View Full Version : Joe Biden: "We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels"

07-07-2020, 10:21 AM
Joe Biden said during a rally this week that he wants to "get rid of fossil fuels."
Biden said:
"We are going to get rid of fossil fuels."
Referring to protestors who interrupted the event, Biden said:
"That's okay, these guys are okay, they want to do the same thing that I want to do, they want to phase out fossil fuels and we're going to phase out fossil fuels."


Midder Peenud Hayed
07-07-2020, 11:49 AM
I don't think he'll make it that far, but I can't wait to see senile old Slo' Joe in a debate with TRUMP!

animal mother
07-07-2020, 12:23 PM
I don't think he'll make it that far, but I can't wait to see senile old Slo' Joe in a debate with TRUMP!

Hmmmm Do you really think the Democrats will let this senile old cuck go head to head with Trump? They are scrambling to find an excuse to bail on any debate.

07-07-2020, 12:38 PM
^^There will be NO debate. The dimz know damn well this would be suicide. He will hide in his basement wearing a bathrobe with Kleenex boxes on his feet like Howard Hughes until the election is over. This is the only way he stands a yellow snowball's chance in hell.

Rape Ape
07-07-2020, 01:12 PM
He must be afraid someone is going to throw him into a furnace. :lol

Buck Simian
07-07-2020, 03:34 PM
If he wants to get rid of "Fossile Fules" then get rid of the Fossil himself - Dementia Biden

Exactly what i was thinking! And take Hillary, Pelosi, Ginsburg, and the rest of the Demoncratic crew.

Goodman Grey
07-07-2020, 03:54 PM
Even if he did have a plan for getting rid of fossil fuels...

What would Step 2 be?

Getting rid of fossil fuels overnight will cause some serious logistical problems.

07-07-2020, 05:14 PM
This clown has no intention of ever getting rid of ANY carbon based fuel. The petroleum companies own his ass just like all the rest. He can raise taxes all he wants with their blessings but NEVER cut into their profits. Until Mr. Fusions become available to everyone, which I believe should happen around the fifth of fucking never, oil is here to stay. Nothing will change that.
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fc2.staticflickr.com%2F4%2F3086%2F 3179332336_af74e4db3a_z.jpg%3Fzz%3D1&f=1&nofb=1

As long as there is oil, there will be oil companies and we will have an oil based economy. Don't let them lie to you and tell you we are running out. It's never going to happen. The very name fossil fuels is a lie.

Goodman Grey
07-07-2020, 05:47 PM
The very name fossil fuels is a lie.

That's not entirely true...

Ever wonder what really happened to the dinosaurs?

They built an entire world beneath the Earth's crust. And the "fossil fuels" are made from dinosaur shit. Ever wonder why the oil reservoirs are constantly refilling?

Ethanol (alcohol) is made out of yeast poop.

The agreement goes like this: Humans take care of the plumbing issues, and they don't go all 'Pacific Rim' on us.

(That's a joke.)

Midder Peenud Hayed
07-07-2020, 06:54 PM
There can't not be debates. If Slo' Joe is their candidate, I think the commies will try to force some kind of remote split screen debate format. TRUMP will show up on an actual stage with Biden on a screen drooling on his tie :lol

Again, I don't think Smoochy will be the candidate, but the closer we get to November, the less likely he'll drop out. I could see a scenario where he picked Fauxcahontas before the convention, and then dropped out for personal reasons after securing the nomination. The phony squaw could then pick a sheboon as her running mate, which would make the loony left ecstatic. Problem is, dingbat Warren would be about as effective going up against TRUMP in a debate as would dementia victim Biden.

If Bill Clinton's fat, ugly, unaccomplished, lying, drunken grifter of a wife couldn't beat TRUMP, Biden or Warren sure as shit wouldn't.

07-07-2020, 07:41 PM
That's not entirely true...

Ever wonder what really happened to the dinosaurs?

They built an entire world beneath the Earth's crust. And the "fossil fuels" are made from dinosaur shit. Ever wonder why the oil reservoirs are constantly refilling?

Ethanol (alcohol) is made out of yeast poop.

The agreement goes like this: Humans take care of the plumbing issues, and they don't go all 'Pacific Rim' on us.

(That's a joke.)

Of course it's a joke. If the dinosaurs were underground, then shit would have to flow uphill and everybody (especially us) knows - shit rolls downhill!

The Pacific Rim monsters would be easier to fight than dimz and niggers. Those monsters are huge and easy to identify. It's a little harder to spot the antifa, commies and their ilk. The niggers are easy to spot unless the sun is down.

07-07-2020, 08:15 PM
Again, I don't think Smoochy will be the candidate, but the closer we get to November, the less likely he'll drop out.

If Bill Clinton's fat, ugly, unaccomplished, lying, drunken grifter of a wife couldn't beat TRUMP, Biden or Warren sure as shit wouldn't.

I have to agree with you on that one. We would end up with a quagmire exponentially bigger than the Bush/Gore Florida debacle since some states would not or could not change the ballot. The courts could have the whole mess in a tailspin (possible Constitutional crisis) since the states decide their own rules as far as these things go and especially where the electors are concerned. Of course the dimz electors would most likely rally around whoever they are told to support but that is not a given when the candidate isn't even on the ballot.

I don't see how Warren or anyone of those commie clowns could beat Trump with only four months left for the MSM propping their asses up like they have been with Zombie Biden. None of them really stand a chance without widespread voter fraud which is my only concern. It will happen - my only question is will it happen in sufficient numbers to work for them.

Bill Clinton's fat, ugly, unaccomplished, lying, drunken grifter of a wife

Every single time you post that I laugh my ass off.:lmao

Midder Peenud Hayed
07-07-2020, 10:26 PM
@ Tweak...

You might be correct, but there has to be some provision for replacing a candidate who develops some serious medical issue during a campaign. If Slo' Joe had another stroke and was brain-dead, are they going to keep his dumb ass on the ticket?

This has been a weird year, man. Nothing would surprise me at this point.

07-07-2020, 11:08 PM
@ Tweak...

You might be correct, but there has to be some provision for replacing a candidate who develops some serious medical issue during a campaign. If Slo' Joe had another stroke and was brain-dead, are they going to keep his dumb ass on the ticket?

This has been a weird year, man. Nothing would surprise me at this point.

The problem lies in the grey area between the primary and general due to the short fuse time and how long it takes to change ballots.

The scenarios for post general election are:
-President Elect drops out or drops dead - no problem (kind of). 20th amendment takes over. VP becomes POTUS. Problem is, 20th doesn't say whether PE is PE after the general election or the Electoral College meets.

-If between GE and EC the PE DO or DD - then it can get really sticky. Different states, different rules, all kinds of fuckery can happen.

Those two are the most understood scenarios. What is completely NOT understood and no precedence or law set to date, is what would happen in the EC if the candidate was party chosen after primary completion but before the GE.

This could potentially be one wild ass ride.

07-08-2020, 04:42 AM
There will be debates. There's no way for them to completely avoid that. But, while they've only agreed to three, we'll be lucky if we see two. They need time to rest Biden, and to thoroughly coach him on every single pre-approved question that will come from the wholly complicit media. He will come out well-rested. He'll be higher than a kite from the drugs they'll have to pump into him to fortify him, and he'll be grinning like Jeffery Epstein just gave him a new 8 year-old girl to finger bang. That's when you'll see every Dem operative in the country cross their collective fingers. Trump will have his fucking lunch, and everyone knows it, they just need Biden to get through two or three very carefully controlled debates without going completely word-salad on National TV. Watch and see if 'technical difficulties' don't suddenly arise if Biden starts playing in his own shit. They will have a plan for that. Maybe a large scale, Vegas-style shooting to break away to at just the right moment.

Biden's other big problem is that he has YET to name a VP, because his handlers haven't told him yet who it will be. They have a problem: There's no one, and I mean NO ONE, in the current field that can run as his VP pick that doesn't sour some voters. Warren, Hillary, AOC, Harris, Moochelle, Buttigieg, none of them unite lefty voters, sure as hell not moderates. Klobuchar sees losing big time here, so she's going to take a pass...Gretchen Whitmer blew any chance she had with her bullshit in Michigan, they can kiss any chance of winning that state goodbye if he named her....Same with most other lefty governors that allowed niggers and Antifa agitators to run wild to loot and burn. DeWine could be a good RINO pick, since he's already shown he's willing to betray his constituents, but he's a complete waffling pussy, and not the ideal person that they would want in place to relieve Biden of his duties 3 days after he's sworn in, they aren't sure they'd be able to control him. That leaves someone like Tammy Duckworth, but she can't qualify, as she isn't a natural born citizen, and of Thai heritage. The nigger sow who lost in Georgia? Let me know how THAT works out.....it's already July. He has yet to really hit the campaign trail, his entire election strategy is already a total train wreck. Fucking Hillary was running a better operation than Biden is. Really, stealing it through voter fraud is their only viable option.

Sheboon DeLuxe
07-08-2020, 09:19 AM
Really, stealing it through voter fraud is their only viable option.

Vote fraud is a given with the Democrats. With the push for an all mail-in ballot election, they have an opportunity to flat-out steal the election, with their media allies clearing the way for them.

It's incredible that the Dems have no VP candidate at this stage of the campaign. They are either out of gas and foundering, or they have something up their sleeve. I have no idea what it might be, but nothing the sneaky bastards could do would surprise me. Whatever it is the press will be standing by to run interference for them.

Wild ride indeed.

07-08-2020, 11:08 AM
There will be debates...
Really, stealing it through voter fraud is their only viable option.

I'll believe it about the debates when they actually happen. I don't know if the drugs they would have to use on Biden exist. Sure it's easy enough to give him some kind of cocaine cocktail but he has a medical history that would make it extremely risky to do so since he has a history of aneurysms, high cholesterol and an irregular heartbeat. His BP is not disclosed. He's had two aneurysms, one of them damn near killed him in '88. Of course, It would be fitting to watch him flame out onstage if they tried this route, but I don't think they would risk it.

As far as voter fraud, Soros has sold the voting machines to most states that use them and they are in damn near most precincts across the country. Of course, they were all from companies tied to him but not always blatantly connected. I don't trust them for the same reason I won't buy a car with a wireless connection that could possibly be linked to the car's system bus lines. Let me think here... Drive a 4000 pound missile traveling at 70 mph that could be hijacked by a bored 14 year old punk in the back of his dad's minivan three cars behind me on the way to granny's house? I'll have no part of that, thank you! Just think how much easier it is to hack the very system that you designed to flip a 51/49 vote upside down. Don't say I need my tinfoil hat. Both have already happened.

So yes, it is a very viable option. How would we even know that it happened? Most precincts across the country quit using paper ballots years ago. We're all fucked if they decide to launch the fraud nuclear option. Refer to my previous post about the Memphrica Mayoral election debacle of some 30 years ago if you want a description of how that one worked - and that was a hell of a long time before the internet came into it's own.

Full clip
07-10-2020, 09:21 AM
Ol' Joe shouldn't mention the word fossil because HE is the original fossil!

07-10-2020, 11:28 AM
Biden supports this stupidity.

Go Socialist or Die!? The Age of the ‘Climate Emergency’ – UN, Universities, Cities, & Now Congress?! to declare ‘Climate Emergency’ – Gore & Streisand helped pioneer phrase

Full clip
07-10-2020, 02:32 PM
Biden supports this stupidity.

Go Socialist or Die!? The Age of the ‘Climate Emergency’ – UN, Universities, Cities, & Now Congress?! to declare ‘Climate Emergency’ – Gore & Streisand helped pioneer phrase

Streisand should keep her nose (such as it is) out of politics and anything else that matters.

Chimp Detester
07-10-2020, 03:41 PM
Great informative thread here.

In my humble opinion, the scary thing is Biden winning and then a very short time later: (1) going bonkers, or: (2) being conveniently erased from the planet or: (3) having a sudden mega stoke (most-likely provoked) and ending up in a vegetative state. Then its America-hating VP (whomever that filthy critter might be: nigger, human or extraterrestrial) takes the controls of our once great nation, and that individual is the actual puppet of the sub-cockroach New World Disorder morons. Then the stuff gets far worse than anything we lived under the failed 'presidency' of Koon-yan HNIC Barry the Fairy Insane Soetoro Ohomo.


Midder Peenud Hayed
07-10-2020, 07:58 PM
@ C.D....

Sadly, as far fetched as your theory might seem, it's entirely likely things could play out exactly as you've described.

My theory is this: if the leftist fixers leave Slo' Joe in the race, that means they already know they're going to lose no matter who they run. I still have a very hard time believing some shenanigans won't be pulled to replace Alzheimer's victim Biden. There's simply no way drooling retard Biden can hope to survive a debate with TRUMP, something the "most prepared candidate in history" (according to Bath House Barry) couldn't do. I've watched those debates a time or two since, and TRUMP creamed Bill Clinton’s fat, ugly, unaccomplished, lying, drunken grifter of a wife. It wasn't even close...