View Full Version : Nigger Car Bling

07-17-2020, 02:13 PM
I saw "Nigger Car Bling" mentioned in a thread about the auto parts store.

Nigger car bling reminds me of one of the first Niggermobile blings that came along after wide whitewall tires, curb feelers and Continental kits, a staple on many a fine niggermobile in the '70's.

This was a '90's Nigger bling thing... the CROWN AIR FRESHENER. You would spot these babies up on the rear package shelf or on the dashboard or both.

Not sure what Nigger code or statement they made but they were visible multiple car lengths away and gave an immediate danger signal the car was Nigger operated allowing you to give it plenty of space.

Niggers can't drive worth a shit, so the advanced warning was a blessing for you to be on the lookout for a turn with no signal, a brake slam to pick up a hoe, or other typical Nigger driving stunts.

Being involved in an accident with a non-insured Nigger is going to cost you cash so it's best to avoid them.

07-17-2020, 03:15 PM
I remember those. Not always a nigger but it signaled I am on welfare in my moms basement for sure.

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07-17-2020, 03:33 PM
What about the bus size rear view mirror ? I guess the Stupid niggers need to see the popos chasing them closeup.