View Full Version : Once again, it's starting to look like I was right this whole time.

06-22-2020, 04:43 PM
Mrs. Tweak and I were commenting just after St. Floyd floated up the the great waddymelon patch that this will probably turn out to be either some kind of hoax or possibly nothing more than planned murder/hit having NOTHING to do with St. Floyd's niggerdom. We knew there was something else going on here especially when the FBI took Chauvin to Florida for two days with no explanation and no charges. We couldn't quite put our fingers on it. Rumors have been circulating about this whole shit show for a couple of weeks now. I wish this story gave more references but I can understand why it doesn't if only half of it is true. At this stage in the game, many witnesses would start dying off under questionable circumstances (think Arkanside) - like shooting themselves twice in the back of the head with a rifle from ten feet away. Who the hell would even notice a few more deaths with all the rest of the shit hitting the fan nowadays anyway?

We knew there was some kind of fuckery afoot but we also knew that if or when the truth came out, it wouldn't matter. The niggers, the media, the officials... none would ever apologize or beg the violence to stop once the rioting began. It simply wouldn't change anything and the truth would likely never make it past the last page of the papers. Compounding this is the fact that all the cops were charged (by design) with crimes they cannot possibly be convicted of under the law. Think the Casey Anthony trial here - the world knows she did it but she walked because of prosecutorial malpractice/incompetence in charging her. They will all be acquitted and This will inevitably lead to more riots.

You have GOT to read this whole article:

Chauvin was not on the scene first but knew of the counterfeit bills stolen. He also must have known the Club, where he and Floyd worked together, was allegedly involved in human trafficking, money laundering, counterfeiting and drug deals. Some say the Feds were involved with the Club. Chauvin worked there for 17 years and was the club enforcer. There were rumors that the owners had a contract on him for stealing counterfeit money from the club and dealing drugs in the parking lot. So, when Chauvin heard on the police radio that a man was being held for passing a counterfeit bill, Chauvin knew Floyd, who was an ex con, may give evidence about the club to authorities to stay out of jail...

...Minneapolis Mayor, Jacob Frey, was under investigation for ties to the night club and knew that the evidence was in the 3rd precinct police station that burned down...

No-one is asking the question where did the counterfeit bills come from? Guys, this whole story reeks like shit and this entire nation is being played like a cheap fiddle.

A far reaching corruption case leading who knows how high has been destroyed and the replacement narrative has brought the country to the brink of civil war possibly destroying the POTUS reelection efforts. It looks like this whole thing was a "two birds with one stone" setup. In aviation warfare, pilots call it a "target of opportunity" when they complete the mission but still have a bomb on the rail then run across another target on the way back to the ship. If the TOA causes more damage than the original mission, then so much the better.

Well, it's looking like mission accomplished, assholes. I'd like to see all of your heads on pikes while coyotes feast on your bodies underneath.

06-22-2020, 06:03 PM
I called this practically day 1 at work as soon as they said they knew each other from the club.

I’ll read the article when I get home but my bet is club owner was a nigger who put out the hit. The nigger stole money and was selling drugs on the club turf.

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Goodman Grey
06-22-2020, 06:17 PM
I called this practically day 1 at work as soon as they said they knew each other from the club.

I’ll read the article when I get home but my bet is club owner was a nigger who put out the hit. The nigger stole money and was selling drugs on the club turf.

I knew that bit about George having fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system was suspicious.

Using your own product and pissing off gang members and the police is no way to go through life.

06-22-2020, 06:28 PM
I called this practically day 1 at work as soon as they said they knew each other from the club.

That's about the same time I looked at the Mrs. and said "where the hell does a drunk, drugged out nigger get his paws on counterfeit 20's?" That takes a fairly sophisticated setup - not an Ifoam camera and his nephew's printer. The fact that they were passable enough for him to even make it out the door proves that a nigger couldn't make them. Niggers are barely smart enough to press the green button on the zerox machine at the library. Forget color print & watermarks on cotton/linen blend paper.