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07-16-2020, 05:50 PM
I had a dream that COVID-19 mutated into COONRID-20 and humankind soon lived happily thereafter....

07-16-2020, 09:19 PM
I had a dream that COVID-19 mutated into COONRID-20 and humankind soon lived happily thereafter....

Such a nice dream. Too bad China didn't put a little more work into covid-19 before they released it to get it right the first time.

07-16-2020, 11:04 PM
Your dream may come true as one Ohio politician recently pointed out that them colored people don't wash their hands or social distance! Spread that shit around like the there ain't no tomorrow!

07-17-2020, 01:49 AM
Brother, im going to sleep tight tonight dreaming about that happening.

07-22-2020, 02:39 PM
I had a dream that COVID-19 mutated into COONRID-20 and humankind soon lived happily thereafter....

Affirmative action has got them nasty ass beast of the field in high up positions running all kind of positions that are well above there feeble mindset, M L K 's dream has turned to shit . He would be ashamed to see what his race has become after 40 years of free reign. I can't look at one of these nasty ass beast without cringing.

07-22-2020, 08:56 PM
Affirmative action has got them nasty ass beast of the field in high up positions running all kind of positions that are well above there feeble mindset, M L K 's dream has turned to shit . He would be ashamed to see what his race has become after 40 years of free reign. I can't look at one of these nasty ass beast without cringing.

I am not so sure. MLK was a con artist. His dream was muh dik, gibsmedats, immunutiy from the law, and forced integration. A jealous nigger who saw what all other law abiding races could achieve in America with hard work. No nigger in the history of niggers has ever wanted to be judged by the content of their character. That would remove the "cuz I'm black" crutch permanently. It would show the nigger for the sub human animal that it is.

It is true that AA and the failure that is desegregation has done almost as much damage to our nation as sending all our critical manufacturing and infrastructure offshore.

07-22-2020, 10:05 PM
^^ Marchin Looter Kang had two different dreams - the one recorded in the history books written by slobbering, gushing cucks; the other revealed his true intentions. He was a communist. He preached nonviolence but wasn't happy unless violence erupted everywhere he went. He preached equality but had no desire to be equal but to drag down humanity to the nigger level. What this POS said and did in private was the polar opposite of what was printed in the papers. This is why his FBI files will be forever sealed.

MLK's goals were the same as the communist party's goals both then and today. Nothing has changed but the figurehead niggers.

07-22-2020, 10:39 PM
Dream that i had is.
That ALL NIGGERS went back to Africa.
Please Jesus

07-23-2020, 02:48 AM
Martin luther kang was a dumb nigger that only cared about other niggers and is in a pine box where it belongs.