View Full Version : Postmassa General

07-15-2020, 08:58 PM
I was reading a news article about how the post office is slowing down to save money. This plan comes from the new Grand Poohba himself, the Postmaster General.

Then I realized Post Master LOL is another name we'll soon see extinct. How racist is that to have a bunch of shines sorting and delivering mail having to call you Mr. Postmaster!

Getting back to the article, seems as if the new practice calls for letter carriers to take out as much mail as they want to deliver, but what they don't feel like delivering, they can leave behind.

The mail monkeys are gonna love their new Massa!

07-15-2020, 11:04 PM
I have to give the P.O. credit, they have done exceptionally well delivering hundreds of packages to me in the last 20 years or however long eBay has been around.

With one exception and you probably already know!

My regular carrier was on vacation and of course, I get the female chimp, probably bid on the route so she wouldn't get stuck with an inner city route and have to put up with monkeyshines!

Of course she can't read the right street name sending my package down a mail chute a couple of blocks away where the homeowners were snowbirding down south.

Had to file a claim and all that shit, wait forever for the claim to be paid etc.

Silver lining was I did get the lost parcel back in the spring. Thinking back, probably the only Gibbs Me Dat I've ever got my whole life!

But all week after tracking claimed item delivered, I couldn't get so much as one ounce of help from the chimp that mis-delivered it in the first place. She would just babble something like if it say delivered it be delivered.

07-16-2020, 11:25 AM
post office is a money pit and loses $8 billion a year. You think UPS and FedEx could sustain such losses? They have thousands of expensive rural post offices that are seldom used. We are paying for this frivolous wastage. I wouldn't mind if the packages came on time and next door's letter keep turning up in my mailbox. The post office has far too many lazy, thieving and inept niggers working there for me to care about them - so fuck em, and close it all down. Just another Federal gravy train.

07-16-2020, 01:32 PM
I was reading a news article about how the post office is slowing down to save money. This plan comes from the new Grand Poohba himself. The new practice calls for letter carriers to take out as much mail as they want to deliver, but what they don't feel like delivering, they can leave behind.

The mail monkeys are gonna love their new Massa!

Guess I'll be expecting deliveries about once every two months. Groids will deliver full loads, once a year at Christmas when there's cash in the envelopes.