View Full Version : A dog named Nigger gets his resting place stolen by SJW's.

Cat fur allergic
07-06-2020, 07:44 PM
Memorial for dog named the 'N word' which died in 1902 is removed from graveyard


Dog lives matter more than nigger lives.

07-06-2020, 07:49 PM

Dog lives matter more than nigger lives.

O.M.G. How far back are SJWs, libtards and snowflakes going to go to find something to wail about? Now they're trawling graveyards in the hope of finding something to offend them? Don't they have anything better to do?

And dog lives are infinitely more valuable than the lives of any nigger who has ever knuckled on the planet.

Midder Peenud Hayed
07-06-2020, 10:25 PM
How could any animal-lover name their pet "Nigger"? What did they name their children -- "Virus", "Scab", and "Diarrhea"?

Cat fur allergic
07-06-2020, 11:34 PM
How could any animal-lover name their pet "Nigger"? What did they name their children -- "Virus", "Scab", and "Diarrhea"?

I think people back then had a different sense of humor. That is why there are blackie brands and other shit. But now days you can't have any of it.

07-07-2020, 12:00 AM
How could any animal-lover name their pet "Nigger"? What did they name their children -- "Virus", "Scab", and "Diarrhea"?


My sainted Grandmother did!

The dog's name was Nigger Joe.

The dog was black, lazy, not worth much but companionship, slept under a shade tree most of the time and came running everytime the gibs me dish was put out. The dog was friendly and knew it's place, though - at our feet. Of course, that was back in the day when a north Mississippi nigger dog knew it's place. I guess because it was before the black dogs matter movement.

No, none of my family is named after any sickness or disease.

Rape Ape
07-07-2020, 02:35 AM
1902. Are they sure it was a dog, and not someone's pet nigger? Or maybe just some anonymous dead coon they found and buried in the animal graveyard?