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07-18-2020, 12:18 AM
Human; 'Niggers need to know their place!'
Libtard; 'Oh, what place is THAT?'
Human; 'Africa'
Libtard; no response - just sulky silence.....

07-20-2020, 03:00 PM
Human; 'Niggers need to know their place!'
Libtard; 'Oh, what place is THAT?'
Human; 'Africa'
Libtard; no response - just sulky silence.....

It beez da' troof n' sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiit, mu fugga!! Gnomesayin'?! :unigger

07-20-2020, 05:22 PM
Majority of Americans hate or distrust them or both.
The niggers actually are subjecting they keeds to the negative future and endless misery.
I guess they dont care anyway.
They can move back to apefreaka to live without whites and laws and ordinances and school and that awful racism lol.
They need to be taken off the dole and they will go back .

07-21-2020, 10:05 PM
Majority of Americans hate or distrust them or both.
The niggers actually are subjecting they keeds to the negative future and endless misery.
I guess they dont care anyway.
They can move back to apefreaka to live without whites and laws and ordinances and school and that awful racism lol.
They need to be taken off the dole and they will go back .

Let the baboons all move to souf apefreaka!!

07-23-2020, 04:00 PM
Where all living in HELL now because of the mistakes our ancestors made bringing these inferior coons over to this great nation. NOW look at it. Niggers came straight from the Devil's Asshole if you ask me.