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07-13-2020, 05:09 PM
According to a sign outside my local planned parenthood, niggers abort as many of their spawn as they shit out. I think we need a new movement: Black Laparotomies Matter!

07-13-2020, 05:43 PM
I really hate to suggest Gibbs them coons 500 bucks every time they ring the cash register at the abortion clinic, but look at it this way, how much does a lifetime scholarship to Nigger U cost us?

07-13-2020, 06:53 PM
How about Black Lobotomies Matter?

07-13-2020, 06:57 PM
How about Black Lobotomies Matter?

I don't see how removing a non functioning part of the simian brain would have any affect on the animal behavior. The only think that would work is muh-dik-otomy.

07-13-2020, 07:04 PM
I really hate to suggest Gibbs them coons 500 bucks every time they ring the cash register at the abortion clinic, but look at it this way, how much does a lifetime scholarship to Nigger U cost us?

Nigger sows would be there monthly if you offered them $500 for aborted niggers. True the cost would be far cheaper than housing the nigger but I think we can do it for less.

One of these kits and a coupon for KFC.


07-14-2020, 03:56 AM
Nigger sows would be there monthly if you offered them $500 for aborted niggers.

You've got that one absolutely right. They would turn it into a pure money making scam, no doubt about it. Get preggers, get money, get abowshun, repeat. I cannot fathom how many ways they would turn this to their advantage. No doubt it would involve endless WIC, food stamps, paid leave and every other burden to the taxpayer that they could think of or that would surely occur as collateral damage/cost.

At a bare minimum, the answer is forced chemical sterilization at least for as long as any benefits are dolled out for the first one. I'm thinking Norplant, maybe? We somehow don't have any qualms with spaying and neutering other animal populations and we do it out of mercy to save them from overpopulation and starvation. Niggers overpopulate and destroy their own habitat so why do we not do the same with them instead of throwing food/money/housing and everything else their way. If you put a bird feeder on your front porch, don't you expect that everything will be covered in bird shit? Dogs, cats and birds don't shit stray bullets either and rarely attack humans - much less the very hands that feed them. Niggers do these things all the time. If anything, we need to focus on controlling the nigger population before other animals.