View Full Version : I hate niggers

07-09-2020, 01:20 AM
Sick and tired of niggers.
Hate them. Hate blm scum.
We dont need niggers in America.
No niggers signed the constitution. No nigger is worthy of residing in America.
Move the worthless Niggers back to apefrica.

07-09-2020, 02:29 AM
No niggers signed the constitution. .

Hell, niggers still can't even read the constitution much less even comprehend its' concepts. You see, the constitution doesn't mention muh-dik, malt-liquor, drugs, bitches & ho's, Newport cigarettes, waddahmelon, purple drank, sail foams, ebt or fried chiggun

07-09-2020, 06:07 AM
Niggers indeed make it very easy to hate them. The content of their character is the all encompassing negativity of pure evil and they weren’t meant to live alongside any other living things. Seeing the world today just makes me so unhappy to know that the values I grew up with seem to just be gone. At 30 it really makes me sad to watch coddlers and apes engage in behavior that would have any parent want to disown their children. Destroying art, protesting, spreading covid, vandalizing, and so on... i don’t want to see America become a 3rd world hellhole where people fear being murdered in their sleep.

It doesn’t look good right now, who knows when the chaos will start spreading to smaller towns like mine and change our way of life, or worse our actual lives. All because too many people turned into cowards that can’t put their foot down on some unruly hellions that genetically can’t be anything more than rotten children in the bodies of ugly ass apes with disgusting pube scalps.

07-09-2020, 07:49 AM
I feel ya', bro.Wait until you get past 50 and look back at how the nigger has dragged our country down the crapper.
I too live in a small town in the deep South, but watching niggers and their enablers spread is as painful as watching a loved one die slowly from cancer.It hurts, I know.Hang in there, enjoy the little victories, and hope for four more years of MAGA.

07-09-2020, 08:32 AM
Sick and tired of niggers.
Hate them. Hate blm scum.
We dont need niggers in America.
No niggers signed the constitution. No nigger is worthy of residing in America.
Move the worthless Niggers back to apefrica.

You would do just FINE here. Please consider joining. I typed "I hate niggers" in my browser 11 years ago and this site came up. I'm still here!! Chimpout is the BEST THERAPY by far and also a damn good place to find likeminded people. WELCOME ABOARD!!

07-09-2020, 08:34 AM
I feel ya', bro.Wait until you get past 50 and look back at how the nigger has dragged our country down the crapper.
I too live in a small town in the deep South, but watching niggers and their enablers spread is as painful as watching a loved one die slowly from cancer.It hurts, I know.Hang in there, enjoy the little victories, and hope for four more years of MAGA.

Let's make MAGA HAPPEN!! It's our only chance to keep our country from becoming souf apefreaka!!

Sheboon DeLuxe
07-09-2020, 08:35 AM
at 30

wait 'til you get past 50

Try being past 60. It's like a living nightmare that you never wake up from. This forum and a couple others, a few race aware friends, and living in rural isolation, are the only things keeping me sane.

Good posts, btw. You guys should sign up.

07-09-2020, 02:49 PM
Surely niggers can put a paw print on paper.

07-09-2020, 06:19 PM
There was a thread on the original Chimpout, "I hate niggers" which was started in 2008 by a visitor called (if I remember right) Jenky Johnson. Someone stickied it, and it became one of the most popular threads with tens of thousands of views.

So ... thread stickied! This is the place for our visitors to tell us why they hate niggers!

07-09-2020, 06:38 PM
I hate niggers because they are stupid, violent and irresponsible drags on society. We tried and failed to integrate these "people" into society back in the 1960s with Civil Rights, Equal Opportunity, Equality, Diversity and Affirmative Action. Nothing worked. Now it is time to return to Jim Crow, segregated schools, and an end to welfare programs. Niggers deserve nothing but scorn and ridicule.

Midder Peenud Hayed
07-10-2020, 12:07 AM
First, AWESOME CHOICE for a sticky, AFNW!

That being said, I have a bit of a different take on this subject.

I won't let myself "hate" niggers.


They simply aren't worth that much of my emotional capital. I despise the effects they have upon Human society, I loathe their ugliness, stupidity, and violence, but I won't let myself hate the nigger itself.

Instead, I work against them. I do everything I can, short of starting a site like this, to inform the uninitiated of the abject evil of the inbred, slave-descended, North American pavement ape.

"Hate" is a wholly negative emotion that never solves the problem and consumes its host in the end.

I want a nigger-free continent. Hating them is not going to get that done.

07-10-2020, 07:14 AM
I have a bit of a different take on this subject. I won't let myself "hate" niggers.


They simply aren't worth that much of my emotional capital. I despise the effects they have upon Human society, I loathe their ugliness, stupidity, and violence, but I won't let myself hate the nigger itself.

Dude, we really are on the same wavelength here! You seem to almost always beat me to my own words.

For me, I would describe what I have for them as complete and utter disgust, but not hate.

Hate would make me shove a nigger over the side of a cliff and I would NEVER do that - without a valid and urgent reason such as threat to human life. I probably would do the same in rage if one had hurt a loved one, but other than that, I just try to avoid them at all cost.

I won't waste my hate on them anymore than any other wild beast.

As for that cliff, I would watch the video of one taking the old Darwin drop and laugh my ass off. I don't necessarily call that hate. I just call it good entertainment.

07-10-2020, 12:47 PM
If the nigger pigs actually were told the TRUTH regarding how ugly they are and how vile and disgusting looking they are, they would probably move back home to apefrica.
But because the bleeding hearts and liars that want them to spend their uncle sam gibs at their stores lie to them, they remain.
Fake hair, fake eyelashes, fake eye color, 36 pounds of makeup, fake eyebrows and none of which gets rid of that prominent baboon nose.
Americans need to be more honest to the niggers.
spear chucking gorilla slob

Midder Peenud Hayed
07-10-2020, 01:31 PM
Dude, we really are on the same wavelength here! You seem to almost always beat me to my own words.


Lately, I have wondered if you aren't in fact my evil twin. :lol

But yeah -- those of us Humans who are BASED, waste far too much time and energy bitching about niggers than we do trying to solve the problem. Basic crisis management holds that once a problem is identified, the next step is taking action to fix it.

I have looked at the nigger problem from every conceivable angle, and to me, the most accessible solution is marginalization. Fortunately, niggers are self-marginalizing because of their violent, stupid, and depraved natures. I use that as a tool. Also, Humans are hard-wired to act in their own self interest. Niggers bring no appreciable benefit to Humans. While every member here gets that, most of our fellow Humans don't until it's pointed out.

So, that's what I do. I don't hate them, I tell the truth about them.

Chimp Detester
07-10-2020, 04:19 PM
Great thread here!

I have had the opportunity to spend time in North Africa (the non-nigger rump-lifter part) and also East Africa (totally nigger). Much of the world would LOVE to have at their disposal the natural resources that these worthless niggers have available to them. Humans would make wealthy economies with those resources, as they did in South Ape-freak-kah prior to Ape-partheid. But the minuscule nigger brain is incapable of such grandiose ideas. Their sub-cockroach brain system is incapable of thinking generationally. And niggers are always disorganized, do not know what it means to think and plan for the long term, want immediate gratification, are 1,000% lazy, they destroy their habitat, ungrateful, wasteful, etc., and to make matters worse, they believe the humans of the world are responsible to fix the problems that these worthless crap beasts created. Niggers are a parasitic race of sub-cockroach beasts.


Black lives = Fecal matter.


07-10-2020, 05:42 PM
If you're hatin' on niggers, you've come to the right place! :lol

07-11-2020, 05:05 PM
Hating niggers is like drinking water. You can't live without it. Sure you can drink kool-aid because you don't like water and you need everything sugar coated. But sooner or later that habit is going to kill you early. Just like sugar coating niggers and pretending it is safe to keep doing it.

07-15-2020, 01:10 AM
Its only a matter of months before the hard hit areas that were rioted run out of surplus for the groids.
Its only a matter of time before the black disease spreads as a result.
Hating niggers is forced upon us humans. Its not a choice.

07-15-2020, 07:30 PM
Those damn mosshead chimpy niggers will never learn. I don't even live in the USA and i despise niggers. Luckily i only have to see a nigger once or twice a year in real life and that's already too much! It should be the law to have all tar baby nigglets aborted.

07-15-2020, 09:06 PM
I live in Apelanta and hate it here. Been here for 2 years and I want to move. Was not my choice to move here.

07-17-2020, 12:00 AM
I lived in south carolina for a year. Made me hate niggers more and more daily. apelanta aint too far from there. Same amount of monkeys everywhere.
Im from the north. I can never live in a state again that has nigger judges and nigger attorney generals and nigger lawyers. Hate niggers

07-19-2020, 01:14 PM
Bebaboonce just released a nigger flik on disne+ . These niggers can have a title like nigger king black. But if us whites had a video released that was named Whites are King it would be removed.
These niggers really are trying hard to bite the hand that feeds 98% of them.
Worthless niggers

07-21-2020, 08:05 PM
Sick and tired of niggers.
Hate them. Hate blm scum.
We dont need niggers in America.
No niggers signed the constitution. No nigger is worthy of residing in America.
Move the worthless Niggers back to apefrica.

Look up Jessica Chambers if you really want to know how evil these animals are and how bad they hate you

07-21-2020, 08:46 PM
Nigger loving y.ahoo site is constantly blocking users from commenting about niggers.
If you call the niggers Black they then block you from using black lol. You call them niggers they stop you from posting all together until you make a new screen name in three seconds.
My point is this, things will never change with the niggers.
So our outlook on the niggers wont change.
If bleeding hearts and nigger sympathizers are still blinded by the underground railroad nigger protectors in letting them act like wild animal niggers. How the hell would anyone believe the nigger can and will advance ? Its never going to happen. You can shine a turd, but it will still be a turd.
Gofund a nigger boat fleet and send the worthless niggers back to apefreaka.
The niggers got to go

07-22-2020, 02:11 PM
Sick and tired of niggers.
Hate them. Hate blm scum.
We dont need niggers in America.
No niggers signed the constitution. No nigger is worthy of residing in America.
Move the worthless Niggers back to apefrica.

We had a nigger down here about 2 years ago who was a mail carrier, well to cut a long story short this primate was lazy. Instead of delivering the mail he was throwing it in the creek along his route, I mean disability checks , bills, and stuff that human beings had bought to be delivered to there house. It was quickly swept under the rug because to speak of it would be racist.

Jimmy crow
07-23-2020, 02:58 AM
Niggers are a blight wherever they go. They're incapable of running ANYTHING civilized, even in Africa, where they have been for thousands of years, and are still living in "huts" that a common fucking beaver could build. Importing that shit here was a good idea huh british!

07-25-2020, 10:30 AM
As an Asian, I tend to view the nigger specimen on an analytical level.

Yes, niggers have drained the US of resources, millions - if not billions - in property damage, and have plagued the Western world for centuries. However, my greatest fear is the race-mixing of different nationalities and the nigger animal, especially at a societal level. Once civilization goes down that rabbit hole, we inevitably decrease the native human populace and increase the half-breed coons who offer nothing but turmoil to the remaining humans. All advancements in science, art, and other fields of study drastically slow down or come to a complete halt due to the massive drop in IQ across the board.

It's incredibly worrying the US embraces hip-hop/rap and associated themes such as anti-intellectualism, thuggery, crime, etc.

Sherriff John
07-27-2020, 04:53 AM
A world without niggers would be a world without cockroaches for sure.

07-29-2020, 07:26 PM
My liberal neighbor has finally seen the light. He was recently heard saying "If you didn't hate them before, you definitely hate them now." This was after seeing the monkeys riot and loot on tv.

07-29-2020, 07:35 PM
My liberal neighbor has finally seen the light. He was recently heard saying "If you didn't hate them before, you definitely hate them now." This was after seeing the monkeys riot and loot on tv.

I used to love the chance to say "I told you so". Now I just nurture that hate for the nigger animal in the hope they do not relapse. Unless they of course only learned after committing acts of bestiality. Then I remind them once you go black, we won't take you back.

07-29-2020, 07:46 PM
As an Asian, I tend to view the nigger specimen on an analytical level.

Yes, niggers have drained the US of resources, millions - if not billions - in property damage, and have plagued the Western world for centuries. However, my greatest fear is the race-mixing of different nationalities and the nigger animal, especially at a societal level. Once civilization goes down that rabbit hole, we inevitably decrease the native human populace and increase the half-breed coons who offer nothing but turmoil to the remaining humans. All advancements in science, art, and other fields of study drastically slow down or come to a complete halt due to the massive drop in IQ across the board.

It's incredibly worrying the US embraces hip-hop/rap and associated themes such as anti-intellectualism, thuggery, crime, etc.

I think the problem in the western world and in particular the USA is that people are lemmings. They do what they are told and blissfully walk over a cliff to their death. The media sells niggers like snake oil. They know they are getting a bad deal on something worthless but they buy it anyway because the salesman is good at his job. He makes you think you need it. He makes you think you can't live without it. He promises you it will solve all your problems if you just give it a chance. He tells you it is just as good as the real medicine in your cabinet. In fact, it is better! He sells it to you knowing it has no value and will only make things worse. But he has your money now and lives far away from the effects of the product he sells or the retaliation you would inflict on him after realized you have been had. Worst of all he sells you more than you need and promises you can make a fortune if you sell his snake oil to other lemmings. But by the time you sell it all you realize after you have done the work for him you made nothing once he takes his cut.

The problem has to be dealt with by first cutting out the sales force. AKA the liberal media.

07-30-2020, 12:01 AM
I think the problem in the western world and in particular the USA is that people are lemmings. They do what they are told and blissfully walk over a cliff to their death. The media sells niggers like snake oil. They know they are getting a bad deal on something worthless but they buy it anyway because the salesman is good at his job. He makes you think you need it. He makes you think you can't live without it. He promises you it will solve all your problems if you just give it a chance. He tells you it is just as good as the real medicine in your cabinet. In fact, it is better! He sells it to you knowing it has no value and will only make things worse. But he has your now money and lives far away from the effects of the product he sells or the retaliation you would inflict on him after realized you have been had. Worst of all he sells you more than you need and promises you can make a fortune if you sell his snake oil to other lemmings. But by the time you sell it all you realize after you have done the work for him you made nothing once he takes his cut.

The problem has to be dealt with by first cutting out the sales force. AKA the liberal media.

This is one hell of a post. Nailed it!

08-17-2020, 07:45 AM
Despite years and years of Affirmative Action, billions in welfare, and the leftist mainstream media bending over backwards to showcase ONLY the "achievements" of niggers, while hiding the rapes, looting, murders, and drugs such subhumans wreak, niggers *still* can't perform intellectually like human beings.

America is being dragged down by lowering its standards to ensure "equality of outcome" for niggers and human beings. Lowering human standards so niggers can qualify for human jobs. SJWs and the left are destroying America through nigger worship.

Every magazine and store is covered with ads featuring niggers. And they're always depicted using computers. It's so laughable. They should be shown looting. Niggers make me sick.

China is running the world now--because it doesn't glorify niggers!

08-19-2020, 03:34 PM
My country is being overrun by African nigger vermin and inbred Muslim vermin. Violence is escalating and the pussy police care more about BLM and their feelings and offending the paki rape gang communities than protecting and serving. There is no rational conversation with a sub-human who has a 75 I.Q. These retarded animals think they can take what they want and we are powerless to fight back. Mohamed, piss be on his name, has fucked up over a billion people. Freedom of speech is gone and we are not allowed to arm ourselves against this invasion.

Brent Berry
09-11-2020, 08:15 AM
Let me start with George floyd was a beady eye, bell pepper nose, liver lipped, no count nigger. His face makes me want to puke and if you look at his picture you can almost smell that nigger stinch. Niggers are a cancer to society here and abroad.

09-11-2020, 09:10 AM
Let me start with George floyd was a beady eye, bell pepper nose, liver lipped, no count nigger. His face makes me want to puke and if you look at his picture you can almost smell that nigger stinch. Niggers are a cancer to society here and abroad.

Very difficult to disagree with anything you say our friend. Yes, niggers are the root of all evil.

09-11-2020, 06:55 PM
Let me start with George floyd was a beady eye, bell pepper nose, liver lipped, no count nigger. His face makes me want to puke and if you look at his picture you can almost smell that nigger stinch. Niggers are a cancer to society here and abroad.


09-29-2020, 11:44 PM
The only thing they're good for besides picking cotton is fucking and I don't mean breeding.

09-30-2020, 09:04 AM
The only thing they're good for besides picking cotton is fucking and I don't mean breeding.

I wouldn't even say they are good for picking cotton or fucking. Using them for picking cotton was only due to a lack of technology back then. Even not paying them nigger upkeep probably cost half of the profits from the cotton.

I don't see how they are good for fucking unless you count burners/drillers. They are good for taking trash out of the pool in that respect.

Jim Crow
09-30-2020, 04:17 PM
Do you know why niggers smell so bad?
So blind people can hate them too!

10-03-2020, 06:48 PM
i wouldn't even say they are good for picking cotton or fucking. Using them for picking cotton was only due to a lack of technology back then. Even not paying them nigger upkeep probably cost half of the profits from the cotton.

I don't see how they are good for fucking unless you count burners/drillers. They are good for taking trash out of the pool in that respect.


Jim Crow
10-04-2020, 02:28 PM
Niggers are absolutely good for nothing! Even if you train them, you need to watch them constantly. They can’t be trusted around humans or around property of humans.Anything a nigg touches turns to shit.

10-06-2020, 11:22 AM
I hate niggers so much. Every single time I have the displeasure of having a conversation with some dumb ape their stupidity just blows my mind and I can’t believe that they fill up our schools and work places. They act like they’re so much better than every other group on earth and yet when you don’t grovel to them all they do is threaten people and act violent. Is violence all these pieces of shit ever comprehend? (that’s rhetorical)
Even if they could successfully convince me that there are magic niggers that are so much more brilliant than everyone else, I don’t exactly think anyone wants to deal with them chimping out and destroying everything all the time. I know they always say that violence and low IQ go hand and hand but niggers just seem to be a weird exception to this. They’re angry and violent no matter how “magic” they claim to be.

Tl;dr even if niggers were somehow brilliant, I’d still hate them for their violence.

10-13-2020, 08:26 AM
Those damn mosshead chimpy niggers will never learn. I don't even live in the USA and i despise niggers. Luckily i only have to see a nigger once or twice a year in real life and that's already too much! It should be the law to have all tar baby nigglets aborted.

May I ask where you live? I don't live in the US as well, and I actually did not have an opinion on black people until a few years ago, because I never had to deal with them (saw less than one per month, and I do live in a town with more than one million ppl.). BUT since this evil left wing monstrosity Angela Stalin Merkel decided to flood Europe / Germany with these evil niggers & sand niggers, they are literally everywhere. First I thought sand niggers are bad, but then came the 'real deal', the african thing. Now you can't go anywhere without them all around. I count more than 100 per day on my way to work (45min public transport). And they behave like animals. Noisy, filthy, uppity, throwing their litter everywhere. Throwing out nigglets in unbelievable numbers. Town used to be clean and tidy 5 years ago, now there is used furniture, fridges... at every street corner. They piss & shit on pave walks, scream racism and so on!
Which means: I need to leave to find a sane country. Looking for options...

Odin's balls
10-13-2020, 09:01 AM
Madeira. They have zero time for niggers and muslims.

10-13-2020, 11:12 AM
As an Asian, I tend to view the nigger specimen on an analytical level.

Yes, niggers have drained the US of resources, millions - if not billions - in property damage, and have plagued the Western world for centuries. However, my greatest fear is the race-mixing of different nationalities and the nigger animal, especially at a societal level. Once civilization goes down that rabbit hole, we inevitably decrease the native human populace and increase the half-breed coons who offer nothing but turmoil to the remaining humans. All advancements in science, art, and other fields of study drastically slow down or come to a complete halt due to the massive drop in IQ across the board.

It's incredibly worrying the US embraces hip-hop/rap and associated themes such as anti-intellectualism, thuggery, crime, etc.

My sentiments exactly!
Interestingly, Charles Darwin as well as James Watson both said that humans and niggers are not of the same race. In every zoo man makes sure different species don't mix, but if humans get tainted, they don't care. Even worth, it gets widespread support by the evil left.

10-13-2020, 11:31 AM
Madeira. They have zero time for niggers and muslims.

Thanks!! That is interesting, because mainland Portugal politics seems to be pretty far left wing as well. But since I wanted to visit Madeira for hiking anyway, I'll keep that on top of my list! Sadly probably most of the island areas are probably restricted in job opportunities, at least in my field.
Actually I was considering the Canaries as possible place to live, the virus canceld my planed visit to Fuerteventura & Lanzarote this summer. But still, I guess most of the islands are the last safe places for white people in Europe! You can consider yourself lucky, because most of the big European cities nowadays are lost, hostile and dangerous places to live in. (Speaking of London, Paris, Marseilles, Amsterdam, even Zurich and Geneva.)
Stay safe!!!

10-13-2020, 03:39 PM
Sick and tired of niggers.
Hate them. Hate blm scum.
We dont need niggers in America.
No niggers signed the constitution. No nigger is worthy of residing in America.
Move the worthless Niggers back to apefrica.

Niggers are the absolute bane of all human kind. All they know is looting and demanding free shit from the government (taxpayers).

Jim Crow
10-13-2020, 04:02 PM
I hate niggers every bit as the rest of you guys, and possibly a little more.I hate them so much that I stay away from them as much as possible. I do not have a conversation with a fucking monkey, because they are so fucking ignorant that it frustrates me.I have never hired a nigger on my job because I know it will end bad.And I have never done work for a nigger.
A few times there was a nigger spouse living in the house. And once I did a job for a very good customer of mine who owns section 8 housing in Cocoa Florida. I had to build a shower in one of his section 8 apartments. Of course it was a nigger/roach infested dump.The only thing that looks good, was the shower I built.Anyway, after I put the 6 inch curb on top of the shower, I told the 400 lb nigg sow not to have anyone step on it for at least 12 hours. next day, I come in and the 6” marble sill was cracked in two.Nigg sow said “No one did nuffin”.I wasn’t going to charge my good customer again. So I just ate the $40 of the sill.The sow’s Nager husband took all the scrap parts and leftovers.
Every time I am around a fucking monkey ass nigger,they fuck something up and I am always on the losing end.I really cannot stand that fucking species. I avoid contact with niggs at all costs.And you can add muddsharks and liberals to that list.

10-13-2020, 11:12 PM
Nigger gangs have carried out systematic attacks on white farmers throughout South Africa for years now. The farmers are hunted at night, in their homes. They and their families are attacked, tortured for HOURS with blow torches, raped, and killed by niggers. Then, the nigs loot the farms. They take EVERYTHING.

South African white (Boer) farms once fed much of Africa. Ninety percent of the farms redistributed to black farmers post-apartheid remain unproductive and have been looted and ruined for cultivation. Now, with many of the farms barren, Zimbabwe and South Africa will probably demand food aid.

From the EU, Britain, Australia, and so on, nations that DENIED REFUGE TO SOUTH AFRICAN WHITES who have tried for years to escape genocidal attacks by nigger gangs. Did you hear that? Western, especially ANGLO nations, are DENYING REFUGE TO WHITE ***VICTIMS OF GENOCIDE*** from South Africa, while providing refuge to mostly male niggers and muslims from Africa.

George Soros is behind the BLM/Antifa riots and the forced muslim/nigger immigration filthying the Western world. Forcibly injecting subhuman beasts into civilized society, to enable the apes to annihilate non-apes the same way it's happening in South Africa.

10-14-2020, 05:40 AM
Nigger gangs have carried out systematic attacks on white farmers throughout South Africa for years now. The farmers are hunted at night, in their homes. They and their families are attacked, tortured for HOURS with blow torches, raped, and killed by niggers. Then, the nigs loot the farms. They take EVERYTHING.

South African white (Boer) farms once fed much of Africa. Ninety percent of the farms redistributed to black farmers post-apartheid remain unproductive and have been looted and ruined for cultivation. Now, with many of the farms barren, Zimbabwe and South Africa will probably demand food aid.

From the EU, Britain, Australia, and so on, nations that DENIED REFUGE TO SOUTH AFRICAN WHITES who have tried for years to escape genocidal attacks by nigger gangs. Did you hear that? Western, especially ANGLO nations, are DENYING REFUGE TO WHITE ***VICTIMS OF GENOCIDE*** from South Africa, while providing refuge to mostly male niggers and muslims from Africa.

George Soros is behind the BLM/Antifa riots and the forced muslim/nigger immigration filthying the Western world. Forcibly injecting subhuman beasts into civilized society, to enable the apes to annihilate non-apes the same way it's happening in South Africa.

You are absolutely right! To be honest, if whites were sane, they would recognize the scheme and act exactly as the niggers do towards niggers - and, way more important - towards the criminal 'elite'. And then let's exchange 'refugees': White countries take the SA whites, african countries take the niggers & sand niggers! Problem solved, no more 'racism', therefore no more Burn Loot Murder!
Stay safe!

10-14-2020, 09:55 AM
I hate niggers every bit as the rest of you guys, and possibly a little more.I hate them so much that I stay away from them as much as possible. I do not have a conversation with a fucking monkey, because they are so fucking ignorant that it frustrates me.I have never hired a nigger on my job because I know it will end bad.And I have never done work for a nigger.
A few times there was a nigger spouse living in the house. And once I did a job for a very good customer of mine who owns section 8 housing in Cocoa Florida. I had to build a shower in one of his section 8 apartments. Of course it was a nigger/roach infested dump.The only thing that looks good, was the shower I built.Anyway, after I put the 6 inch curb on top of the shower, I told the 400 lb nigg sow not to have anyone step on it for at least 12 hours. next day, I come in and the 6” marble sill was cracked in two.Nigg sow said “No one did nuffin”.I wasn’t going to charge my good customer again. So I just ate the $40 of the sill.The sow’s Nager husband took all the scrap parts and leftovers.
Every time I am around a fucking monkey ass nigger,they fuck something up and I am always on the losing end.I really cannot stand that fucking species. I avoid contact with niggs at all costs.And you can add muddsharks and liberals to that list.

We are on the SAME page!! Mudsharks and libtards are INSANE!! They are human yet they make the ridiculous choice to fuck and coddle niggers!!

Jim Crow
10-14-2020, 01:34 PM
We are on the SAME page!! Mudsharks and libtards are INSANE!! They are human yet they make the ridiculous choice to fuck and coddle niggers!!
And many of them are ashamed to be white! They wish they were niggs. Proves to me that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Personally, if I had a choice of being born white or never to exist, I would’ve rather not been born at all. No one with a lick of sense wants to be a nigger.even most niggs!

10-14-2020, 02:31 PM
And many of them are ashamed to be white! They wish they were niggs. Proves to me that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Personally, if I had a choice of being born white or never to exist, I would’ve rather not been born at all. No one with a lick of sense wants to be a nigger.even most niggs!

Amen! Btw., there is a scientific study which shows that left wing females in the us are far more likely to be diagnosed as mentally ill than every other group of the population. I just don't find it right now, as soon as I do I'll post it here.

Jim Crow
10-14-2020, 07:24 PM
Amen! Btw., there is a scientific study which shows that left wing females in the us are far more likely to be diagnosed as mentally ill than every other group of the population. I just don't find it right now, as soon as I do I'll post it here.
True that!
My sister is a liberal. And although I love her to death,some of her thinking patterns are a bit distorted.She is not as bad as some. She has been very successful in her life and we have a great relationship.I would lay my life on the line for her,and have.But,we don’t talk guns,politics or niggs.She knows my stance and respects it.Same w/my brother in law.

10-15-2020, 02:45 AM
True that!
My sister is a liberal. And although I love her to death,some of her thinking patterns are a bit distorted.She is not as bad as some. She has been very successful in her life and we have a great relationship.I would lay my life on the line for her,and have.But,we don’t talk guns,politics or niggs.She knows my stance and respects it.Same w/my brother in law.

At the risk of further sidetracking this thread, I'll give you a brief run-down of the Tweak house. When I met Mrs. Tweak some 34 years ago, she came from an old Democrat family. You know the type - pro union, somewhat socially liberal, somewhat brainwashed but nothing like today's dimz. She was still a young skull full of mush at the time, ripe for me to form and shape with the truth when presented to her using patience, common sense and humor whenever possible. She now makes me proud whenever I hear her yelling at the news on TV or seeing the everyday antics of liberals all around us.

Since I married her, the chronic liberalism disorder has metastasized with her family.

To this day, she is, save a handful, the only one from her side of the family that is not a complete liberal. She endures a daily beating on fecesbook from her family. They talk down, ostracize, and demean her at every turn. I have watched them treat her and other family members (elders as well) with a complete lack of respect so many times that I have to simply ignore it now for fear of loosing my temper and causing an irreparable rift between all of us. It's bad enough that they do it with her but when they do it to the family elders it goes beyond showing a lack of common decency - In my book, it is a sin. I didn't write that book, BTW. They will answer for that but not to any of us.

Mrs. Tweak has shown the utmost in patience and somehow manages to keep the peace with them despite their constant bad behavior.

Yes, liberalism is a mental disorder. It has the unique property of being one of the few mental maladies that the victim chooses to have. It is quite simply the manifestation of the willful ignorance of truth.

10-15-2020, 05:14 AM
I have watched them treat her and other family members (elders as well) with a complete lack of respect so many times that I have to simply ignore it now for fear of loosing my temper and causing an irreparable rift between all of us. It's bad enough that they do it with her but when they do it to the family elders it goes beyond showing a lack of common decency - In my book, it is a sin. I didn't write that book, BTW. They will answer for that but not to any of us.

Mrs. Tweak has shown the utmost in patience and somehow manages to keep the peace with them despite their constant bad behavior.

Yes, liberalism is a mental disorder. It has the unique property of being one of the few mental maladies that the victim chooses to have. It is quite simply the manifestation of the willful ignorance of truth.

You are so right! Especially sad to my mind is they preach tolerance, diversity, an so on, but act exactly the opposite towards anybody with the 'wrong' opinion. Even worse, they try to destroy peoples lives. I am just not sure where it comes from. Twenty years ago when I was at school, we learned how to discuss, look at topics from both sides and so on. Not long ago a teacher told me he was trying to discuss a Trump tweet in class (high school / college, 17year olds). It was not possible, because the whole class screamed and shouted there is no sense in even reading that tweet, because Trump is evil, bad, racist and so on. Brainwashed by the media and big tech. And that is in Germany! I can only vaguely assume how bad it has to be in the US right now, because normally we follow you with ~10 years delay.

Niggers: Since they colonialize Europe, I see hundreds of them every day (yes I did count on my way to work), up from zero a few years ago. Loud, noisy uppity littering bastards. Throwing fridges out of windows, shitting on the streets and so on. All due to this evil bitch Angela Stalin Merkel (and she claims to be conservative!!) On the weekend as we went grocery shopping there was one really nasty looking thing walking around the store making chicken noises. The whole time!!

Jim Crow
10-15-2020, 07:34 AM
At the risk of further sidetracking this thread, I'll give you a brief run-down of the Tweak house. When I met Mrs. Tweak some 34 years ago, she came from an old Democrat family. You know the type - pro union, somewhat socially liberal, somewhat brainwashed but nothing like today's dimz. She was still a young skull full of mush at the time, ripe for me to form and shape with the truth when presented to her using patience, common sense and humor whenever possible. She now makes me proud whenever I hear her yelling at the news on TV or seeing the everyday antics of liberals all around us.

Since I married her, the chronic liberalism disorder has metastasized with her family.

To this day, she is, save a handful, the only one from her side of the family that is not a complete liberal. She endures a daily beating on fecesbook from her family. They talk down, ostracize, and demean her at every turn. I have watched them treat her and other family members (elders as well) with a complete lack of respect so many times that I have to simply ignore it now for fear of loosing my temper and causing an irreparable rift between all of us. It's bad enough that they do it with her but when they do it to the family elders it goes beyond showing a lack of common decency - In my book, it is a sin. I didn't write that book, BTW. They will answer for that but not to any of us.

Mrs. Tweak has shown the utmost in patience and somehow manages to keep the peace with them despite their constant bad behavior.

Yes, liberalism is a mental disorder. It has the unique property of being one of the few mental maladies that the victim chooses to have. It is quite simply the manifestation of the willful ignorance of truth.
“Willful ignorance of truth”is spot on.Add “delusional” and “immoral” to some of them,as the disorder changes with certain folks.

10-15-2020, 07:40 AM
At the risk of further sidetracking this thread, I'll give you a brief run-down of the Tweak house. When I met Mrs. Tweak some 34 years ago, she came from an old Democrat family. You know the type - pro union, somewhat socially liberal, somewhat brainwashed but nothing like today's dimz. She was still a young skull full of mush at the time, ripe for me to form and shape with the truth when presented to her using patience, common sense and humor whenever possible. She now makes me proud whenever I hear her yelling at the news on TV or seeing the everyday antics of liberals all around us.

Since I married her, the chronic liberalism disorder has metastasized with her family.

To this day, she is, save a handful, the only one from her side of the family that is not a complete liberal. She endures a daily beating on fecesbook from her family. They talk down, ostracize, and demean her at every turn. I have watched them treat her and other family members (elders as well) with a complete lack of respect so many times that I have to simply ignore it now for fear of loosing my temper and causing an irreparable rift between all of us. It's bad enough that they do it with her but when they do it to the family elders it goes beyond showing a lack of common decency - In my book, it is a sin. I didn't write that book, BTW. They will answer for that but not to any of us.

Mrs. Tweak has shown the utmost in patience and somehow manages to keep the peace with them despite their constant bad behavior.

Yes, liberalism is a mental disorder. It has the unique property of being one of the few mental maladies that the victim chooses to have. It is quite simply the manifestation of the willful ignorance of truth.

Your last sentence describes the illness PERFECTLY, Tweak!!

10-15-2020, 07:47 AM
On my way back from lunch, I just saw a very skinny nappy haired female nigger taking a dump at the pavement. Near St. Paul's. But she owned an Apple phone. Disgusting apes! Even worse than the Pakistanis

10-15-2020, 11:33 AM
Thanks!! That is interesting, because mainland Portugal politics seems to be pretty far left wing as well. But since I wanted to visit Madeira for hiking anyway, I'll keep that on top of my list! Sadly probably most of the island areas are probably restricted in job opportunities, at least in my field.
Actually I was considering the Canaries as possible place to live, the virus canceld my planed visit to Fuerteventura & Lanzarote this summer. But still, I guess most of the islands are the last safe places for white people in Europe! You can consider yourself lucky, because most of the big European cities nowadays are lost, hostile and dangerous places to live in. (Speaking of London, Paris, Marseilles, Amsterdam, even Zurich and Geneva.)
Stay safe!!!

Forget the Canaries, massively infested! Niggers everywhere, robbing and raping tourists. Natives already avoid them by all means, even though the nigger plague is relatively new here. I'd say ten years ago, there have not been any, but now they are everywhere.

10-15-2020, 07:22 PM
... if whites were sane, they would recognize the scheme and act exactly as the niggers do towards niggers - and, way more important - towards the criminal 'elite'. And then let's exchange 'refugees': White countries take the SA whites, african countries take the niggers & sand niggers! Problem solved, no more 'racism', therefore no more Burn Loot Murder!
Stay safe!

Exchanging 'refugees' would be an EXCELLENT idea!

For example, the South African farmers would be a boon to America's heartland. With a strong work ethic and farming experience, the S.A. farmers would help reinvigorate America.

Return the Somali and other nigg/sand nigger refugees to South Africa and let that "failed state" descend into cannibalism for all I care. Stick all the niggs together so they won't rape or con members of other ethnicities into inter-breeding with them. Humanity doesn't need to regress with human-nigg hybrids.

Yes, and everybody on here, stay safe!

10-17-2020, 09:26 AM
Exchanging 'refugees' would be an EXCELLENT idea!

For example, the South African farmers would be a boon to America's heartland. With a strong work ethic and farming experience, the S.A. farmers would help reinvigorate America.

Return the Somali and other nigg/sand nigger refugees to South Africa and let that "failed state" descend into cannibalism for all I care. Stick all the niggs together so they won't rape or con members of other ethnicities into inter-breeding with them. Humanity doesn't need to regress with human-nigg hybrids.

Yes, and everybody on here, stay safe!

Yep, second that! Sadly, the only country I am aware of accepting SA Whites as refugees is Russia. Australia denied to grant them refugee status, same as the European countries. SA farmers would be great enrichment for the American heartland, same can be said for Australia.

Stay safe, avoid the groid!

10-21-2020, 10:47 AM
On my way back from lunch, I just saw a very skinny nappy haired female nigger taking a dump at the pavement. Near St. Paul's. But she owned an Apple phone. Disgusting apes! Even worse than the Pakistanis

Just what niggers do, just be careful and avoid it. Apple is THE nigger brand (at least where I live). Made me switch to Xiaomi phones!

10-26-2020, 03:49 PM
The USA without niggers would immediately be three things...

1. Cleaner
2. Safer
3. Quieter

10-27-2020, 07:02 AM
Just what niggers do, just be careful and avoid it. Apple is THE nigger brand (at least where I live). Made me switch to Xiaomi phones!

My sentiments, exactly! That and the fact that the stuff is really crappy nowadays. I mean, Mojave already crashed once a week, but Catalina crashes almost daily. It's like a nigger hooptie.
Avoid the groid!

10-27-2020, 01:05 PM
and I hate niggers.

10-28-2020, 04:28 AM
My sentiments, exactly! That and the fact that the stuff is really crappy nowadays. I mean, Mojave already crashed once a week, but Catalina crashes almost daily. It's like a nigger hooptie.
Avoid the groid!

No, it's "nigger at work" due to affirmative action. :) Switched as well, best decision in years.

10-28-2020, 05:43 PM
Exchanging 'refugees' would be an EXCELLENT idea!

For example, the South African farmers would be a boon to America's heartland. With a strong work ethic and farming experience, the S.A. farmers would help reinvigorate America.

Return the Somali and other nigg/sand nigger refugees to South Africa and let that "failed state" descend into cannibalism for all I care. Stick all the niggs together so they won't rape or con members of other ethnicities into inter-breeding with them. Humanity doesn't need to regress with human-nigg hybrids.

Yes, and everybody on here, stay safe!

My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

12-10-2020, 06:52 PM
I just wanted to say thank you for this open forum! You can't imagine how happy I am that I found chimpout! Living in a country that essentially was nigger free until 17, but thanks to the Stalin whore Merkel and her communist friends Europe is overrun by niggers. We did have loads of sand niggers before, they are the antichrist, but oh boy, the real deal is even worse! Did I mention I hate them?!
Question: Are the US niggers the same as shitbeasts that came here? They smell, they are incredibly loud, they scream in their niggerphones. They seem to always scream, you can hear a nigger talking from one block away. Then they all seem to have the latest Apple phones, but no job of course. I would not care if I did not have to pay for that stuff, since Apple is essentially the most evil company on earth and S.Jobs was an absolute asshole (I met him in person ~20 years ago, he gave a speech at our university shortly after the introduction of the first ipod. RIH Steve!), but still.
Another African thing seem to be the hilarious colorful clothes and shoes, boy, what are they, 5 year old children? But by far the worst is that they seem to magically attract white females. Damn it, it is so bad, I actually consider moving to some former communist eastern european country.

12-10-2020, 08:10 PM
Exchanging 'refugees' would be an EXCELLENT idea!

For example, the South African farmers would be a boon to America's heartland. With a strong work ethic and farming experience, the S.A. farmers would help reinvigorate America.

Return the Somali and other nigg/sand nigger refugees to South Africa and let that "failed state" descend into cannibalism for all I care. Stick all the niggs together so they won't rape or con members of other ethnicities into inter-breeding with them. Humanity doesn't need to regress with human-nigg hybrids.

Yes, and everybody on here, stay safe!

My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

12-10-2020, 08:11 PM
I just wanted to say thank you for this open forum! You can't imagine how happy I am that I found chimpout! Living in a country that essentially was nigger free until 17, but thanks to the Stalin whore Merkel and her communist friends Europe is overrun by niggers. We did have loads of sand niggers before, they are the antichrist, but oh boy, the real deal is even worse! Did I mention I hate them?!
Question: Are the US niggers the same as shitbeasts that came here? They smell, they are incredibly loud, they scream in their niggerphones. They seem to always scream, you can hear a nigger talking from one block away. Then they all seem to have the latest Apple phones, but no job of course. I would not care if I did not have to pay for that stuff, since Apple is essentially the most evil company on earth and S.Jobs was an absolute asshole (I met him in person ~20 years ago, he gave a speech at our university shortly after the introduction of the first ipod. RIH Steve!), but still.
Another African thing seem to be the hilarious colorful clothes and shoes, boy, what are they, 5 year old children? But by far the worst is that they seem to magically attract white females. Damn it, it is so bad, I actually consider moving to some former communist eastern european country.

Welcome brother!! BASH niggers to your heart's content here!!

12-12-2020, 07:15 AM
Welcome brother!! BASH niggers to your heart's content here!!

Thank you!! I just needed that, since I can't complain in "real life", probably I would go to jail for using the word nigger. Btw., I really can't understand how you could live for such a long time together with these things (assuming you're from the US), at least not if they behave like our fresh out of africa type things.
Wish you all the best, hopefully Trump somehow manages to win.

12-12-2020, 08:03 AM
I live in Apelanta and hate it here. Been here for 2 years and I want to move. Was not my choice to move here.

My younger brother moved to apelanta over 22 years ago. At that time he was a NAIVE libtard. In less than 3 munfs ge bacame a Conservative and got a Concealed Carry!! He won't leave the house without being strapped!!

12-12-2020, 04:40 PM
Question: Are the US niggers the same as shitbeasts that came here? They smell, they are incredibly loud, they scream in their niggerphones. They seem to always scream, you can hear a nigger talking from one block away. Then they all seem to have the latest Apple phones, but no job of course.

Yes, and they're getting worse by the minute.

12-15-2020, 07:32 AM
Yes, and they're getting worse by the minute.

Just wait what happens when the sheeboon Kamala Niggershine becomes president. My guess: Chimpout will become the new normal, and normal behaviour will become a felony. I hate niggers!
Stay safe and avoid the groid!

12-15-2020, 11:34 AM
Just wait what happens when the sheeboon Kamala Niggershine becomes president. My guess: Chimpout will become the new normal, and normal behaviour will become a felony. I hate niggers!
Stay safe and avoid the groid!

Our NUMBER ONE priority!!

12-27-2020, 12:16 PM
I'm not even white and I hate niggers. I've taken niggers in off the street, given them beds, given them jobs, given them free apartments. Niggers fuck everything up, take everything for granted. Niggers are like poor, broke, trust fund children. You know how trust fund children can't do a real chore or task themselves? The above average nigger can barely even sweep a fucking floor or wash a dish properly. They skate by as hard as they fucking can on all accounts even the smart ones. The smart ones realize this lazy bullshit and just go one to do what the most successful niggers in the world do. Take other races inventions and innovate them because tinkering with someone elses shit until they have somehow successfully innovated it. A thing you see southern crackers doing all the time, but they aren't fucking applying for patents and claiming they came up with it from square one. Niggers want to compare themselves in every argument to a "stereotypical hick" whenever getting hated on by whites. Guess what nigger? We're not fucking white. We're every race including yours. Even the fucking jews, if they can't use you, hate you. Even mudslimes hate niggers. Everyone hates niggers but niggers hate niggers the most. Blacks hate themselves more than any other race could or more than they pretend to hate the white man each day. Again while every black is pretending that they are being attacked by a stereotypical hick they fail to realize that unlike their culture the Caucasian culture is multifaceted. The black culture is literally just niggers and passable black people who follow and ride the coattail of every other race. The only black people I've ever seen successful who have non of their success to thank to anyone but other niggers are black people who constantly get hand outs from the black community to achieve power. They don't earn their way by doing anything useful for society. Again anything like that is merely an innovation and false inventive claim stolen from another race. Let me tell you us Jews might pretend to like you, but you're getting used. Africa showed us all how to use Africans. Africa enslaved them and put them to work. Otherwise they can barely function.

12-31-2020, 08:47 AM
The other day I went to home depot. Some jogger was wandering around the parking lot not letting cars park and hassling people. After we parked and got out, it accosted us bumming for money. The nigger was wearing 200 $ timbaland boots and had a sob story about needing money for whatever. Fuck niggers.
I'm coming here from the city data forum where I'm two seconds away from getting banned for complaining about "joggers"

12-31-2020, 01:03 PM
The other day I went to home depot. Some jogger was wandering around the parking lot not letting cars park and hassling people. After we parked and got out, it accosted us bumming for money. The nigger was wearing 200 $ timbaland boots and had a sob story about needing money for whatever. Fuck niggers.
I'm coming here from the city data forum where I'm two seconds away from getting banned for complaining about "joggers"

By the way: How do you call niggers in the US so that everybody understands what you mean, but it still is not considered 'offensive'?

01-01-2021, 06:31 PM
By the way: How do you call niggers in the US so that everybody understands what you mean, but it still is not considered 'offensive'?

So I finally got banned from city data because someone was offended that I called a nigger "people who annoy you" (south park reference in case you don't know.)
To answer your question, there are a few phrases you can use to talk about niggers in a non offensive way.
I've heard them referred to as:
Joggers (look that up on urbandictionary.com)
Japanese Buddhists (look at these Japanese Buddhists committing all these crimes)
Yutes (jamaican term for Youths)
People Who Annoy You (from South Park)
White Christian Republicans

You can also use the PC terms:
African Americans
People of Color (but not Colored People)
The Disenfranchised

01-01-2021, 06:38 PM
Oh there's one more phrase: outdated farm equipment

01-01-2021, 09:00 PM
My younger brother moved to apelanta over 22 years ago. At that time he was a NAIVE libtard. In less than 3 munfs ge bacame a Conservative and got a Concealed Carry!! He won't leave the house without being strapped!!

Glad to hear of yet another fellow white Hispanic in Apelanta. We hate nignogs here. Everyone hates nignogs. Even the good ones hate nignogs.
I never venture "inside the perimeter" where nignogs are shooting people at the apple store and killing white children in swanky mall parking lots.
Living here has made me hate them.

01-02-2021, 04:18 PM
Oh there's one more phrase: outdated farm equipment

Thanks, that is a really good one - and over here nobody will understand that (unless he has the mental ability to draw the right conclusion. Which excludes niggers and leftists). Of course I know of the PC terms, but I outright refuse to adapt to leftist PC idiology.
Stay safe!

Evil Karen
01-04-2021, 09:41 AM
I moved over a state from Atl (my hometown) about fifteen years ago thinking I would get some peace but, nope. It seems like white women are killed by black men almost like it is some type of sporting event here. It happens so often nobody even blinks an eye anymore, much less call it out for fear of being called a racist. It's extremely dangerous for a mid-sized city that seems quiet and quaint on the outside. There have been so many women killed on greenways you can't even enjoy them anymore bc it's not safe. It's exploded with trans deviants too. I feel like we are all dead and living in hell. I miss decency.

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-05-2021, 04:28 PM
I moved over a state from Atl (my hometown) about fifteen years ago thinking I would get some peace but, nope. It seems like white women are killed by black men almost like it is some type of sporting event here. It happens so often nobody even blinks an eye anymore, much less call it out for fear of being called a racist. It's extremely dangerous for a mid-sized city that seems quiet and quaint on the outside. There have been so many women killed on greenways you can't even enjoy them anymore bc it's not safe. It's exploded with trans deviants too. I feel like we are all dead and living in hell. I miss decency.

We're definitely getting dangerously close to a Great Reset. I hope we never cross that line because millions of innocents will suffer. But, things are definitely going in the wrong direction right now.

01-13-2021, 09:05 PM
Fuck niggers, just fuck em

All they do is burn, steal and shit all over our great society

Fuck em all send them back to their shithole sub 70 iq continent let them fend for themselves and die like stupid niggers.

Maybe then they will appreciate everything the whites have built for them and all the freedoms they are afforded in america.

01-15-2021, 04:07 AM
I moved over a state from Atl (my hometown) about fifteen years ago thinking I would get some peace but, nope. It seems like white women are killed by black men almost like it is some type of sporting event here. It happens so often nobody even blinks an eye anymore, much less call it out for fear of being called a racist. It's extremely dangerous for a mid-sized city that seems quiet and quaint on the outside. There have been so many women killed on greenways you can't even enjoy them anymore bc it's not safe. It's exploded with trans deviants too. I feel like we are all dead and living in hell. I miss decency.

The trans degeneracy is violence against women. We women need to stand up against this. People who menstruate are called women. People who carry a child are called women. Men don't have their periods and men don't give birth. Say it loud and clear. This is not hate speech. It's basic science for those idiots who are true science deniers.

Also, are you talking about Alabama? If so, that's disappointing to hear as I was thinking of moving there.

01-27-2021, 05:34 AM
We're definitely getting dangerously close to a Great Reset. I hope we never cross that line because millions of innocents will suffer. But, things are definitely going in the wrong direction right now.

The orchestrators of the great reset have to know that niggers will be their undoing. Why not push for nigger sterilization and nigger abortions? Why open borders? Aren't open borders counterproductive to the reset? Niggers and open borders will make the plan of the great reset fail.

01-27-2021, 10:21 AM
The orchestrators of the great reset have to know that niggers will be their undoing. Why not push for nigger sterilization and nigger abortions? Why open borders? Aren't open borders counterproductive to the reset? Niggers and open borders will make the plan of the great reset fail.

There is a reason I chose my signature and this part of it.

02-07-2021, 12:59 PM
How fucked up is it that a year ago, things were so different than they are today. We have niggers to thank for this. Without niggers, we would have beaten this pandemic and crime would not have gone up. Thanks pavement apes you god damn outdated farm equipment.

02-07-2021, 01:17 PM
How fucked up is it that a year ago, things were so different than they are today. We have niggers to thank for this. Without niggers, we would have beaten this pandemic and crime would not have gone up. Thanks pavement apes you god damn outdated farm equipment.

As much as I hate to say it, we don't have niggers solely to blame for it. Nigger coddlers and far left never Trump are more to blame than niggers this time. Even now you can see them crying foul about the supreme court ruling in favor of the church in CA being able to open. Yet it was ok for niggers to have massive parties and for nigger hollywood to film shit like American Idol. Yea.... Nigger riots are ok. Large liberal gatherings are ok. Family get togethers are banned. Worship is banned. They took another opportunity to say it was because Trump appointed "far right" judges. Like biden would not have appointed a nigger sow. I am calling it now. 100% he will if someone leaves.

02-07-2021, 01:25 PM
They took another opportunity to say it was because Trump appointed "far right" judges. Like biden would not have appointed a nigger sow. I am calling it now. 100% he will if someone leaves.

I don't think it's going to take that long. They are going to pack the court long before anyone leaves.

Dimz do love to stuff those boxes!

02-08-2021, 10:50 AM
in highschool i really hate niggers all they do is disrupt the class dont do any work and disrespect the teacher. we need a continent free of niggers and they should be either in my cotton fields or in apefrica. fucking nasty niggers that for some reason have everyone pity for blm. fuck blm and niggers.

02-09-2021, 05:15 PM

Ungrateful fucks. Huurrr durr, muh slavery. Decades pass, we finally decide to give them rights and treat them like equals and what do we get in return? "Oooga booga, fuck da white man". It looks like they forgot their place and it's time we remind them about it.

02-10-2021, 07:10 PM

Ungrateful fucks. Huurrr durr, muh slavery. Decades pass, we finally decide to give them rights and treat them like equals and what do we get in return? "Oooga booga, fuck da white man". It looks like they forgot their place and it's time we remind them about it.

This is known as nigger fatigue. It's a real disease.

02-10-2021, 07:13 PM
in highschool i really hate niggers all they do is disrupt the class dont do any work and disrespect the teacher. we need a continent free of niggers and they should be either in my cotton fields or in apefrica. fucking nasty niggers that for some reason have everyone pity for blm. fuck blm and niggers.

Glad to see young people here. I am a teacher and I hate having nigger students. They are just as you say. Disruptive , disrespectful, and they don't do shit.
I don't want them picking cotton though. They are just outdated farm equipment. Ship them all back to Apefrica.
Fuck BLM and niggers.

02-15-2021, 07:18 AM
in highschool i really hate niggers all they do is disrupt the class dont do any work and disrespect the teacher. we need a continent free of niggers and they should be either in my cotton fields or in apefrica. fucking nasty niggers that for some reason have everyone pity for blm. fuck blm and niggers.

You are right, except the cotton field thing. Complete segregation is the only solution. Back to africa!

02-21-2021, 08:18 PM
Glad to see young people here. I am a teacher and I hate having nigger students. They are just as you say. Disruptive , disrespectful, and they don't do shit.
I don't want them picking cotton though. They are just outdated farm equipment. Ship them all back to Apefrica.
Fuck BLM and niggers.

Same. I can have 24 students in the room, 20 human 4 niggers, and the problem is (almost) always the niggers.

02-25-2021, 08:42 PM
Dang nigs are coming down on my side of town here in Indy. They already messed up the East n West sides of town. Two of the apes today charged up an elderly lady’s credit card for $7000 in 1 hour. Guess one distracted here while she was shopping at Sams Club, while the other rifled through her purse stealing her card. If we could just get rid of nigs, there would be a drastic drop in crime. It’s like a game of guess what color I am on the local news when they read the crime report for the day.

02-25-2021, 11:06 PM
It just goes to show: no niggers, no crime, know niggers, know crime.

02-25-2021, 11:09 PM
It just goes to show: no niggers, no crime, know niggers, know crime.

Absolute truth!!

Chimp Detester
02-26-2021, 06:39 AM
Never forget this great truth:

Black lives = Fecal matter


03-18-2021, 12:22 PM
When there’s no niggers: there’s no racism politics!

03-29-2021, 06:58 PM
sick of the BLM freaks...they're literally no different from domestic terrorists yet we're supposed to love them and adopt their message when they're burning down our buildings and destroying our cities

sick of the 'groids who live in my building and smoke weed and play shitty (c)rap music and are always making noise at any hour of the day; also sick of the white guys who adopt the black thug lifestyle because they think it's cool and fun to act like subhuman trash

only 18 years old but I've already had enough of their filthy BS, they'll stop at nothing to take you for a ride or make your life hell

03-29-2021, 09:21 PM
sick of the BLM freaks...they're literally no different from domestic terrorists yet we're supposed to love them and adopt their message when they're burning down our buildings and destroying our cities

sick of the 'groids who live in my building and smoke weed and play shitty (c)rap music and are always making noise at any hour of the day; also sick of the white guys who adopt the black thug lifestyle because they think it's cool and fun to act like subhuman trash

only 18 years old but I've already had enough of their filthy BS, they'll stop at nothing to take you for a ride or make your life hell

You've found the best site to air your grievances freely, my friend. You're growing up in a time when niggers are worse than ever. They get away with everything. It started getting really bad in the decade before you were born with Rodney King and the riots, apefirmative action taking off, and whites acting like niggers with the cRap and backwards baseball caps. The decade before that, Jackson and Sharpton race hustlers, and political correctness.

04-04-2021, 04:46 AM
Niggers are vermin.

04-06-2021, 12:47 PM
im 17 and i already hate these nigger vermin. everyday i see them.

04-06-2021, 04:16 PM
im 17 and i already hate these nigger vermin. everyday i see them.

Some of us started hating niggers at half your age. :) My 3rd grade kickball team was playing the 4th graders one day, and this overgrown niglet, probably 12 and held back a few times, deliberately threw the ball hard in my face from a few feet away. I was lucky it didn't break my nose. Of course nothing happened to the nigger. It was just an accident.

04-10-2021, 10:03 PM
Some of us started hating niggers at half your age. :) My 3rd grade kickball team was playing the 4th graders one day, and this overgrown niglet, probably 12 and held back a few times, deliberately threw the ball hard in my face from a few feet away. I was lucky it didn't break my nose. Of course nothing happened to the nigger. It was just an accident.

Fuck niggers. I had something similar happen to me. And all the bullying that went on in school was from these shitskins. There were these two chimp sisters who were 1/2 filipino and 1/2 negresses. They were ugly as fuck. Their nigger father tried to set their bed on fire when they were 1 and the filipino mudsharker ran away with them. They were the worst bullies. The older one tried to fight me and no one would stop her at school. She eventually got pregnant from another nigger and dropped out of school. The other one went all dyke because no man would date her.

04-11-2021, 09:45 AM
Oh there's one more phrase: outdated farm equipment

The outdated farm equipment was broken from the get-go

04-11-2021, 03:06 PM
I hate niggers but I hate mudsharks even more. Women that fuck niggers and produce evil half breeds. I know this white cuck that married a mudshark whose black daddy of course took off. He got her pregnant and has a white kid with her now. That half mutant sprog hates him and calls him honkey and his kid honkey.

04-12-2021, 09:40 AM
Niggers are vermin.

Tru Dat!!

04-12-2021, 10:42 PM
I love this site.

05-28-2021, 11:52 AM

05-28-2021, 10:39 PM

This is a good find! Whoever you are, I encourage you to register and post all the nigger crime stories you know of. It's important we know just how much niggers around us will assault right out of the blue.

Look at this comment:

Virginia Funk
Just because a crime is committed against someone of the opposite color of the perpetrator does not automatically cause it to be classified a hate crime. The intent that it is a biased-motivated crime has to be established. In this case the guy was just an asshole regardless of the kids race.

So will that libtard apply the same standard anytime a white attacks a nigger? Not automatically a hate crime, hmm?

07-24-2021, 07:51 AM
Sick and tired of niggers.
Hate them. Hate blm scum.
We dont need niggers in America.
No niggers signed the constitution. No nigger is worthy of residing in America.
Move the worthless Niggers back to apefrica.

It’s not that I hate them as all creatures are created by God almighty. Even fleas on a dogs ass has to be washed away so the dog is happy regardless of pedigree. The socialist MLK read in his speak (probably written in Russia) “I Have a Dream”. The suppressed Negro will never be satisfied”. This is reiterated a number of times in the speech. If you read the speech, you will begin to understand the mind of a communist and realize who is behind the movement.

08-24-2021, 03:25 PM
What I wish I had. Send every porch monkey to hell. Or enough fentanyl to kill every single one of them.

09-03-2021, 09:42 AM
Will I receive emails in return if I want to post and remain unregistered?

09-12-2021, 12:41 PM
Time has shown niggers are incapable of being human. Just like monkeys they are only capable of mimicking. They have no other use but to make whites richer with unskilled labor. Now they are utterly useless even for that and are used for corporate and political agendas because they are the easiest to minipulate. They should have to pay for the crimes against our nation but the whites that use them should bear most the blame in dumbing down weakening and destroying our society. Niggers don't know any better their not really human but now that we have Mexicans there's no use for them.

09-16-2021, 10:27 PM
Ain't much I can say that hasn't been said already. It really eases the mind to see I'm not the only one who thinks this way. Funny how the mud sharks and niggers have you believe you have to be low intelligence to hate nigger behavior and nigs. My city is overrun with worthless niggers and I wish I could wake up in a world without niggers

09-24-2021, 09:21 AM
Us Caucasian Kings
need to claim some states
of our own!!!

10-08-2021, 08:52 PM
I just came here to say that I really hate niggers and their woke libtard coddlers more and more as each day passes. This bullshit will only get worse before it gets better. These people ruined our country and the entire west is cucking to niggers, durka sand niggers, libtards, and commies. They truly believe the biggest threat to the west is "Orange Man" (even though he's been out of office for almost a year) and "White supremacy" as niggers commit violent crimes every day.

Why are these people's minds twisted? Why can't they see and comprehend what's so blatantly obvious? Why is the MSM the lapdog of the government who is blatantly power hungry and uses this country's Constitution as toilet paper? They even put a trigger warning on the website showing the Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence.

Fuck this country and what has happened to it. Fuck the west. I'm so fed up. At this point, after the shit hits the fan, we will break up into many different countries and I want to be where there are no niggers and even worse, no libtards. They can have their coastal cities and live with the consequences of their indoctrination.

10-23-2021, 11:05 AM
Just thought I'd say this. The level of nigger dick suckery brown nosing in the liberal media presently is at an all time high now. How dare a white person speak up for themselves or refuse to suck ass to niggers. The penalty for doing so is that your career will be over , lose everything you earned and get hate speech charges filed against you and or jail time. Sounds like full-fledged communism to me.

Nig Zero
10-23-2021, 12:57 PM
I just came here to say that I really hate niggers and their woke libtard coddlers more and more as each day passes. This bullshit will only get worse before it gets better. These people ruined our country and the entire west is cucking to niggers, durka sand niggers, libtards, and commies. They truly believe the biggest threat to the west is "Orange Man" (even though he's been out of office for almost a year) and "White supremacy" as niggers commit violent crimes every day.

Why are these people's minds twisted? Why can't they see and comprehend what's so blatantly obvious? Why is the MSM the lapdog of the government who is blatantly power hungry and uses this country's Constitution as toilet paper? They even put a trigger warning on the website showing the Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence.

Fuck this country and what has happened to it. Fuck the west. I'm so fed up. At this point, after the shit hits the fan, we will break up into many different countries and I want to be where there are no niggers and even worse, no libtards. They can have their coastal cities and live with the consequences of their indoctrination.

It will only get better when our government puts a stop to it. At the moment, our government belongs to some other people.

Yep, back in 1790 a newcomer had to be white and of good character even apply to become a citizen. Ah....the good old days! To hell with niggers!

10-25-2021, 09:52 AM
That mail carrier must have been one of those short little pigme niggers. He's probably pissed off because he's too short to play basketball with all the other niggers

10-25-2021, 11:16 AM
The fact is that niggers are predators by nature. Extremely violent impulsive and unpredictable . They specifically prey on the weak vulnerable and elderly. And white people are a perfect Target for them. As they blame us for everything. They will sway a white woman into their evil web with dominance fear and drugs. (The majority of the time). Then after he has stripped her of all of her self-esteem, self racial identity, has her isolated away from her family and friends, through verbal and physical abuse, then he kills her dead. But the nigger knows deep inside that he cannot do that to a nigger female because she will most likely shove a knife in his chest or worse. Because the nigger female is just as animalistic and Savage as the nigger male. Stay away from niggers as much as possible. As we know , before they were brought over here to this country America, they had been practicing voodoo, cannibalism, witchcraft and sorcery for thousands of years. And still practice it to this day. As a Matter of fact, when the slave owners brought their worthless asses over here, the nigger slaves would secretly try to group up and have a voodoo ceremony behind the white slave owners back. And when the slave owner would catch them in their voodoo rituals , he would chain the nigger to a tree, lash him with a whip and make him recite Bible verses to try to get that evil voodoo out of him. It never worked. So my summary is this. When people mix with niggers, they are mixing with pure evil.

10-28-2021, 05:09 PM
Unfortunately when I was a young man I had to ride the bus to work daily before I got my vehicle on the road. The majority of people on that bus were all niggers. Honest to God, their breath literally smells like shit. Overpowering rotten egg type of shit smell. And there is no other excuse for that distinct smell that I have ONLY smelled on niggers. It has a distinct shit sulphur smell that you recognize right away. It must be something in the black race that causes that smell. There were many times on that bus I wanted to throw up

11-05-2021, 08:49 PM

11-07-2021, 03:02 PM
Just thought I'd say this. The level of nigger dick suckery brown nosing in the liberal media presently is at an all time high now. How dare a white person speak up for themselves or refuse to suck ass to niggers. The penalty for doing so is that your career will be over , lose everything you earned and get hate speech charges filed against you and or jail time. Sounds like full-fledged communism to me.

It IS!! But take heart. Look at what happened in Va. We need a RED TSUNAMI in the mid terms and then we can REALLY fight this plague!!

11-23-2021, 12:55 AM
I hate niggers because they lack the biology of abstract thinking. And one day I realized this is why they're fake all the time. They're fake because they can never adapt to any abstract notion of society and civilization, and they recognize this. They will always be fake with Humans, and this means they hate us.

It is therefore my duty to hate them because no matter what, no matter how many times anyone tries to make them fit, they will always see us as their enemies, they can't help it.

Any living being can understand metaphors, but not abstractions such as law, etiquette, or basic moral values.

04-27-2022, 07:09 PM
they say they maintain communities physique by residing nearby people and having responsibilities to get up each day.... it doesnt matter

i fucking hate them I do a different itenerary than anybody else in the whole world, humans are all different... my point is they actually degrade physique by needing to keep up with humans and beside that they always howl and be niggers when nobody wants to pull their shit skin weight for them.

05-05-2022, 04:29 PM
I'm so so so fucking fed up.

I rarely watch coonmercial TV channels anymore but today I decided to check a hockey match.

So, I turn on the TV maybe two minutes before the game starts and there is a coonmercial break going on. In about two minutes I saw 7 coonmercials and 5 of them had niggers on them. Electric cars, grocery stores, tools... And one of the two without niggers was for some retarded reality show where they pair up some sissy beta-males with hot chicks. You guessed it, all of those pansies were ebil YTs.

Earlier today I searched some tram timetables - yep, even that page is filled with pictures of niggers. Of course some happily smiling humans together with happily smiling niggers and probably the most disturbing was some "proud" YT granny with her hideous half-breed Sideshow Bob-haired minibuck.

Jiminy frosting Cricket, this shit just have to end soon. When will people wake up?

05-17-2022, 08:50 AM
niggers are easy to hate. They don't make it difficult, do they?

Zero White Guilt
07-02-2022, 08:32 PM
They are America’s biggest cancer. But every day the Zionist media in America says all white people & white cops are racists. And niggers are always victims. Fuck that bullshit! The biggest racists in America are niggers. From the time they can speak their parents & all their neighbors (in the hood) teach them to hate white people & white cops.
They’re 13% of America’s population…scum.

07-07-2022, 03:15 PM
niggers are easy to hate. They don't make it difficult, do they?

They give humans every damn reason to hate them. Then they play victim when humans (rightfully) fear and hate them for nigger behavior.

10-21-2022, 02:54 PM
in my late 40's, so grew up with several black peeps in school who were pretty 'normal'. but golly, growing up and realizing how much they're the ones perpetuating racism and getting away with murder because of being a protected group makes me sad to be an American. mother fuck they screw up everything good and blame it on history and 'reciprocity'. give them the benefit of the doubt to be a good person and viola' - now something else of fucked up. I really am tired of niggers.

10-26-2022, 11:21 PM
There’s a reason gamers yell “Nigger!” when they’re mad.
Niggers are embodiment of evil. It’s like yelling “Shit!” “Fucking Hell!”.

Niggers stink
11-15-2022, 07:53 AM
We should’ve picked our own fucking cotton. Niggers bring backwardness wherever they go.

Mr Coontastic
11-23-2022, 08:45 PM
What makes them smell ?

12-13-2022, 08:33 AM
Sick and tired of niggers.
Hate them. Hate blm scum.
We dont need niggers in America.
No niggers signed the constitution. No nigger is worthy of residing in America.
Move the worthless Niggers back to apefrica.

I’m over 60 and was subjected to non-stop pro-nigger propaganda throughout my entire education. We were forced to read “Roots”. We were taught that niggers were “just like us” but held back by YT. Plus, Norman Lear’s TV shows constantly put the niggers on a pedestal while mocking White men as “Archie Bunkers” while the niggers were enlightened, smart, and peace loving.

Needless to say, I adopted a nigger-loving point of view since I was exposed to almost zero niggers at my school. There was one and he only lasted for one half of the year in HS. Other than a few asian chicks and a handful of hispanics, my schools were 95% White.

It wasn’t until I graduated from college and got my first job in the city of Detoilet when I had to deal with entitled, ignorant, corrupt, lazy but constantly promoted apefirmative action groids that my eyes were opened. Want to fuck something up completely? Assign a nigger to the task. Want money to be embezzled? Put a nigger in a position of trust. Want to be abused at work, threatened physically, and then lied about to management? Work with niggers. They stick together against YT and will lie, cheat, and steal to pull one over on humans, without exception. They stick together, except, of course when they murder each other over some small perceived slight or “diss”.

Racism isn’t caused by TV and movies. It’s not caused by online “hate groups”. It’s not caused by parents. Racism results from NIGGERS!

It’s the logical conclusion after dealing with REAL niggers, not the imaginary ones portrayed on TV, movies, advertisements, and social media.

Niggers are a cancer to human civilization. Niggers should be severely restricted and isolated. I moved a dozen years ago when the niggers from the next town over started traveling to my 97% White town thanks to the Nigmart that opened up near my home. I got the fuck out just in time it turns out since crimes that were never seen in my previous city started happening with regularity. Thankfully, I’m in a rural area now that is almost 100% nigger free. But, I stay vigilant. I’ll move again after I’m retired if the plague starts infesting my town. And, I’ll move to a state and an area of the state that has the lowest percentage of niggers. I’ve traveled the world for business and can honestly say that no real country likes niggers; especially in Asia. They know what the beast is all about. Anyway, thanks for the forum which I lurk in frequently. It’s a great outlet for REALITY since one can literally be fired and ostracized for speaking THE TRUTH these days!

01-02-2023, 05:46 PM
I'm in Sydney, Australia.

They've imported a bunch of Niggers from Africa on Refugee visa's in the early 2000's, and a bunch of Shitskin Indians from the mid-2000's on Working Visa's.

Now these Niggers had kids, and they are causing terror everywhere they go:



What is it with Niggers and Crime?

It's like it's in their blood from birth!


01-03-2023, 01:26 AM
Plus, Norman Lear’s TV shows constantly put the niggers on a pedestal while mocking White men as “Archie Bunkers” while the niggers were enlightened, smart, and peace loving.

And it turned out that Archie Bunker types were absolutely correct, even years ahead of their time, while every magic nigger (Cosby especially) turned out to be a rapist or pervert or both. Actually we went from the clean-cut magic niggers to cRappers and foul-mouthed "comedians" that YT kids are taught to idolize.


01-03-2023, 01:27 AM
I'm in Sydney, Australia.

They've imported a bunch of Niggers from Africa on Refugee visa's in the early 2000's, and a bunch of Shitskin Indians from the mid-2000's on Working Visa's.

Now these Niggers had kids, and they are causing terror everywhere they go:



What is it with Niggers and Crime?

It's like it's in their blood from birth!


And what's your government's answer to the problems niggers cause? Import more niggers!

01-19-2023, 02:50 PM
That is what I also searched and found this site! I also searched Islam which is why I hate towel heads

01-19-2023, 02:51 PM
I think it was most likely Isis. But I do remember searching I hate niggers

01-20-2023, 06:00 PM
And it turned out that Archie Bunker types were absolutely correct, even years ahead of their time, while every magic nigger (Cosby especially) turned out to be a rapist or pervert or both. Actually we went from the clean-cut magic niggers to cRappers and foul-mouthed "comedians" that YT kids are taught to idolize.


Archie was SPOT ON!!

01-20-2023, 09:57 PM
Archie was SPOT ON!!

My ex-wife said, "I didn't know I married Archie Bunker". I really just didn't want to do anything with negroes (then). As life progressed, my suspicions were right, that negroes are better called niggers. I really am a reasonable and easy going person, but as you all know, niggers aren't reasonable, and aren't easy going.

01-21-2023, 10:24 AM
My ex-wife said, "I didn't know I married Archie Bunker". I really just didn't want to do anything with negroes (then). As life progressed, my suspicions were right, that negroes are better called niggers. I really am a reasonable and easy going person, but as you all know, niggers aren't reasonable, and aren't easy going.

Tru Dat!! When I lived in Philthadelphia in the 80's I REALLY learned to hate the BEASTS!! Philthy niggers and ba' mo' niggers are particularly vile!!

Banana Republic
02-03-2023, 08:02 PM
Unfortunately I live here in Apezil, a niggerfuxated degenerate, trashy and filthy apeland.
I've noticed that when I traveled to whiter regions the white employees were more polite and prettier while the mongrels, mulattoes, and other such shit were ruder and more uglier.

Filthy chimps.
Fuck you, Apezil, cursed land!!!

02-05-2023, 06:51 PM
I’m over 60 and was subjected to non-stop pro-nigger propaganda throughout my entire education. We were forced to read “Roots”. We were taught that niggers were “just like us” but held back by YT. Plus, Norman Lear’s TV shows constantly put the niggers on a pedestal while mocking White men as “Archie Bunkers” while the niggers were enlightened, smart, and peace loving.

Needless to say, I adopted a nigger-loving point of view since I was exposed to almost zero niggers at my school. There was one and he only lasted for one half of the year in HS. Other than a few asian chicks and a handful of hispanics, my schools were 95% White.

It wasn’t until I graduated from college and got my first job in the city of Detoilet when I had to deal with entitled, ignorant, corrupt, lazy but constantly promoted apefirmative action groids that my eyes were opened. Want to fuck something up completely? Assign a nigger to the task. Want money to be embezzled? Put a nigger in a position of trust. Want to be abused at work, threatened physically, and then lied about to management? Work with niggers. They stick together against YT and will lie, cheat, and steal to pull one over on humans, without exception. They stick together, except, of course when they murder each other over some small perceived slight or “diss”.

Racism isn’t caused by TV and movies. It’s not caused by online “hate groups”. It’s not caused by parents. Racism results from NIGGERS!

It’s the logical conclusion after dealing with REAL niggers, not the imaginary ones portrayed on TV, movies, advertisements, and social media.

Niggers are a cancer to human civilization. Niggers should be severely restricted and isolated. I moved a dozen years ago when the niggers from the next town over started traveling to my 97% White town thanks to the Nigmart that opened up near my home. I got the fuck out just in time it turns out since crimes that were never seen in my previous city started happening with regularity. Thankfully, I’m in a rural area now that is almost 100% nigger free. But, I stay vigilant. I’ll move again after I’m retired if the plague starts infesting my town. And, I’ll move to a state and an area of the state that has the lowest percentage of niggers. I’ve traveled the world for business and can honestly say that no real country likes niggers; especially in Asia. They know what the beast is all about. Anyway, thanks for the forum which I lurk in frequently. It’s a great outlet for REALITY since one can literally be fired and ostracized for speaking THE TRUTH these days!

I'm a couple of years older than you and I grew up in LIBTARD Maryland just a few miles outside of washingcoon d.c. I had a bunch of savage FERAL niggers in my High School and after witnessing their primate behavior I REALLY grew to hate nogs. When I went to college afterwards, they were even MORE obnoxious and entitled!!

02-05-2023, 07:17 PM
Just chiming in to remind everyone to keep up the good work and seize every opportunity to make niggers miserable

02-15-2023, 06:41 AM
Why do members here use niggers as profile pics? They’re so unpleasant to look at!

Banana Republic
02-15-2023, 09:00 PM

03-29-2023, 11:06 PM
For last 100 years humanity finally gave them chance at proper educatuon but they refused to get educated and instead write rap about how to form a gang, sell drugs, and rape people. All these beastial behavior proves that these niglets are not worthy of free oxygens on earth, why not just send them back to slavery so they can be productive to humanity once again. I mean, there are absolutely no blacks contribution to science and technology in entire history. These monkeys can't think, they will do a task without critical thinkings and will do it even if it's a shit eating contest. That's why they can't escape the hood and ghetto because they are used to doing so called 'do what you gotta do'. No wonder freed slaves back in 1800s went back to their owners coz they didn't know what to do by themselves when they were actually freed. Fucking morons I tell ya.

04-23-2023, 04:42 PM
I love the game of football. Loved it my whole life. Still play it to this day but I’m leaning heavily towards 2023 being my last season because fucking niggers suck the joy out of it. Never come to practice, never pay their league fees, show up to games high and/or drunk, starting fights and telling the opposition to “suck my dick” after every whistle. If I didn’t love football as much as I do I would’ve left long ago but my hatred of these dindus is going to outweigh my love of the game.

05-12-2023, 10:23 PM
I love the game of football. Loved it my whole life. Still play it to this day but I’m leaning heavily towards 2023 being my last season because fucking niggers suck the joy out of it. Never come to practice, never pay their league fees, show up to games high and/or drunk, starting fights and telling the opposition to “suck my dick” after every whistle. If I didn’t love football as much as I do I would’ve left long ago but my hatred of these dindus is going to outweigh my love of the game.

I didn't give up on football all those years ago because of niggers, but because the games overall weren't enough to distract me from watching paint dry.

Then the niggershines got worse, and worse, and worse, and I had no regrets. I don't even watch complete Super Bowls anymore.

05-20-2023, 04:16 AM
Niggers destory everything they touch. Every place in the WORLD niggers move goes down down down. Litter trash crime tension problems Niggers can turn anywhere into a ghetto... doesn't matter where it is.

White people in America are RUNNING but every place whites run - niggers follow. We are constantly selling are fucking house MOVING .. in a 10 years non-whites and Niggers start streaming in .. a few at first then more until the community gets mixed out or turns to shit.
The more white a place is the better it is .. the more Niggers the worse it is ... The best place to live in America is ANY PLACE THAT'S AWAY FROM NIGGERS .. every place we go to now that's the ONLY consideration ...

Multi racialism is a curse America and the entire white world is turning into Shit Fuck these Niggers ..

05-20-2023, 06:57 AM
Unfortunately I live here in Apezil, a niggerfuxated degenerate, trashy and filthy apeland.
I've noticed that when I traveled to whiter regions the white employees were more polite and prettier while the mongrels, mulattoes, and other such shit were ruder and more uglier.

Filthy chimps.
Fuck you, Apezil, cursed land!!!

I heard Southern Brazil is mostly white of Northern Italian and German descent. Maybe move there?

06-04-2023, 07:14 PM
I’m over 60 and was subjected to non-stop pro-nigger propaganda throughout my entire education. We were forced to read “Roots”. We were taught that niggers were “just like us” but held back by YT. Plus, Norman Lear’s TV shows constantly put the niggers on a pedestal while mocking White men as “Archie Bunkers” while the niggers were enlightened, smart, and peace loving.

Needless to say, I adopted a nigger-loving point of view since I was exposed to almost zero niggers at my school. There was one and he only lasted for one half of the year in HS. Other than a few asian chicks and a handful of hispanics, my schools were 95% White.

It wasn’t until I graduated from college and got my first job in the city of Detoilet when I had to deal with entitled, ignorant, corrupt, lazy but constantly promoted apefirmative action groids that my eyes were opened. Want to fuck something up completely? Assign a nigger to the task. Want money to be embezzled? Put a nigger in a position of trust. Want to be abused at work, threatened physically, and then lied about to management? Work with niggers. They stick together against YT and will lie, cheat, and steal to pull one over on humans, without exception. They stick together, except, of course when they murder each other over some small perceived slight or “diss”.

Racism isn’t caused by TV and movies. It’s not caused by online “hate groups”. It’s not caused by parents. Racism results from NIGGERS!

It’s the logical conclusion after dealing with REAL niggers, not the imaginary ones portrayed on TV, movies, advertisements, and social media.

Niggers are a cancer to human civilization. Niggers should be severely restricted and isolated. I moved a dozen years ago when the niggers from the next town over started traveling to my 97% White town thanks to the Nigmart that opened up near my home. I got the fuck out just in time it turns out since crimes that were never seen in my previous city started happening with regularity. Thankfully, I’m in a rural area now that is almost 100% nigger free. But, I stay vigilant. I’ll move again after I’m retired if the plague starts infesting my town. And, I’ll move to a state and an area of the state that has the lowest percentage of niggers. I’ve traveled the world for business and can honestly say that no real country likes niggers; especially in Asia. They know what the beast is all about. Anyway, thanks for the forum which I lurk in frequently. It’s a great outlet for REALITY since one can literally be fired and ostracized for speaking THE TRUTH these days!

Excellent post. Please sign on up and share your world with the like minded here at CO. A problem shared......

06-06-2023, 07:21 PM
I made the mistake of renting a house next to a nigger horde base, now I get to watch everyday as they throw trash in my yard and waste oxygen.
I grew up giving them a more than fair chance, but time and time again I was proven a fool.

The craziest part to me is how people are still sympathetic to these animals. The only way I can rationalize that is they haven't had to encounter them in their real lives yet so they just don't know.
With the way they behave, I don't see how there could ever be room for them in the future of humanity. Nothing will ever be enough for them, and eventually they will have to be stopped.

06-07-2023, 06:53 AM
I made the mistake of renting a house next to a nigger horde base, now I get to watch everyday as they throw trash in my yard and waste oxygen.
I grew up giving them a more than fair chance, but time and time again I was proven a fool.

The craziest part to me is how people are still sympathetic to these animals. The only way I can rationalize that is they haven't had to encounter them in their real lives yet so they just don't know.
With the way they behave, I don't see how there could ever be room for them in the future of humanity. Nothing will ever be enough for them, and eventually they will have to be stopped.

Rounding them up and sending them all back to Wakanda is the only viable solution. They'd be much happier there.

06-19-2023, 03:06 PM
I'm sick of hearing about drowning negroes cus white people didn't teach them to swim.

07-02-2023, 10:29 PM
I made the mistake of renting a house next to a nigger horde base, now I get to watch everyday as they throw trash in my yard and waste oxygen.
I grew up giving them a more than fair chance, but time and time again I was proven a fool.

The craziest part to me is how people are still sympathetic to these animals. The only way I can rationalize that is they haven't had to encounter them in their real lives yet so they just don't know.
With the way they behave, I don't see how there could ever be room for them in the future of humanity. Nothing will ever be enough for them, and eventually they will have to be stopped.

Brother, I really sympathize with you. I had already had childhood experiences with niggers to know that they're nothing like us. That prepared me for when my family moved. Of all the possibilities, we wound up next door to a coalburner that mated with Satan's son to produce the three worst niglets you can imagine. Trespassing, theft, you name it. The oldest was in 3rd grade and already had a history of trying to molest the littler white girls on the school playground.

I saw the buck pappy just one time, because it was almost constantly in jail for years. I don't know if it violated parole or had escaped, but one day the cops were asking around if anyone saw the nigger. I heard it eventually died in jail, probably from AIDS or some other common disease at NU.

07-03-2023, 08:26 PM
I've been wanting to say that for so long. Think I'll say it again.

08-14-2023, 03:37 PM
I hate that I gotta live on disability in poverty for rest of my life. Whenever I go for healthcare appointments, I more than likely will run into them

I don't know if anyone else has this fear like I do but I always feel like I'm going to run into them with their little kids. Like at a doctors office and with me minding my own business Their little kids will start touching me for no reason. And I politely tell them no and tell the nigger parents that you need get their kids away from me. I feel like that will set them off and want to start fighting me.

I don't know if anyone else feels the same but I can't stop feeling that way

08-23-2023, 01:03 PM
Man, so I work at a Gas station where niggers are super common. A lot of them are very angry and poor. Selling swisher sweets and getting complaints on how expensive $1.50 a pack is overprice gets old. They always demand respect but never have the common courtesy to say “thank you or see yea” it’s always “Awrite” or “ite”. EBT is so fucking common that it makes me depressed on wondering why I have to work for a god damn living. I don’t have the luxury to make 200,000 a year to live in a white suburbs. Nigger woman always dress in shower caps and tight clothes that makes them look like prostitutes with big lips. The guys always say showing their ass, and I have my job but without education…it’s easy 70,000. I can’t fucking stand pleasing these fucking animals.

09-18-2023, 08:38 AM
Niggers are right about one thing, racism is learned. It's learned by dealing with Niggers all my life.

Niggers are Useless
10-01-2023, 06:11 PM
No niggers signed the constitution.
Yes, two reasons, 1: we were still using them as farm equipment 2: As such we never wasted time trying to teach them to read.
Also, Yes MAGA needs to be here now, 24 is too long to wait. The nigger loving shit pants thief in the white house is single handedly destroying anything that is left of American values.
Welcome and enjoy bashing the niggers.

11-27-2023, 11:13 PM
It is as simple as this, the nigger and the mohammaden are a sub species of human that were sent out with the curse of ham many years ago and it is in biblical times and since they were not holy people they were not talked about in the bible. Hence them surviving all of these years. Blacks have improved to some extent because they have had mixed children with white people and other races but the darker the nigger the more likely in is to commit more crimes.
But make no mistake the mohammaden has kept their sub species intact because they hate white people and all other races of people which is why they have stayed as the low iq screwed up people they are. There have been many studies that show the average IQ in Palestine is around 67 which says a lot. Sand dune coons or sand niggers whatever you want to call them are meant to be the true demons on Earth and they will be the people we will all have to fight one day just to protect our homes from being broken into and the nationalism they have inspired in all Islamic people will actually lead to some pretty messed up things.
Giving Islamic people a platform to speak on is the most terrible thing anyone could have ever done.
By allowing Islamic people to speak on a platform it actually leads to more people converting to Islam or supporting it and they use that as their first method to gain people for their great plan but then they also have as many children as possible to continue to fulfill their great plan - which is why everyone should truly hate these bastards.
I am willing to put my life on the line for Israel just because of this and I will because everyone should be willing to fight the demon sub species and never want to see an Israeli girl raped or an Israeli child taken from their family ever again. It is up to those of us who truly hate the sub species known as the mohammadens to fight for Israel.

Tar Remover
12-03-2023, 02:15 PM
There IS no room for them in humanity. They are niggers. There is barely room in a cage....

12-03-2023, 07:10 PM
Man, so I work at a Gas station where niggers are super common. A lot of them are very angry and poor. Selling swisher sweets and getting complaints on how expensive $1.50 a pack is overprice gets old. They always demand respect but never have the common courtesy to say “thank you or see yea” it’s always “Awrite” or “ite”. EBT is so fucking common that it makes me depressed on wondering why I have to work for a god damn living. I don’t have the luxury to make 200,000 a year to live in a white suburbs. Nigger woman always dress in shower caps and tight clothes that makes them look like prostitutes with big lips. The guys always say showing their ass, and I have my job but without education…it’s easy 70,000. I can’t fucking stand pleasing these fucking animals.

Feel sorry for you my friend. You've been up and close to the beast as nobody could tell a tale like that without smelling and seeing the shit monsters first hand !

01-28-2024, 02:11 PM
So on the other chimpout, some people are liking our Sandniggar enemies, guess what I’m a German and they are ruining all of Europe because we are weak not stopping the cancer. If there was a train they would be the first made into soap. So spare me the gushing about they are not the same. We are all the infidels to them. They sleep with boys in their country and sell women like chattel. There is nothing redeeming about a mosque ass to face. Iam ashamed any European would gush about the migration of the terrorists who turned Sweden into Iraq. They indoctrinate the American niggar with Islam in prison.

02-01-2024, 02:13 AM
They indoctrinate the American niggar with Islam in prison.

The ultimate religion of violence has found plenty of converts in niggers. The original "Christian" niggers were bad enough with all the voodoo. Now at least half the nigger "churches" in the U.S. are Nation of Islam, like the Chimpcago one that the Obamas went to. Their talk of "black liberation" is nothing but vile justification of niggers doing whatever they want.

02-01-2024, 09:45 AM
I made the mistake of renting a house next to a nigger horde base, now I get to watch everyday as they throw trash in my yard and waste oxygen.
I grew up giving them a more than fair chance, but time and time again I was proven a fool.

The craziest part to me is how people are still sympathetic to these animals. The only way I can rationalize that is they haven't had to encounter them in their real lives yet so they just don't know.
With the way they behave, I don't see how there could ever be room for them in the future of humanity. Nothing will ever be enough for them, and eventually they will have to be stopped.

Welcome to Chimpout!! Now start BASHING niggers!!

09-25-2024, 07:44 PM
Soooo I had a jerk nearly hit my car, drunk as a skunk with an open beer can…with a she-grisss dark as tar teen baboon riding shot gun. This is the same Ryder jr. Who swore up a down no niggers allowed. Made a big stink no old broads only liked white under 20 supposed to be selling shit for his business. Hehe now turns out he’s nuthin more than a drunk mud lover. Dumb ass even threatened to shoot me to protect his niggar goddess. I took his plate but didn’t bother …. Nothin more pathetic than an old white nigger lover neck. And the stinky nigglet to prove it.

10-05-2024, 03:06 AM
Rounding them up and sending them all back to Wakanda is the only viable solution. They'd be much happier there.

A long time ago, I knew a recently arrived upper middle class (legal) caucasian immigrant family from Mexico. They were fooled by a sleazy realtor who leased them a house next to a freaking ghetto. To their surprise, some of their 'nigbors' broke into their home one time when they went out. These nice, polite, and well-to-do people had never experienced a break-in even in their crime-riddled homeland, yet here, where the Law is supposed to mean something, some goddamned NAPAs tore open their expensive Italian leather furniture looking for drugs, went through their clothes, stole their jewelry, their TVs, and most of their electronics.

We all know niggers excel at making America look bad. I, as an American, felt ashamed for what happed to them.

10-08-2024, 08:05 AM
Pretty much every nigger is a complete waste of matter. If an engineer designed a car with a 97.5% failure rate, most buyers would stay the hell away from it. The same logic applies to human-nigger interaction. If the odds of being assaulted/raped/murdered/or have your shit stolen by a jungle bunny, what's wrong with avoiding them like the fucking plague? I'm not a gambler, so why risk $1,000 if it's almost garanteed you're gonna leave with $25. - Fuck.that.shit!