View Full Version : UK has gone full nigger ass-kisser, and throw a statue of slave trader in the river.

06-07-2020, 08:09 PM
Done in the name of the illustrious, greatly mourned contributor to society nigger, George Floyd.

For someone who died nearly three centuries ago, Edward Colston has become a symbol for the Black Lives Matter movement in Britain. The toppling of his statue in Bristol, a city in the southwest of England, on Sunday by anti-racism protesters was greeted with joyous scenes, recognition of the fact that he was a notorious slave trader — a badge of shame in what is one of Britain's most liberal cities.

I guess they enjoy digging their own graves as they embrace more and more feral Africoons into their midst.


Planet of the Apes
06-07-2020, 10:20 PM

Thank you Coonited Shitholes of Americoon for so ferociously coddling the simian chillen of Devil and setting an example for libtard morons in other countries.


Don't these libtard morons have even a single healthy brain cell in their rotten skulls? What is so "desirable" about the ugliest, vilest, foulest, and most loathsome beast to ever appear on this planet? If they hate themselves so much why not just drown themselves in the river? They can all f*ck off to Africa if they are so eager to live in Hell, surrounded by millions of stinking hellspawn apes.

Planet of the Apes
06-07-2020, 10:45 PM
Done in the name of the illustrious, greatly mourned contributor to society nigger, George Floyd.

I guess they enjoy digging their own graves as they embrace more and more feral Africoons into their midst.


More proof that libtards are nihilistic, masochistic, and completely insane. Please someone bring back the Lunatic asylums and lock away these enemies of peace & happiness in the deepest vaults of those institutions.

Massachusetts Webster Police Chief Michael Shaw joins Beast Lives Matter "protesters" laying face down on the pavement


06-07-2020, 10:55 PM


06-08-2020, 12:35 AM
^^ McCoy would have declared him mentally unfit for duty. He'd be laying face down, all-right - in sickbay strapped to a bed and loopy from the hypospray.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. 3e7wMyd_A8VVU45MiTyLaQHaFj%26pid%3DApi&f=1