger wannabeum niggerus, is also curiously drawn to it's mating calls as well and will also flee from their own tribes to be in the company of any other lower primates that look to Koonye as the silver-back.

still coonfused??? In one word, what does this coon do?

07-22-2020, 09:27 PM
still coonfused??? In one word, what does this coon do?


07-22-2020, 09:38 PM

I thought you were going to say nigger because all niggers are rappers right? :lol

I sincerely had no idea up until now what this fucking bongo balls did.

07-22-2020, 10:52 PM
I thought you were going to say nigger because all niggers are rappers right? :lol

No... A few of them are electricians and Olympic swimmers.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. YlptruBnq16j0ovW0XJeegHaEZ%26pid%3DApi&f=1https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.explicit.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid% 3DOIP.rUNWu6y9e_l7N4B-CiwuqAHaEy%26pid%3DApi&f=1

07-23-2020, 05:44 AM
No... A few of them are electricians and Olympic swimmers.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. YlptruBnq16j0ovW0XJeegHaEZ%26pid%3DApi&f=1https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.explicit.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid% 3DOIP.rUNWu6y9e_l7N4B-CiwuqAHaEy%26pid%3DApi&f=1


Odin's balls
07-29-2020, 04:33 AM
That's a good point. In fact, they could stay if they are willing to undergo permanent birth control.

This is what Israel did when a bunch of Ethiopian coons turned up looking for :gibs.

The Israelis sterilised the sheboons so they couldn't have anchor niglets. They eventually managed to deport the 'refugees' too.

Pretty smart those Israelis.

07-29-2020, 10:17 AM
This is what Israel did when a bunch of Ethiopian coons turned up looking for :gibs.

The Israelis sterilised the sheboons so they couldn't have anchor niglets. They eventually managed to deport the 'refugees' too.

Pretty smart those Israelis.

what about the males? Did they get sterilised too?

07-29-2020, 12:42 PM
Why do you go and Tupac yourself

Odin's balls
07-29-2020, 02:41 PM
what about the males? Did they get sterilised too?

Sadly, no.

They would have been made to do compulsory military service for three years though.

That sounds too much like work, so they would have prefered to hightail it back to Ethiopia and starve to death anyway.

07-30-2020, 08:41 PM
I would prefer the males sterilised. No human would want to pound a sheboon.