View Full Version : Golf Tournament Beez Rayciss

07-13-2020, 10:35 PM
Just like "Master" bedrooms, the "Masters" tournament is raycess. I could care less about golf, but this is hilarious. Pretty much everything is racist or sexist according to these morons.

07-13-2020, 11:53 PM
Oddly enough this came up at work. I was explaining a circuit at work to someone who shouldn’t even work there. Yes... a nigger. Not just because the nigger lied on its resume. But well... you know.


Master in slave out and master out slave in. Basic spi interface but the circuit is far more complicated. However it was satisfying to use the word master knowing the nigger inside was thinking of slaves.

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07-14-2020, 12:33 AM
So say goodbye to Master. Is Barbara Eden still alive? She'll have to have her re-dub all the scenes in I Dream of Genie for the TV land re-runs.

While we're at it, let's just go ahead and rip out a page or two from Webster's Dictionary:
Master degrees. Colleges will now be limited to 4 years.
Master cylinders. Who needs brakes on cars anyway?
MasterCards. We're all going to be "chipped" soon enough anyway if the NWO has their way so who needs them either?
Masterpiece Theater. Screw PBS. Well... That one will probably stay since they are all communist at PBS.
Master Chef. I don't watch it!
Master Chiefs. The Navy has to many of them.
Master Sergeants. Ditto for (your branch here).
Master keys. Dwayne Schneider had the right idea. Just a one foot wide keychain with a thousand keys attached to his belt loop - one for every apartment. That should at least slow down the pervert supers so they can't just walk in while you're in the shower.
Master Blaster. Let's face it, Mel Gibson's not getting any younger.
Master of Ceremonies. What will the (c)rappers call themselves now?
Masturbation. That should put the porn sites out of business.
Mister. Too close. Best to be on the safe side. Let's consult the BLM-LGBTQRSTUV PC police on this one. Shall we go with - Zister? Zastor? Zimster? Xhampster? HAHH !!! Admit it, you tried to click on that one, didn't you!

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. SxomCh4jsQeL525oMcIaWAHaF7%26pid%3DApi&f=1