View Full Version : The father should disown the nigger loving daughter.

Cat fur allergic
06-29-2020, 10:19 PM

Grandfather Is 'Embarrassed' by Biracial Granddaughter, So What Should Her Mom Do?

Goodman Grey
06-30-2020, 12:52 AM
The mother should put it in a basket, leave it at some random nigger's front door, ring the bell, and run away.

Far, far away from it.

06-30-2020, 02:45 AM
Their daughter is dead, when she fucked a negro animal. Utterly disgusting.

06-30-2020, 02:10 PM
If this was my daughter, I would 'erase' her from our family history. We would never mention her name again.

Goodman Grey
06-30-2020, 02:24 PM
If this was my daughter, I would 'erase' her from our family history. We would never mention her name again.

You might as well.

One drop of nigger DNA is enough to end your bloodline and turn it into pure nigger.

Do we not prune trees when they grow beyond what is considered socially acceptable? Do we not remove cancerous tumors from those who are sick? Do we not provide Planned Parenthood abortion services so that niglets can be aborted?

edit: Does anyone have that cartoon where they show a sheboon going to an abortion clinic and getting a check from crimestoppers? It's bizarrely difficult to find these days.

06-30-2020, 10:11 PM
The comments made by people in the comment section of that yahoo article are disturbing. Seems like they approve of the girl having a nigglet, what a bunch of retards. That little nigger in the future is going to be a proud antifa/blm member going on twitter and ranting about how "raycis" America is and bitch about it non stop. White girls can be pretty damn stupid sometimes, especially when they want that disgusting nigger dick to give birth to a monstrosity so that same monstrosity can continue the cycle of spreading their anti American bullshit.

07-01-2020, 06:24 AM
I told my niece something bad would happen to her if she ever brought a nigger home. I didn't need to worry, because she hates them and sees them as the feral Shitbeasts that they are.

07-01-2020, 10:19 AM
Of course, she's a "single mom". Hooking up with niggers guarantees that outcome for both sows and burners. Bucks always abandon their sporgs. And of course, her father and grandfather are ashamed and disturbed by her whorish behavior. What decent, normal man wants a nigger in their woodpile?

I can imagine what my father and grandfather (both of whom were rayciss) would have said or done had I hooked up with some filthy nigger and shat out a mutant hybrid. No, actually I can't imagine because it's unimaginable but it wouldn't have been positive. Omg.