View Full Version : Media getting very desperate, they keep going on about white liberals being far right lol.

Cat fur allergic
06-05-2020, 09:15 AM
Why are white supremacists protesting the deaths of black people?


Funny thing is the dumb white liberals, think yeah must be far right white groups involved while rioting next to them. When they get arrested by cops. No dumb ass you're the far right LOL.

06-05-2020, 09:33 AM
and the apology pandemic !! The media is full of humans and their groveling, sniveling apologies for 'hate crimes' committed 30 years ago. Niggers are being promoted to saint hood status in the eyes of the weak and easily brain conditioned. The media has installed fear into the continued livelihood of every human. Stand strong and defy. The weak will go down with the ship.