View Full Version : Stinking Niggers Want YT to Stop Joining Protesters and Go Back to Work to Provide Mo Gibs

Chimp Detester
06-16-2020, 09:32 AM
My friends: The level of NFS (Nigger Fatigue Syndrome) I am experiencing today knows no bounds. Is anybody else getting fed up?



Black lives = Fecal matter.

Black lies = Fecal matter.


06-16-2020, 12:40 PM
I'm pretty sure non of my ancestors were any of the 2 percent that owned slaves. I'll bet that nigger doesn't have anything on the other side of that sign about all the nigger wrangling niggers that rounded them up and packed them on the boats. Why don't they go back to africa and bitch to them about their foatee acres and a mule an rape-rashunz an sheeit.

06-16-2020, 03:18 PM
I am done with niggers and the causes of niggers. Can take no more. I have become nigger intolerant to a degree of no return.

animal mother
06-16-2020, 03:36 PM
Niggers have always been a problem since the first one was shat out of a prehistoric ape’s ass. But my complete and total hatred is for the YT enablers causing the bullshit we see every day in the news. Niggers lack the mental capacity to organize anything other than muh dik and stuffing their chiggin holes. I have to believe that the Chinese commie pricks also have a hand in the mass chimpouts as it suits their interest.

YT Rules
06-16-2020, 03:46 PM
The Soros troublemakers have a knack for winding up the niggers. The niggers are sure slow to notice that whenever the Socialists show up to 'help' them the city gets burned down.

Midder Peenud Hayed
06-16-2020, 06:11 PM
My original immigrant ancestors -- great-great-great grandfather and his brother, came from Bavaria in 1840. The tobacco farm they bought in Virginia came with a few nigger slaves. They didn't buy the niggers, it appears that they didn't want the niggers (they kept "journals"), and they didn't know what to do with the niggers.

They worked the farm until the early 1850's, then sold it and moved to the upper Midwest. They left the niggers behind.

So were my ancestors slave owners...?


Do I feel "guilty" about it...?


Every goddamn nigger in North America should get down on its paws and thank Evil Whitey for allowing them to remain here.

YT Rules
06-16-2020, 08:53 PM
My original immigrant ancestors -- great-great-great grandfather and his brother, came from Bavaria in 1840.

[Post Shortened]
Every goddamn nigger in North America should get down on its paws and thank Evil Whitey for allowing them to remain here.

Thank you for sharing.

I'm still having trouble finding support documentation of what happened to Ape Lincoln's slaves. When he married Mary Todd she brought her farm and its niggers to their marriage. He sold her farm. What happened to her farm animals?

It fascinates me how people in the northern states shipped their niggers south and then claimed they are 'free'. And the North continued to use child labor all the way up to the 1970s.

Britain, France and Canada 'liberated' their niggers to the Caribbean where they had employment up to the 1870s. And the people that live in these countries now brag about their 'Diversity' despite there countries being nigger free from the time they were removed to the 1950s.

Cat fur allergic
06-16-2020, 09:47 PM
Sadly the protest world wide still huge amount of humans supporting these stupid protest. Other wise cops would be arresting BLM/antifa humans instead of the ones getting beaten by them and arrested at the same time.