View Full Version : Mudslime Ali Khamenei supports US niggers

05-30-2020, 06:07 AM
The professional kiddy-fucker, goat abuser, illiterate and utterly stupid mudslime sandnigger who leads Iran, Ali Khamenei, shills for Subchimps Libes Splatter who loots in Minne-ape-polis. The old fart twitted "If you're dark-skinned in the US, you can't be sure you'll be alive in the next few minutes". Translation for Chimpologists: "If you're a fucking grease-ape knuckle-dragging in the US in search of malt likka or da hoe, you can't be sure you'll not be good in the next few minutes, gnomesayin?!"

This worfless mooslem conveniently forgot that mudslimes enslaved 150 millions groids, and continue to do so in some coontries such as Libya and sheeit, as reminded by many nigger-loving degenerates (if not niggers themselves, but most niggers cannot speak or write in normal English, just niggerbabble, so that's unlikely). The Iranians themselves have hanged dozens of shitskins these past few years. It's not like I care (or you care) about niggers, but this proves how two-faced these terrorists are.

05-30-2020, 08:06 AM
He'd be welcome to have them. Iran deserves another 30 million slaves. We'll send them over for dispersement.

05-30-2020, 02:43 PM
He's just stirring the pot. Our enemies are gloating right now at the nigger unrest. Niggers and their enablers should have their citizenship revoked.