View Full Version : Good Niggers? Not This Tme Either!

07-12-2020, 12:03 AM
I lived in a nice upper middle class, white suburban neighborhood development.

We were excited to learn our development was to be expanded with a phase 2, homes starting at price point far exceeding existing neighborhood values.

The road was extended and eventualy basement's were dug and construction started.

We quickly heard from a neighbor niggers had been spotted walking through one of the houses under construction. Great news. I told my wife to ready our for sale by owner sign.

We kept our eyes open and sure as shit, an older black couple pulled up in a newer Lincoln Continental one evening as the wife and I were walking by their house with the dogs. We have a very racist Chihuahua which went absolutely bat shit crazy barking at the pair. This was a relief as I didn't care to speak to these people and the dog made for a good excuse to beat feet for home.

As time passed, it was evident they were building the biggest house in the development, 3 car garage, walk around porch, the works.

One of their immediate neighbors on one side who had already moved in learned that they were both doctors... PHd doctors, both chemists at a well known company in the city. They were currently living in the city but since the city schools were absolutely for shit, they decided to build in the suburbs so they could get their 16 year old out of the shithole school he was attending and into our schools which were rated consistently at 9 or 10 of 10.

It looked like things were shaping up nicely according to the neighbors, but having perfect niggers in your neighborhood is non existent in my book even though they had the biggest house, matching his and hers Lincoln's and had their entire yard and beds put in by professional landscapers.

Everybody was happy for about 6 months when suddenly daytime breakins started occurring. Entry was always gained from the rear sliders which were frequently left open for ventilation.

Then one day a guy who worked 3rd shift at an auto plant was woken up by the sounds of someone inside his house. He winds up holding 3 nigger teens at gunpoint until the sheriff arrived.

Of course the one kid was the son of Dr. and Dr. Spook and two of his ghetto friends.

So basically on the surface it appeared our community got some good niggers but instead, just the usual fucking dindus, once again proving you can take the nigger out of jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the nigger.

07-12-2020, 04:41 AM
Magic or not, niggers will always be niggers. A nigger with a PhD, MD, or whatever credential is still just a nigger. It got advanced and given lots of opportunities not because of real smarts, but because of its shitskin.

Now our society has nigger scientists, doctors, judges, police and fire commissioners...give me a fucking break. There'd be a hundred qualified humans for the same job, but niggers just get advanced. No one can convince me that niggers really understand logic, morality, calculus, and esoteric thought. In this story, the successful parents are a facade of the reality that no one wants niggers as their neighbors.

07-12-2020, 03:24 PM
Back in the day, humans knew what niggers were - over-sexed violent animals without decency, intelligence, hygiene or morality. Society didn't see the point in affording such creatures a high standard of living and respect was given only in accordance with how much quality manual labor a nigger could perform.

Now, through mistaken ideas brought forth by ignoring facts, statistics and science, niggers are considered far more than what they really are. i.e. "just like us". Now, for niggers, the acquisition of material things and prestige is what drives their existence. Even though they are jealous of humans and hate them for their success, they want to be just like them. They will do anything, no matter how depraved, to acquire the next dollar or the next thing to satisfy their impulsive immediate need to stroke their own ego and get what they think they deserve and what they think will advance other's respect for them

The truth is evident, niggers, as a species, all over the world, do not possess the concepts and intelligence necessary to acquire the respect they desire. Real respect is not about how many quality material things a person has; it is about the quality of one's character and merit. Niggers have only a vague idea about what that means - only enough to try to side-step those requirements to achieve their misguided goals.

Yes, it can be simply stated as, "You can take a nigger out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the nigger." Or, "A nigger in a suit with a PHD is still a nigger." Or, "You can put lipstick and a dress on a nigapotomus, but it is still a nigapotomus"