View Full Version : MBLRDM signs

07-11-2020, 01:20 PM
"Most Black Lives Really Don't Matter" is what the signs being carried by the screaming meemie protesters should read. But, maybe they do matter in one sense - the fact that their behavior has an effect on the entire country - they lie, cheat, and steal, are lazy as sin, and take absolutely no personal responsibility for their circumstances. It's not the color of their skin, it's the color of their behavior that's the big problem. But, what's going on now with the protest movement is just niggers being niggers. They just want anything they can get free without having to work for it, and maybe this big stir up ignited by Floyd,s demise can get it for them. The Blacks however, are just a catalyst for the real instigators of the protest chaos across the country, which are the far left white fringe insurrectionist groups that want to literally destroy our culture, defame our history, marginalize white males, and socialize our government - just wondering who will be the working producers when we have an enormously expanding population of freeloaders.
Incidentally, liberal politicians are caving in to this martyrizing movement of George Floyd like the intimidated cowards that they are. The guy was basically a career criminal with 9 convictions including aggravated armed robbery. The House just passed a giveaway bill with Floyd's name on it.

07-12-2020, 09:07 AM
Once again, you tell it like it is.I have long said that as much as I despise niggers, they are not acting alone.They have amassed quite the following up stupid ass White kids with no sense of racial pride or culture.I doubt we will ever get our nation back, and certainly not the democrat controlled nigger nests....but if we are to make any progress at all we must face the fact that much of today's youth is lost, and regardless of color, must be treated like the niggers they love.Example: Someone talks all week about hating niggers ....But on the weekend you watch nascar or football.
IMHO,you just made yo self an honorary nigger.

07-12-2020, 02:55 PM
Someone talks all week about hating niggers ....But on the weekend you watch nascar or football.
IMHO,you just made yo self an honorary nigger.

Indeed, this kind of hypocrisy will solve nothing and should not be respected or tolerated. The hypocrites who do this are nothing but unintelligent, uninformed whiners without the courage to walk the walk.

07-12-2020, 04:11 PM
Once again, you tell it like it is.I have long said that as much as I despise niggers, they are not acting alone.They have amassed quite the following up stupid ass White kids with no sense of racial pride or culture.I doubt we will ever get our nation back, and certainly not the democrat controlled nigger nests....but if we are to make any progress at all we must face the fact that much of today's youth is lost, and regardless of color, must be treated like the niggers they love.Example: Someone talks all week about hating niggers ....But on the weekend you watch nascar or football.
IMHO,you just made yo self an honorary nigger.


Nothing says fuck niggers like boycotting nigger loving companies. They will double down on the niggers and eventually will realize who keeps their pockets full.

07-12-2020, 05:56 PM
Well said. Entitled niggers scream the loudest.
They chimp out like no one else.
The left encourage this behavior for one reason only.
They don't care about niggers.
They have no intention of helping the retarded apes in any way.
They are only using niggers to further thier agenda.
If you want to raise hell and create violence, chaos and fear in the heart of America, enter the cro magnum shitskins.
Gave them a ticket to riot and destroy with no consequences.
If you get in their way you're called a racist.
The only thing we have in common with the left is none of us care about niggers.
The left is just using them further thier agenda.
Think it would make a difference it it was exposed?
Niggers don't care as long as they get to be savages.
They are too stupid to comprehend what is going on anyway.