View Full Version : pissing more of the white man's money away.

07-17-2020, 08:02 AM
Sen. Chuck Schumer Proposes $350 Billion in COVID Aid Only for Minority Community
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is proposing a segregated coronavirus relief package that would exclude white Americans impacted by the economic downturn.
Fox News reported Sen. Schumer wants to appropriate $350 billion in funds for minority Americans over a five-year period.
The Economic Justice Act unveiled Thursday by Senate Democrats would “address systemic racism and historic underinvestment in communities of color.”
The proposed legislation says it will offer relief to non-white Americans through “immediate and long-term investments in communities of color.”


07-17-2020, 08:40 AM
Sen. Chuck Schumer Proposes $350 Billion in COVID Aid Only for Minority Community
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is proposing a segregated coronavirus relief package that would exclude white Americans impacted by the economic downturn.
Fox News reported Sen. Schumer wants to appropriate $350 billion in funds for minority Americans over a five-year period.
The Economic Justice Act unveiled Thursday by Senate Democrats would “address systemic racism and historic underinvestment in communities of color.”
The proposed legislation says it will offer relief to non-white Americans through “immediate and long-term investments in communities of color.”


Investing in niggers is no different than putting your cash in a pile and setting it on fire. I’m so tired of niggers demanding more be spent on them. They are a massive drain on worldwide resources.

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07-17-2020, 10:21 AM
Looking for a handout, something free!

07-17-2020, 10:56 AM
I'd like to continue living in my sunny happy place where this couldn't possibly be passed and even if it did, it wouldn't pass the first (and immediate) court challenge.

Somehow, I know I'm wrong.
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FGIOX4ST IvNYic%2Fgiphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1

Jimmy crow
07-23-2020, 02:52 AM
Spend this money to send niggers back to africa, their rightful mudderland, where they can live in peace away from waycizm.