View Full Version : Nigger Sow illegally boards a plane. Everyone else on board had to be re chcked.

Cat fur allergic
06-16-2020, 06:38 PM

How a woman boarded a Delta flight without a boarding pass or ID

06-16-2020, 07:27 PM
so many racist comments...love it !! The tide is turning niggers. The back bone of America, the white tax payers, are sick to death of your demands and claim for rights. Niggers have always been a burden on society and always will be. Niggers - the white man's burden.

Midder Peenud Hayed
06-16-2020, 08:32 PM
so many racist comments...love it !! The tide is turning niggers. The back bone of America, the white tax payers, are sick to death of your demands and claim for rights. Niggers have always been a burden on society and always will be. Niggers - the white man's burden.

Yep! I am finding more and more pro-Human/anti-nigger comments all across the innerwebs. I think the Human 88% are starting to get a clue!

06-17-2020, 02:22 AM
^^Tide turning? Methinks not. This happened on Oct. 5th and it was just now released to the media on June 15? WTF???

Got to love the brass on that nigger bitch. Telling the TSA that it was their fault for letting her on the plane.

No charges filed... Double WTF!!!

TSA said she had been involuntarily institutionalized several times before. Mmmmkkkaaayy..... Have you ever seen a nigger that was voluntarily institutionalized? That could mean anything. Prison is just that anyway. NU is an institute of higher education for niggers, is it not? Criminally insane? Who knows. We won't be told.