View Full Version : SHOCKER! Nigger Rayshard Brooks had an extensive record of criminal violence!

Midder Peenud Hayed
06-17-2020, 07:01 PM
Nigger Rayshard Brooks beat his way through more than a decade of lawlessness — hiding his shameful secrets that he was a serial niglet and sow beater, fugitive, and absconding probationer — according to hundreds of documents obtained by Your Content.

I'm Shocked -- SHOCKED, I tell you! It turns out that the latest nigger saint to be trayvonned by the PoPo was a total dirtbag who should have been made good a long time ago. I don't care that it spent years savagely beating its sow, niglets, and God knows what else.

Nigger Brooks was convicted of several crimes — including obstructing an officer, family battery violence, possessing weapons during a crime, receiving stolen property, felony cruelty to niglets, interfering with custody, false imprisonment, snatching his niglets without permission from their mammy, and battery.

Well niggers, time to ramp up the riots and looting again! Because a drunk nigger convicted criminal, who resists arrest, and grabs a cop's taser is completely innocent...


06-17-2020, 07:39 PM
He was a good boy, only trying to turn his life around, have 5 kids, went to church, and the occasional robbery, assault, muh dikk, and theft.

Midder Peenud Hayed
06-17-2020, 07:46 PM
Well, he sure as shit is a "good boy" now... :rofl

Cat fur allergic
06-17-2020, 08:25 PM
They arrested the cops for murder. You can clearly see it was pure self defense.

06-17-2020, 08:51 PM
A nigger running with a taser had to be stopped. The nigger could have threatened a pregnant woman with it and held her hostage.

Goodman Grey
06-17-2020, 09:47 PM
Why do niggers always have to fight with the police, try to run away, and try to murder police officers?

That cop was lucky the nigger grabbed the taser instead of his gun.

Niggers say they are afraid of the police, but it's the niggers that act like feral animals when law is being enforced. Niggers can't be domesticated, and they are not human. Human laws should not apply to niggers.

Midder Peenud Hayed
06-17-2020, 10:02 PM
Why do niggers always have to fight with the police, try to run away, and try to murder police officers?

That cop was lucky the nigger grabbed the taser instead of his gun.

Niggers say they are afraid of the police, but it's the niggers that act like feral animals when law is being enforced. Niggers can't be domesticated, and they are not human. Human laws should not apply to niggers.

Evidently, these days, "Human laws" DO NOT apply to Negroes as they are not being enforced for the most part, and when they are, the police who are simply doing their jobs, are being charged with crimes.

Civil War in 5..., 4..., 3..., 2...

LeeRoy Jenkums
06-18-2020, 12:03 PM
They arrested the cops for murder. You can clearly see it was pure self defense.

They're arresting these cops purely for the motive of placating the niggers and cuck enablers.

As soon as this shit goes to trial, it will be dismissed.

THEN we'll see the good stuff...