View Full Version : Cat 5 Camp out

07-15-2020, 09:16 PM
These fucking vermin (including a Felon League feetsball player) left their paw prints all over the KY Attorney General's lawn. How 'bout a no-knock Doberman attack?


07-15-2020, 09:54 PM
Worthless nigger. These shit-skin rappers, NFL and NBA players who pull bullshit like this, who get arrested for drugs and beating their coal burners prove that jobs and money is not the problem with the nigger community like the liberal nigger coddlers always claim. The problem is nigger DNA. They are savages and do not belong in a civilized society. You could give every nigger in America 10 million dollars and nothing would change with their behavior. The only cure for the nigger problem is something I can't say here.