View Full Version : A Nigger Love Story

Goodman Grey
06-23-2020, 03:25 PM
(All names and events are fictitious and any resemblance to actual events is coincidental.)

Toby was a healthy and fit young man, 26 years old and about to complete the third grade. In his class was Jennifer, a "beautiful" white girl that he knew he had to muh dik.

So Toby walked up to the stuck-up bitch named Jennifer, and punched the 8 year old girl in the face as hard as it could. As her jaw dislocated, Jennifer's eyes started to go blank as if she was in shock. Toby then kicked her in the stomach, grabbed her, and threw her to the ground.

Then Toby muh dikked Jennifer.

3 years later...

After Toby was released from jail on probation, he went to Jennifer's apartment. Instead of knocking, he used a shotgun to blow the lock off the door, and then when he entered, he saw Jennifer, now 11 years old, muh poosying another nigger while his own niglet was in the same room, watching tv. This enraged Toby, so he used his shotgun to blow away the other nigger buck, but when he tried to shoot Jennifer, Toby realized that he had used all 73 of his shells on the other nigger buck, leaving none for Jennifer.

So Toby used his shotgun as a club, knocking out Jennifer. Then Toby muh dikked Jennifer again. After it was finished doing that, he dragged Jennifer to the oven and stuffed her inside of it, and then turned on the heat. Toby then found a pot and started boiling water in it.

Toby grabbed his son and brought the thing into its kitchen. Toby laughed when he saw Jennifer's roasted body, her face locked in a rictus of pain and terror. And then Toby turned his son upside down and held it above the pot of boiling water.

"Son, I am doing this because I am a nigger and I love you."

The next sounds heard were a splash and the sound of air escaping from the lungs of a niglet.

And that is a story about a nigger showing love for a niglet.

Chimp Detester
06-23-2020, 03:40 PM
Most honorable Mazzah Goodman Gray: You are a gifted writer for sure! So true to life in the manure pile (niggerhood), I thought it was today's newspaper!

Please koon-tinue with the next exciting chapter! Don't forget the whale-fare check, de crack cocaine, grape drank and Section Ape crib.


06-23-2020, 04:52 PM

I love romantic stories from Philadelphia, the city of niggardly love.

06-23-2020, 05:39 PM
That just gave me major feels and brought a tear to my eye. "Romeo and Juliet" has nothing on this.

Can we have a chapter where "Toby Buys a 1998 Pontiac Bonneville and Puts Rims on It"?

06-23-2020, 05:47 PM
That just gave me major feels and brought a tear to my eye. "Romeo and Juliet" has nothing on this.

Can we have a chapter where "Toby Buys a 1998 Pontiac Bonneville and Puts Rims on It"?

Not just any rims... gold spinners.

After that the next episode should be where Toby steals a sweet sound system for his hooptie so he can vibrate the ghetto with muh-base as he cruises by with his homies.

06-23-2020, 05:54 PM
Not just any rims... gold spinners.

After that the next episode should be where Toby steals a sweet sound system for his hooptie so he can vibrate the ghetto with muh-base as he cruises by with his homies.

24", rent-to-own spinners!

Goodman Grey
06-23-2020, 08:33 PM
Chapter 2: Toby Acquires a 1998 Pontiac Bonneville and Puts Rims on It

(All names and events are fictitious and any resemblance to actual events is coincidental.)

His mission of love having been completed, Toby decided that it was time to get a job as a landscaper. As Toby had an IQ of 65 and no real skill set of any kind, he was terrible at his job, but this allowed him the opportunity to case a number of houses.

And at one house, he spotted a 1998 Pontiac Bonneville, but the owner kept it in a garage. He talked to his coworkers about the owner, and found out that it was owned by a homosexual liberal white man that voted twice for Barack Obama. Toby knew at that moment he had a way in. And so Toby spent the next couple of days stalking the owner of the house, and one night, Toby went into the same gay bar as him and pulled a Malcolm X.

Yes, he seduced the white man, and had the white man bring Toby back to his house. After Toby gargled the white man's semen, and took it in the ass a few times, he allowed the white man to go to sleep. When that happened, Toby cried for about half an hour, and then took a bowling ball and smashed the white man's head in with it.

That part of the mission accomplished, he went throughout the house, taking whatever cash, credit cards, and jewelry it could find. Eventually, it made its way to the garage and found the crown jewel of the heist: The 1998 Pontiac Bonneville. Even though the year was 2020, Toby recognized it as something that would gain him respect in the niggerhood. Toby pulled the car keys out of his pocket, opened the door, dumped his stolen goods in the trunk, and sped off, back to where he kept Jennifer and his niglet.

The next day, Toby drove his car into Crips territory, grinning from ear to ear like he had just eaten shit. But as soon as he pulled up to an intersection, another nigger started laughing and making fun of his Bonneville. Enraged, Toby reached into his glovebox and threw some of his niglet's giblets at the rude gentleman of color.

Toby knew what he had to do now. Now he knew he had to rent some spinning rims so other niggers would admire his stolen car. He went to the shadiest rim dealer in the hood, and made a down payment of $900 on four gold spinning rims, and agreed to pay $450 a month for them (with an interest rate of 85% a month).

Then Toby bought a stereo system for the Bonneville. It was so loud that even with the windows rolled up you could still hear the "music" and it would almost cause the transmission to rattle loose.

(Here is a sample of the music Toby would play on his stereo.)


Toby then went back to Crips territory, and gave everyone there dirty looks, because he knew he was the meanest, baddest nigger there. And as he waited at one intersection for the light to turn green, and was munching on Jennifer's baked forearm, another nigger pulled up alongside him with an Escalade. Before Toby knew what happened, his car was shot 400 times, and Toby was shot twice, once fatally, but that was enough to end poor Toby's life.

Within minutes, the Bonneville was resting on cinder blocks, the rims stolen, and Toby's dead body had been used and abused by gang members. One could almost say that the Crips had gangbanged Toby's asshole while using Toby's spilled blood as a lubricant. Later the police would document the unusual appearance of a pool table and a pinball machine in the middle of the street, with blood, semen, and feces smeared all over both items.

And then Toby's mother ran out of a nearby house, started screaming and wailing, and acting all sad and shit. Other niggers gave her money out of sympathy, and once there was no more money to be got, she wiped the tears off of her face and used the money to buy some crack rocks.

...but was Toby actually dayid?


Toby had merely taken a .22 in the brain, and his heart had stopped beating, and his lungs had stopped functioning for five hours, but Toby was NOT dead!

'Chapter 3: Toby Becomes a Homosexual Flesh Eating Zombie' will be released soon. Or probably never.

06-23-2020, 10:58 PM

This is awesome!

We need moar!!


Goodman Grey
06-24-2020, 01:01 AM
This is awesome!

We need moar!!

I can add chapters, but I need suggestions for Chapter 3.

This is, after all, a community work of art.

And yes, I can find ways to retcon things that are inconvenient.

edit: I think a story with a witch doctor and a zombie in CHAZ could work... but other suggestions are welcomed.

06-25-2020, 09:53 AM
I'm honoured to have been able to contribute to this epic tale of "The Life and Death of Toby"! I do quite a bit of writing myself and love this type of humour.

Goodman Grey
06-25-2020, 05:03 PM
Chapter 3: Toby Rises From The Grave and Spreads COVID-19

(All names and events are fictitious and any resemblance to actual events is coincidental.)

For Toby, everything that happened for a few hours after being shot in the hayid was a blur. And eventually, Toby felt the sweet pain relief of fentanyl and methamphetine.

What happened was that after the police found Toby's body three hours after Toby had died, they stuffed his corpse into the back of one of their squad cars and took him to a secret medical facility run by a sinister and evil group known as none other than the NAACP. There Toby was pawcuffed to a hospital bed, and intravenously fed a steady diet of narcotics and amphetamines.

Five hours after Toby's "death," it woke up to see several niggers in lab coats standing over him. One smiled, and said to Toby, "Today is a great day, for it is the day we finally create the weapon that will destroy white civilization and kill all the white people!"

But what Toby heard was "Mup da doo didda po mo gub dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga," and Toby responded "Ook?"

The nigger that had just spoken to Toby gave Toby a gentle smile and a pat on the forepaw. "It doesn't matter if you understand us or not. Soon civilization will crumble, and the African species will reign supreme! Death to the white man!"

At this Toby became even more confused and scared, and in his fear, he literally shat the bed and passed out.

The morning after, Toby #woke to find itself strapped to a chair in an empty movie theater, with metal devices in his eye sockets that were keeping his eyelids open. A sheboon was sitting next to him, and as soon as she noticed Toby was alert, she made a signal with her paw and a movie began to play. In this movie, there were scenes of white people. Happy, smiling white people, out at the park, hanging out at restaurants, going on dates, doting on their white children, and generally being law abiding citizens.

The sheboon pulled an eyedropper out of her purse, and began putting drops in Toby's eyes. These were, she said, a mixture of scopolamine and lysergic acid diethylamide, and what they were doing to Toby was, in fact, using the Nudovico Technique to reprogram him. To make Toby hate not niggers, but only white people.

Day 2. The process repeated, but instead of a movie about white people, a movie featuring niggers engaging in all sorts of criminal activities was shown: rape, murder, domestic violence, cannibalism, tax fraud, the whole gamut. And while this was playing on the big screen, a steady supply of fentanyl and methamphetamine was flowing through Toby's veins, and on the loudspeakers, Toby could hear strange, unfamiliar, and vaguely discomforting sounds. It was Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.

On the third day, Toby woke up and found himself yet again shackled to a hospital bed. More niggers were crowded around his bed, all of them smiling. One of them said "Our weapon is now ready! We have also deliberately infected it with 14 different strains of COVID-19!" to cheers and applause. Toby responded by saying "ook?" and "eek?" a bunch of times, but the other niggers ignored Toby.

That afternoon, Toby was put in a van and taken to a nice white neighborhood. He was violently thrown out of the moving van and landed with scrapes and bruises all over his body. Angered, he immediately looked around, and saw a white woman pushing a baby stroller. This made Toby see red, and true to his programming, he ran towards the woman and beat her to death. Then he looked inside the stroller, grabbed the baby with both paws, and ripped it apart.


He then used his paws to dig around in the white woman's stomach, and found a box of 9mm ammunition with a P320. Newly emboldened in his journey of terror, Toby then saw a white man jogging down the street. Toby used all of his ammunition to murder the white man, and then dug around in that man's stomach for more bullets.

But what did he find instead? 17 copper coins, 3 silver coins, and 9 gold coins. Something strange was going on...

Stay tuned for Chapter 4.

06-26-2020, 05:54 PM

Toby woke up in a GTA game??

Goodman Grey
06-26-2020, 06:52 PM
Chapter 4: Toby meets the Black Pharaoh

(All names and events are fictitious and any resemblance to actual events is coincidental.)

Toby stood on the sidewalk, confused, but oddly curious, when the sky darkened, and fog started rolling in. A tall, smiling white man approached Toby. The man was 9 feet tall and unusually slim, not especially muscular, but appeared capable of great violence. Toby looked at the man's face, and saw a normal, average face, but when Toby closed his eyes, he had difficulty remembering what the face looked like, and in his mind, he saw endless rows of metallic teeth, like fangs but sharpened to a razor edge.

Toby moved to punch the man, but found that he could not complete the action. His fist stopped 2 inches away from the man's face, and that is when the man spoke: "Toby, you have been a loyal servant ever since you summoned me in 2007. I will now speak a series of words, and you must listen closely, for they will unlock the binding on your mind and make you whole again. Neptune yiff aardvark red lycanthrope asinine temptation hospital orange ten escape pattern."

And as the word "pattern" escaped the man's mouth, an entire lifetime of memories flooded into Toby. Toby remembered that his name was not Toby, but was in fact Cunt Kinte, and that he was an aspiring rapper, an aspiring astronaut, a good boy, and that he was turning his life around.

The man spoke again, "Cunt, I will now tell you the reason for my subterfuge. I erased your memory and made you even more retarded than you already were because I wanted to protect you. I and my followers have been working hard to corrupt the world, and by bringing me to this dimension, you have allowed us to achieve the dreams of the elder gods. We put Obama in the White House to corrupt the masonic workings. We defunded and disbanded the police to make the general people feel unsafe and unprotected. We spread COVID-19 to instill fear in the world. And we have even corrupted the main stream media, making them believe that encouraging chaos, disorder, violence, and miscegenation was for the good of mankind. And to that end, we have also made it much more difficult for those that know the truth to be heard. Those that speak of these problems are silenced by my servants; websites that speak of our evils are purged, and their members doxxed, ridiculed, and fired from their jobs, their reputations ruined. And we have caused stupid little creatures like you to riot, loot, and commit crimes because it amuses us. Yes, I hate niggers, and I hate you, Cunt, because you are a nigger. But you are a useful tool, and a fool, and we will continue to use you. By spreading madness we achieve our goals."

"Cunt Kinte, engage protocol Nigger Omega 3."

And just like that, the fog, the darkened skies, and the mysterious man were gone, and Cunt found himself standing next to a mirror. He observed that his appearance had changed. No longer was his posture that of a gorilla, his hair was meticulously groomed, his beard and mustache were shaved, and he was wearing the finest suit ever made. And he looked harmless, like a good nigger, one that could fly under the radar until it was too late for his human victims. It could even read, write, and speak proper English.

Cunt smiled to himself, and knew his true adventure was about to begin.


(Chapter 5 will be released when it is ready.)

06-26-2020, 07:34 PM
Chapter 4: Toby meets the Black Pharaoh

(All names and events are fictitious and any resemblance to actual events is coincidental.)

Toby stood on the sidewalk, confused, but oddly curious, when the sky darkened, and fog started rolling in. A tall, smiling white man approached Toby. The man was 9 feet tall and unusually slim, not especially muscular, but appeared capable of great violence. Toby looked at the man's face, and saw a normal, average face, but when Toby closed his eyes, he had difficulty remembering what the face looked like, and in his mind, he saw endless rows of metallic teeth, like fangs but sharpened to a razor edge.

Toby moved to punch the man, but found that he could not complete the action. His fist stopped 2 inches away from the man's face, and that is when the man spoke: "Toby, you have been a loyal servant ever since you summoned me in 2007. I will now speak a series of words, and you must listen closely, for they will unlock the binding on your mind and make you whole again. Neptune yiff aardvark red lycanthrope asinine temptation hospital orange ten escape pattern."

And as the word "pattern" escaped the man's mouth, an entire lifetime of memories flooded into Toby. Toby remembered that his name was not Toby, but was in fact Cunt Kinte, and that he was an aspiring rapper, an aspiring astronaut, a good boy, and that he was turning his life around.

The man spoke again, "Cunt, I will now tell you the reason for my subterfuge. I erased your memory and made you even more retarded than you already were because I wanted to protect you. I and my followers have been working hard to corrupt the world, and by bringing me to this dimension, you have allowed us to achieve the dreams of the elder gods. We put Obama in the White House to corrupt the masonic workings. We defunded and disbanded the police to make the general people feel unsafe and unprotected. We spread COVID-19 to instill fear in the world. And we have even corrupted the main stream media, making them believe that encouraging chaos, disorder, violence, and miscegenation was for the good of mankind. And to that end, we have also made it much more difficult for those that know the truth to be heard. Those that speak of these problems are silenced by my servants; websites that speak of our evils are purged, and their members doxxed, ridiculed, and fired from their jobs, their reputations ruined. And we have caused stupid little creatures like you to riot, loot, and commit crimes because it amuses us. Yes, I hate niggers, and I hate you, Cunt, because you are a nigger. But you are a useful tool, and a fool, and we will continue to use you. By spreading madness we achieve our goals."

"Cunt Kinte, engage protocol Nigger Omega 3."

And just like that, the fog, the darkened skies, and the mysterious man were gone, and Cunt found himself standing next to a mirror. He observed that his appearance had changed. No longer was his posture that of a gorilla, his hair was meticulously groomed, his beard and mustache were shaved, and he was wearing the finest suit ever made. And he looked harmless, like a good nigger, one that could fly under the radar until it was too late for his human victims. It could even read, write, and speak proper English.

Cunt smiled to himself, and knew his true adventure was about to begin.

(Chapter 5 will be released when it is ready.)

:lol :lol :lol

Goodman Grey
06-28-2020, 11:29 PM
I was bored...

Chapter 5: Toby Gets a Job

(All names and events are fictitious and any resemblance to actual events is coincidental.)

Suddenly, Toby woke up from his dream and found himself drenched in sweat. He could barely remember what it was about, but he knew that it somehow made him nervous and anxious. At any rate, he had a job interview today, and it was scheduled for 10 am. It was currently 9:47 am, but Toby wasn't worried.

If anyone called him out on his tardiness, he would just say "Dats RAYCISS!!!"

Toby didn't bother showering or shaving. He checked his dreds in the broken mirror in his bathroom, and deemed them good enough; as he put his paw through his hair, about 20 lice crawled over it, slid down his arm, and found new homes in his armpit, chest hair, and his pubes. Toby was a heavy methamphetamine smoker, and as such, he didn't bother brushing his teeth. They were already hideously stained, and there was a gap in the front as if he had been sucking dick for so long, and so many times, that it looked like the cocks had gradually worn down his teeth.

He hadn't paid the water bill in five months, and they had shut off his water supply. His toilet was overflowing with shit, so Toby grabbed a bunch of it with his hands and threw it at the wall. Toby then took off his cumstained drawers and crapped in the sink.

His morning ritual complete, he then stripped naked and put on a dirty wifebeater shirt and some pants that were 20 sizes too big. Toby didn't use a belt; he used suspenders, and he adjusted his suspenders so that the waistline on his pants hung an inch below his nutsack. He wasn't going to wear underwear or boxers today, because today Toby was going to tell the white man to go fuck himself.

Toby then drove his 1998 Pontiac Bonneville to the job site, and while doing so smoked a blunt and injected some black tar heroin into his dick. And I mean In. His. Dick. The needle was finagled into Toby's peehole, angled slightly, jabbed into the soft tissue, and then the wonderful smack was injected deep inside of Toby's disease encrusted muh dik.

When he arrived, he triple parked his shitmobile in three handicapped parking spaces. A creepy ass cracker started walking towards Toby's car, but when Toby stepped out, the white boy turned around and walked in the opposite direction. He entered the building, and when he saw the white female secretary, he told her he was here for an interview, and that he knew he was late (he was actually three hours late). Toby then walked around the desk and started masturbating in front of her.

She tried to ignore what was going on, but then Toby started chimping out because he couldn't 'finish.' Angry with itself, Toby then went and sat down in a chair in the lobby.

Half an hour later, a man in a suit came walking out. As soon as he saw Toby, he ordered the secretary to call the police. Toby heard this, and got enraged. He started shrieking at the top of his lungs, pounded his chest with his fists, and rapidly jumped up and down.

"Dats RAYCISS!!! I bees a world war one veteran, and I bees a nigger. You gone gibs me dis heah job or I is gone tell Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson dat you no gibs me dis job!"

At that, both white people realized that they had offended the nigger, and so they both took off their pants and underpants, and bent over so that the nigger could have its way with their assholes. They knew that to do otherwise would cause the mainstream media to publicly shame and destroy them, and wreck any hope of profits the company ever had.

Another employee happened to walk by as Toby was muh dikking the white soy boy beta cuck, and muttered to himself, "This happens every time we hire another fucking nigger."

(Chapter 6 will arrive at an unknown future date.)

Goodman Grey
07-02-2020, 11:59 PM
Chapter 6: The Aristocrats!

Actually, I'm tired of trying to come up with new stuff for this. This is it for me unless someone else wants to add chapters.

I aint bin dun did dat!
08-16-2020, 05:42 PM
Holy shit man. I’m crying from laughing so hard. Great read. I’d try a chapter but could do it no justice.

08-20-2020, 11:19 PM
Please write more!!

Goodman Grey
10-22-2020, 10:18 PM
Chapter 7: Toby Spreads COVID-19

It was a mild autumn day, when Toby woke up in his shack. And by shack, I mean it was a literal 12 feet by 12 feet "house" made entirely out of wood, and more akin to a studio apartment than what most humans would consider a home. But unlike most studio apartments, Toby's house did not have a refrigerator, a microwave, an oven, a stove, natural gas, or even electricity. His toilet was simply a ceramic toilet that he had stolen from a human and placed inside his shack. There was no plumbing or pipes, and no clean water. Less than a week after Toby installed the toilet, it had begun overflowing with urine and feces. That was 19 years ago. The toilet is still there. So is the feces.

When Toby looked at his blinged out fake Rolex, he noticed that it was a little after 2 PM. Did Toby still have a job? He couldn't remember. He did remember spending most of the last night hanging out in a bathroom at Walmart, and he remembered having unprotected sex with both men, women, and children. To be fair, that was only because Toby raped them.

Slowly, very slowly, Toby began to remember that his new job was to wander around town and spread COVID-19 to as many people as possible. Someone told him that he would get paid $15 for every infected person, and that it would make Trump look bad. Toby would never take a vaccine, because Trump supported vaccinations for diseases, and Toby was a Democrat, which meant that Toby had to engage in self-destructive behavior. Toby was not a member of BLM, because even he felt that nigger lives did not matter. Toby crawled out of bed, and started knocking on his neighbors' doors. When they answered, he would ask if them if they intended to vote for Trump or Biden, and if they said Trump, he would intentionally cough or sneeze right in their face.

After about 40 minutes, Toby was arrested because he wasn't wearing any pants or undergarments, but the police released Toby because they were afraid to be accused of being racist.

That was when Toby pulled a baby glock out of his prison wallet and murdered both police officers. When the next cop car arrived, they refused to arrest Toby because they were afraid of being accused of being racist.

Toby began to laugh, and ran down the street, but not before spitting in the faces of both of the police officers. Toby thought it was hilarious how he was able to commit crimes against humanity just because of his skin color.

Toby entered a McDonald's, a Walmart, a Home Depot, a Flying J, and a Grayhound bus station. In each case, Toby would fart, sneeze, cough, and rub his snot all over everything he could touch. He giggled as he knew that people would get sick because of his actions. Toby also wasn't wearing a mask, because he was told that not wearing a mask was a good way of getting humans sick. But after about 10 minutes at the bus station, his homosexual urges made it impossible for him to keep spreading COVID-19, and he spent the next 7 hours having unprotected anal sex with random men. Toby was a catcher, not a pitcher, so this was not a problem for him.

Toby also used Truvada, a drug that allows uninfected men to have anal sex with HIV positive men without having to worry about getting AIDS. Not that there is anything wrong with being wildly irresponsible, of course.

And so this chapter of the story ends, with Toby having infected a number of homosexual niggerlovers with COVID-19 because they couldn't keep it in their pants. Burn the coal, pay the toll.

edit: Please be responsible and do not intentionally do things that may cause other humans to get infected with COVID-19 or other diseases.