View Full Version : Ring Doorbell- Great if you live in any neighborhood where there are blacks

07-13-2020, 07:46 AM
Bought a ring doorbell. Now I will not use racist terminology, just state facts. There are a number of deer, bears and various wildlife that appear.
The other funny thing that is noticeable is that ALL crime is from black people from 2-5 AM.
So, these folks are obviously not killing themselves getting to work.
If you have anything of color in your town, get a ring doorbell. I swear, not one incident involving a white person, outside of being a victim

07-13-2020, 08:05 AM
Now I will not use racist terminology, just state facts.

That's cool, Ringrrr. We don't either. In fact, that's not allowed here. We use speciest terminology and we are, in reality, quite fond of facts. Personally, I'm more into facts than opinions and I'm certainly more about facts than emotions. Emotions can be such ugly things and tend to overrule logic in the wrong hands - especially those of the nigger species.

Chimp Detester
07-13-2020, 09:25 AM
Excuse my ignorance, but what is a "ring doorbell"? I googled it and remain ignorant. Inquiring human minds want to know.

Thanks in advance.

Black lives = Fecal matter.


07-13-2020, 10:00 AM
Excuse my ignorance, but what is a "ring doorbell"? I googled it and remain ignorant.

It's part of a larger scaleable home automation/security package. It has a built in camera that will record all activity. Check duckduckgo instead of screwgle and it's the first hit. (I didn't want to link to the site directly)

Ring is a trademarked brand but it is taking on more of a generic meaning like crescent wrench has. There are more out there that work with different platforms/brands - pc/mac/iphone/android etc.

It catches a lot of shit while your not there to see it.

Chimp Detester
07-13-2020, 10:17 AM
Thanks, most honorabla Mazzah Tweakstick!

07-13-2020, 12:49 PM
Yep... Last Halloween we were visiting my out of state son, coordinating the trip so we could all trick or treat with my granddaughter her first time out.

We loaded up a gigantic bowl of treats, the good shit, full size candy bars, bags of chips etc. and left it at the front door on a table.

We got back from our rounds about an hour later, it was just about dark, and the bowl contained maybe a third less than when we left.

My daughter in law emptied the remaining bags of goodies into the bowl heaping it full.

A short time later after it was fully dark, we heard what sounded like ooking from out front and peeked out the door. That fast, the bowl was licked clean and there was nobody in sight.

We were discussing the burglary, assuming coons probably knuckled over from the other side of the tracks when my daughter in law exclaimed wait a minute... let's check the Ring!!!

She whipped out her cell phone, opened an app, then was able to access a video stream of sure as shit, exactly what we had guessed... two fat little nigger kids, one holding an already gorged King Kong sized pillow case, the other hoisting the nearly full bowl up to dump it in the pillow case.

It replaced the bowl on the table, both let out ooks of pleasure (exactly what we heard that alerted us) before scurrying away into the darkness. These little bastards didn't even wear masks or costumes!

This further proves no matter how nigger free your neighborhood is, be on guard! Special occasions grant free passes for these bastards to knuckle around without much alarm.

After my daughter in law showed me other saved video clips, packages getting delivered, the neighbor kids getting on the school bus, the neighbor kids dog shitting on their lawn etc, I purchased one online before I even left for home.

Sheboon DeLuxe
07-13-2020, 12:56 PM
CD: your googler needs calibration. :lol It's a doorbell with a video camera in it, to catch niggers stealing packages.

07-13-2020, 01:47 PM
CD: your googler needs calibration. :lol It's a doorbell with a video camera in it, to catch niggers stealing packages.

I already calibrated it. I'll go ahead and let you all in on my dirty little secret. In my field of expertise, a tweakstick is not a billy club. That's just my avatar which is also sometimes called that in certain small circles. It is an alignment tool for tweaking electronic test equipment. They look like these:
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tecratools.com%2Fmedia%2Fprodu ctImages%2F22151.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

07-13-2020, 09:22 PM
I thought YouShit had deleted this... :lol
