View Full Version : Conundrum

07-14-2020, 08:14 PM
This is going to pose a lot of questions for Antifa. A shit beast gets into a fight with another store customer who tells him to wear a mask. It pulls a knife on the cop who shows up and gets bat winged. Will the libtards hem and haw about police brutality, or disavow another cannonization because the would-be martyr was refusing to wear a mask?


07-15-2020, 02:34 AM
Of course it happened at a fambly dollar.
This is about as TNB as it gets. Only a stupid Nigger would take something so basic as refusing to wear a mask and ending it in a knife attack. At least it was returned to hell where it belongs.

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07-16-2020, 04:16 AM
Of course it happened at a fambly dollar.
This is about as TNB as it gets. Only a stupid Nigger would take something so basic as refusing to wear a mask and ending it in a knife attack. At least it was returned to hell where it belongs.

Yeah....it's a COONundrum for sure!