View Full Version : Nigger waiter left with "All Lives Matter" and no tip- wahhhhh!

Whitey Ford
06-18-2020, 03:27 PM
It's just such a sad and terrible newsworthy occurrence. No tip tip for nigger waiter. waaahhhhhhhh.
Black NKY server says he was left without a tip, "All Lives Matter" message instead

Be sure and check out the wahhhfest video at the link.

A black Northern Kentucky server shared the message a customer left on his receipt.

Alex Williams is a server at the Buffalo Wild Wings in Newport. After serving a family on June 8, they left a receipt with no tip and the message “All Lives Matter.” Williams is wondering what he did to deserve it.

“For some people, you can just tell you're not going to be able to make them happy, necessarily. And it just was progressively worse and worse,” said Williams.

“I wasn't able to keep that stocked fast enough for her, and that was reason enough for her to yell at me from across a couple of tables when I'm greeting another table,” he said.

Williams got management involved to try and calm the situation. He has worked in the restaurant industry for nearly two decades. He said anything he did to provoke this message was unintentional.


06-18-2020, 03:34 PM
lazy and disgusting slovenly nigger. They are all the same. I see niggers, I walk on.

06-18-2020, 03:49 PM
Niggers are the worst tippers.
Niggers often don't pay their bill/they just walk out
Niggers treat wait staff horribly.

And now we have a nigger who ....works hard. Oh, boy.

06-19-2020, 02:38 PM
:lol:lol:lol A nigger whining about not getting a tip. That's too funny because we all know just how great niggers are at tipping.

Goodman Grey
06-19-2020, 02:58 PM
Well, a legitimate question to ask is this: "Do all lives matter, or do only black lives matter, and why?"

06-19-2020, 05:54 PM
Makes me wonder what nigger "wait staff" have to say about me: Usually if I'm seated at a restaurant and some Nigger comes up to me and starts trying to babble that it is my "way-tor" I usually walk out of the restaurant without even ordering. I don't want any nigger even remotely near any food I plan on consuming for any reason. Needless to say this means I don't eat out much.