View Full Version : I hope Greece and Russia declares war on Turkey.

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07-11-2020, 09:42 PM

Crowd Celebrates in Istanbul After Erdogan Orders Hagia Sophia Converted Back Into Mosque

Midder Peenud Hayed
07-12-2020, 07:20 PM
|slam is a pile of steaming camel shit for sure, but the last thing this planet needs right now is a large multinational war. Markets would tank, and odds are, the U.S., U.K., and NATO would invariably get sucked into it.

07-12-2020, 11:56 PM
Turkey is a NATO member state since 1955. NATO has been allowing nations to join that have no more business being members than niggers do as citizens here. Fourteen of them since 1999. Clinton's last FU was opening up the floodgates followed by another metric shit ton of them 5 years later under Dubya and more that followed. I will never forgive any of them.

The sole purpose pf this was to cause the collapse of NATO. Just like the UN, we pay more than all other nations combined.

If Russia were to go after Turkey it would automatically, as simple matter of treaty law, be WW3. There's no way around it, this would be nuclear and we don't need it.

07-18-2020, 03:50 PM
If Russia were to go after Turkey it would automatically, as simple matter of treaty law, be WW3. There's no way around it, this would be nuclear and we don't need it.

That's another reason we need Trump. He's the only man who could pull us out of NATO and the UN, just like we're leaving the WHO as of next year. Problem is, the next Democrat would just pull us back in, but if war looked ready to start, he's the one who'd say "To hell with all these alliances, you're on your own!"

07-18-2020, 04:33 PM
That's another reason we need Trump. He's the only man who could pull us out of NATO and the UN, just like we're leaving the WHO as of next year. Problem is, the next Democrat would just pull us back in, but if war looked ready to start, he's the one who'd say "To hell with all these alliances, you're on your own!"

Oh, I hear you. NATO has served it's purpose. The UN never served a purpose except for the destruction of our sovereignty. It's high time these people shit or get off the pot and defend themselves like big boys and quit hiding behind us. I'm tired of seeing my countrymen dying for ANY other nation besides us. We cannot afford it. I understand the need for allies both in the Constitution and in real life but at some point, circumstances need to be revisited to see if they are still required or desired. Can you say screw you France? One of these days, very soon, we are going to have to fight a war to actually defend ourselves instead of rice paddies, oil fields, caves and squalling niggers chopping each other up.

At any rate, if Trump did try to pull us out of any of this mess, they would kill him if they thought he could actually do it. It goes against their one world government goals.

07-29-2024, 03:32 AM
I don't know about Russia taking sides. But, if Greece, Bulgaria and Armenia had diverted resources to their militaries and had the political will necessary, they could start a reconquista, as soon as Turkey makes good on its present threat. What they don't seem to be taking into account is that Israel has nukes and only the Scummander in Queef has access to the red button connected to any nukes possibly hidden under a N.A.T.O. base in Turkey:


...Erdogan referred to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which resulted recently in Azerbaijan taking control of the breakaway region...
...Erdogan referred to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which resulted recently in Azerbaijan taking control of the breakaway region...

07-29-2024, 04:27 AM

Turks are one of the WORST sub-species of @$$lifter$!! That erdogan is a C@NT too!!

07-30-2024, 12:42 AM
Turks are one of the WORST sub-species of @$$lifter$!! That erdogan is a C@NT too!!

Name one alliance, ever, with a Muslim country that went well for the other country.

Erdogan seems to be trying to provoke Israel into pre-emptive strikes, after which Erdogan would call upon NATO allies per Article 5.

07-30-2024, 12:50 AM
I'll place my bet on Erdogan babbling with nothing behind it, disregarding Israel's most loyal ally running N.A.T.O.. If it does indeed step over the line, the glass parking lot it'll be babbling from will leave it watching how Cyprus will be bulldozing an invasive species into a feeding frenzy for sharks

07-30-2024, 08:20 AM
Name one alliance, ever, with a Muslim country that went well for the other country.

Erdogan seems to be trying to provoke Israel into pre-emptive strikes, after which Erdogan would call upon NATO allies per Article 5.

You are 100% CORRECT!! I NEVER understood why Turkey was allowed to join Nato in the first place, knowing the history of the Ottoman's and even Turkey's history before that!! They have been warlike, belligerent C@NT$ for nearly 3300 years!! When they converted to jizzlam they got WORSE!! Same with the Persians (Iranians0.

07-31-2024, 02:37 AM
They're geographical location made them usefull, remembering the aftermath of the Cuban Missle Crisis, when JFK agreed to pull back his nukes in Turkey for USSR's withdrawal of theirs from Cuba

07-31-2024, 11:53 AM
You are 100% CORRECT!! I NEVER understood why Turkey was allowed to join Nato in the first place, knowing the history of the Ottoman's and even Turkey's history before that!! They have been warlike, belligerent C@NT$ for nearly 3300 years!! When they converted to jizzlam they got WORSE!! Same with the Persians (Iranians0.


The Hittites were thugs who happened to have superior metal (iron). It's like giving a bunch of AK-47s to Ethiopians, but I suppose at least Hittites had their own process for weaponry.

Mohammed (Piss Be Upon Him) didn't invent anything culturally new with invasions, killing infidels, brutal treatment of their own wives, and humping animals. Asslifters simply created a religion around what they'd already been doing for thousands of years.

08-02-2024, 05:43 PM

The Hittites were thugs who happened to have superior metal (iron). It's like giving a bunch of AK-47s to Ethiopians, but I suppose at least Hittites had their own process for weaponry.

Mohammed (Piss Be Upon Him) didn't invent anything culturally new with invasions, killing infidels, brutal treatment of their own wives, and humping animals. Asslifters simply created a religion around what they'd already been doing for thousands of years.

Tru Dat!!