View Full Version : Black loving girls

06-10-2020, 12:04 PM
One thing I don’t understand. Why do all these beautiful white girls go for blacks? Are they crazy?

06-10-2020, 07:02 PM
Not all. By far it is the ones with other issues such as.

Daddy issues.
Mental illness
Liberal brainwashing
Past beta male white men
Whores who think all niggers have a BBC

Any combination of these usually.

06-10-2020, 10:45 PM
"Beautiful white girls"??? I've never seen an attractive woman with a nigger. White women who spread their shit for a nigger are typically ugly on the inside or ugly on the outside. They're trash, not worth having around.

Buck Simian
06-10-2020, 11:00 PM

This ones hot, blonde and single again since her boo bit the dust!!!!

06-10-2020, 11:32 PM
I have never seen a very attractive woman dating a nigger outside of the TV.
Liberals would tell me I’m not looking in the right places but I really doubt they exist, the only somewhat attractive women I’ve seen touching a nigger are the really young ones that are providing them transportation. Every time I go in public and see a white woman with an ape I wait til they walk out to the car. I’ve NEVER seen the nigger driving. EVER.
I have also noticed that women that go for niggers are also drug addicts that go to niggers for their fix, even if they were once moderately attractive that doesn’t last. Maybe that’s why drug dealing niggers still remain so fucking poor, give them a million dollars in dope and they’ll just sell it all for muhdik and what little money they make will go to gold teeth and fucking golden rims and stereos.
Even added on top of that, niggers are massive con artists. I don’t know how anyone can fall for their low IQ monkeyshines but I guess some people do, and that’s a small cog in the huge issue of no niglet knowing who da daddy beez.
Really, other things have been clarified in posts above but I just don’t know how anyone can justify dating an ape. You always lose in the long run. They’ll take your money, they’ll beat the shit out of you, they’ll steal everything precious to you, they’ll lie their way into your pants, they’ll flee the second you ask for commitment, you’ll get STDS, the BBC myth has been proven false- it just goes on and on.


Blue Gum
06-10-2020, 11:35 PM
They're sick, as in mentally defective. It's completely unnatural, sure there's probably many reasons, as mentioned above, but IMO?, the underlying reason is mentally defective behavior.

06-11-2020, 01:35 AM
^^^Hot from fever from the herpeghonnasyphillaids, blond from the bleach, and single again from the copious amount of drugs, diebeeteez and other niggercentric diseases it's buck had. The boot helped, though.

Also, nigger rich from the gofundadayednigger and upcoming gibsme lawsuits.

Why, this ones a sure gem of a catch, fellas!!!

06-11-2020, 03:32 AM
Some good points. IMO these young sluts need to be reminded where they belong and what colour they are 👍

animal mother
06-11-2020, 09:25 AM
Eventually they all wind up wearing mudshark sunglasses or join the Nicole Brown Simpson look alike contest.

Chimp Detester
06-11-2020, 09:58 AM
Hmmm. Interesting thread. Yes: Most of these females have come from terrible YT parents, most likely the abusive/alcoholic/addict/violent/incestual dad, but sometimes both mom and dad are scumbags. And so they grow up accustomed to mistreatment, believing they are worthless, so for them, being a victim is normal.

And if you are really honest, most race-traiterous coal-burning filthy despicable mud-shark sows are really hot wiminz. (Men: Please try your best to control yourselves looking at these PlayboyⓇ centerfold hotties!)





06-11-2020, 11:06 AM
Let’s not forget this does not just apply to women. I think it is universal as men who drill oil do so for the same reason women burn coal, but also because they are beta cucks.

Any human that was at one point attractive but has permanently tainted themselves likely also has a drug problem to go along with the other causes of nigger mating.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

06-11-2020, 11:08 AM
LMAO!!! Hot? No. Single again? Yes. She can be another niggers AIDS trap.��

Earl Mavis
06-11-2020, 11:19 AM
My neice is no good burner of coal. I blame her stinking mother who is a dam lib. She's 20 years younger than me, so the breain washing was more potent, I tried to informer of the black edification of the west, but they think they know better.

So this was a couple weeks ago, I was invited for dinner now that the lockdown had been lifted in our state. My sister (this bitches mom), told me that Marian (the bitch) would be bringing her boyfriend over. I don't consent to these personally, a woman should be married before she brings into a man into her paternal home, anyway, it is not my kingdom, so when I asked what the man's name was, she said Corey.

My nigger senses were tingling, but I gave it the benefit of the doubt. In they came, my flesh and blood and a nigger! Dressed like some ratchet with a God-damn ring in his nose! Upon seeing this I walked out and I have relinquished ties with them.

06-11-2020, 12:13 PM
My neice is no good burner of coal. I blame her stinking mother who is a dam lib. She's 20 years younger than me, so the breain washing was more potent, I tried to informer of the black edification of the west, but they think they know better.

So this was a couple weeks ago, I was invited for dinner now that the lockdown had been lifted in our state. My sister (this bitches mom), told me that Marian (the bitch) would be bringing her boyfriend over. I don't consent to these personally, a woman should be married before she brings into a man into her paternal home, anyway, it is not my kingdom, so when I asked what the man's name was, she said Corey.

My nigger senses were tingling, but I gave it the benefit of the doubt. In they came, my flesh and blood and a nigger! Dressed like some ratchet with a God-damn ring in his nose! Upon seeing this I walked out and I have relinquished ties with them.

Sad thing is soon she'll be cursed with one or two half-nigger kids, on government assistance, and the nose-ringed buck no where to be found.

06-11-2020, 01:10 PM
Here in the U.K. it’s usually younger girls that go for blacks. Teens and those in early 20s. Brainwashed by the hip hop influence that’s taking over society these days. It’s as if they see it as fashionable haha

06-11-2020, 01:41 PM
Let’s not forget this does not just apply to women. I think it is universal as men who drill oil do so for the same reason women burn coal, but also because they are beta cucks.

Any human that was at one point attractive but has permanently tainted themselves likely also has a drug problem to go along with the other causes of nigger mating.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

You will never see an oil-driller who is not a ball-less, feminized, nu-male cuck. If there is a real man with a nigress, I've never seen him.

Your typical oil-drilling cuck:


06-11-2020, 01:51 PM
fuck, it's turd and curd

06-11-2020, 01:57 PM
fuck, it's turd and curd


Rape Ape
06-11-2020, 04:44 PM

This ones hot, blonde and single again since her boo bit the dust!!!!

First of all, is that even a "her"? :lol And from that gorilla type nose, I suspect some one-drop contamination. Maybe an octoroon?

Midder Peenud Hayed
06-11-2020, 04:51 PM
Mudsharking is almost always the result of low self-esteem. Less often, it's to rebel against parents or make a political point.

My wife's college roommate was a mudder and almost paid with her life.


06-11-2020, 05:33 PM
First of all, is that even a "her"? :lol And from that gorilla type nose, I suspect some one-drop contamination. Maybe an octoroon?

Even if it wasn't born a one dropper, No doubt it's had a few gallons in transfuxions since then!

Octoroon maybe. Skankapoon definitely.

Sorry, I just had to.

06-11-2020, 05:45 PM
First of all, is that even a "her"? :lol And from that gorilla type nose, I suspect some one-drop contamination. Maybe an octoroon?

I looked closely and I really think that's a male, well - biologically anyway. Aren't all nigger bucks on the downlow?

06-11-2020, 05:58 PM
First of all, is that even a "her"? :lol And from that gorilla type nose, I suspect some one-drop contamination. Maybe an octoroon?

Even with 1/10 of 1% nigger, having received nigger aids and venereal disease juice, she's a full fledged nigger. A white nigger, perhaps, but still a reprehensible animal.

Rape Ape
06-11-2020, 06:22 PM
Even with 1/10 of 1% nigger, having received nigger aids and venereal disease juice, she's a full fledged nigger. A white nigger, perhaps, but still a reprehensible animal.

Yep. The "One Drop Rule" is an inviolable law of nature.

Buck Simian
06-11-2020, 11:15 PM
Honestly i don't give a damn what a woman looks like. The second she mates with a nigger she becomes a nigger. No two ways about it. Never date a nigger and never date a white woman who has dated a nigger. And that goes for the ladies as well. Never date a white man who has dated a nigger. Screwing around with a nigger is no different than sneaking into the zoo at night and having your way with the animals.

06-12-2020, 12:13 AM
Hollywood is a big part of it. Niggers haven't been cast as villains (which is the only realistic roles for them) since the days of Gene Hackman's Popeye Doyle and Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry....these days, all niggers are svelte, heroic, intelligent, and contribute to the betterment of the world in ways in which the white man apparently never dreamed of himself. The latest lie pushed by Hollywood is that the white man only made it to the Moon because of the heroic mathematical genius of some negress sows that NASA hid away from the public eye. Conversely, how many films have you seen with stupid, incompetent, impotent white men contrasted to one of those heroic, magic niggers?

06-12-2020, 02:31 AM
Not all. By far it is the ones with other issues such as.

Daddy issues.
Mental illness
Liberal brainwashing
Past beta male white men
Whores who think all niggers have a BBC

Any combination of these usually.

May I add:
Guilt of some sort, and in their vacant minds, offering their female humanity to niggers somehow "restores balance"

Self-hate, to literally miscegenate and make foul what is already human and normal looking

Getting back at controlling parents; rebellion, or a variant, "I'll do it because you told me not to (fuck monkeys)

The new fashion accessory, a nigger buck, to show how sophisticated, modern, and inclusive they are

Loving a pet. Yeah we do love our dog and cat pets, but to commit beastiality?

And the worst kind, setting aside their humanity in favor of the perceived pleasure of BBC. These are the sexual deviants who let their lust and desires overpower their human conscience, and descend into base animal instincts.

06-12-2020, 10:54 AM
Well, everyone's already said it all. And well said.
I was going to say brain washing or mental illness.

06-12-2020, 12:04 PM
Hollywood is a big part of it. Niggers haven't been cast as villains (which is the only realistic roles for them) since the days of Gene Hackman's Popeye Doyle and Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry....these days, all niggers are svelte, heroic, intelligent, and contribute to the betterment of the world in ways in which the white man apparently never dreamed of himself. The latest lie pushed by Hollywood is that the white man only made it to the Moon because of the heroic mathematical genius of some negress sows that NASA hid away from the public eye. Conversely, how many films have you seen with stupid, incompetent, impotent white men contrasted to one of those heroic, magic niggers?

Um, all of them? AND all commercials AND all TV shows. Worst are the insurance ads, in which trustworthy, financially-savvy, articulate, responsible niggers have to educate stupid-looking, high-pitched, blobby, weakling, beta YT men about insurance.

animal mother
06-12-2020, 12:37 PM
Um, all of them? AND all commercials AND all TV shows. Worst are the insurance ads, in which trustworthy, financially-savvy, articulate, responsible niggers have to educate stupid-looking, high-pitched, blobby, weakling, beta YT men about insurance.

And the irony is niggers never have insurance!!

06-13-2020, 12:56 AM
There's another reason why some girls go for these disgusting niggers. Since some girls see these gorillas as strong and very masculine, they use them as a means to protect them from danger. The ironic part is, by dating a nigger, they put themselves in danger and not even realize it. It is only then realized when they get killed, raped by the gorillas other primates or beaten. Nothing good comes from a nigger unless it's dead.

06-13-2020, 08:15 AM
Every commercial on tv now from insurance to phone service to medication has a mixed couple in it.Young people, being stupid anyway, will see this as acceptable at best, desirable at worst.The battle for our culture is almost as much about age as it is race.

06-13-2020, 09:47 AM
Every commercial on tv now from insurance to phone service to medication has a mixed couple in it.Young people, being stupid anyway, will see this as acceptable at best, desirable at worst.The battle for our culture is almost as much about age as it is race.

I assure you everyone here has noticed :).

It is the diversity lie being thrust upon us. It is either the cool young buck that all the burners swoon for or the snappy sow that all the beta male cucks look to when they need financial advice or car insurance help. Companies caved in to pressure even in instances where niggers are not even in the demographic that buys the products. Niggers complain there are not enough niggers in movies and TV or the roles they get are not acceptable. "We don't wanna be sidekicks an sheit." Well see, there are only so many rocket scientist, doctors, and selfless hero roles out there and they are already chock full of niggers.