View Full Version : Hotel employee calls cops on stinky coons stinking up the pool

Whitey Ford
07-01-2020, 12:52 AM

A Hampton Inn employee has been fired after she called the police on a Black family staying at the hotel and using the pool.

A representative from Hilton, which owns Hampton Inn, said the unidentified white employee at its Williamston, North Carolina, location was no longer working there after a guest, Anita Williams-Wright, livestreamed the incident on Friday. Williams-Wright was in the hotel's pool with her children when the employee and two officers approached her under suspicion that they weren't guests.


07-01-2020, 03:44 AM
Disgusting nigger, they're just out to wreak havoc on humanity. Privileged black bitch, all it had to do was identify itself.

07-01-2020, 06:28 AM
It Didn't?

Oh didn't it though...? Maybe not when it should have, but it did.

It's name is Anita Williams-Wright.


I'd dox the sow if it was worth the time but - it is just not worthy of my time!

Video at 5:20 mark: "Weeuhhwee waysiss... Weeuhhwee waysiss!"

07-01-2020, 09:59 AM
niggers thrive on confrontation. Like trying to take a toy from a 5 year old. Once a nigger has dug its paws in over some infantile situation, it will not back down.

07-01-2020, 10:26 AM
So when ever there is a misunderstanding the human is fired.

You know what, swimming pools should be free; swimming pools should be very deep. I figure, it would only stink once. Rockfish.

07-01-2020, 11:00 AM
You know what, swimming pools should be free; swimming pools should be very deep. I figure, it would only stink once. Rockfish.

Growing up in the country, we had a running joke about tornadoes: Always build a decoy trailer park down the road from a nice neighborhood. That way, the tornado would hit the trailer park and not the nice subdivision.

So here's what they need to do. Build a decoy pool across the street from hotels. Put a fence and plenty of no trespassing signs around it so the monkeys will feel like they are breaking the rules or they may not scale the fence. A five foot depth should suffice since anything above three feet they should rockfish in anyway. Fill the pool with muriatic acid and Voilą!!! Problem solved.

07-01-2020, 11:09 AM
Why do niggers all sound the same? Doesn't matter which part of the country they come from.

animal mother
07-01-2020, 11:42 AM
Why do niggers all sound the same? Doesn't matter which part of the country they come from.

Easy, their not human. Can you tell if a dog is from Maine or Mississippi by it’s bark?

07-01-2020, 01:02 PM
actually, some truth to this. Crows for example have regional accents. I can differentiate between crow's caws in different parts of the country. The NE crows have a much harsher and deeper call than the crows of the South. As for niggers though, they are just niggers so no fucks to allocate there anyway.

https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/504722/12-fascinating-facts-about-crows#:~:text=CROWS%20HAVE%20REGIONAL%20DIALECTS%E 2%80%94WHICH,signal%20their%20location%20to%20rela tives.

07-01-2020, 01:39 PM
I hate to admit this but I can tell where they are from - at least to a general location. I'm no nigger linguist but I have been stationed all over the US and I can tell you - there is a difference. Niggers in the mid-south sound different than shitcago niggers. We call it country nigger. Niggers in the deep south sound like country niggers but with more of an attitude and use words that are not even a resemblance to English. Niggers in chimpcongo sound like you are about to be murdered. Western niggers are actually the easiest to understand for most humans from what I've found. Nig Oweleenz niggers can sound very different depending on whether they are from the city or from the swamp. A lot of older swamp niggers will still call you "sirruhh." These are the ones that still remember Judge Perez!