View Full Version : Armed nigger gets killed by store worker, store worker arrested.

Cat fur allergic
05-27-2020, 07:08 PM
Only in liberal cities.

Where you can't defend yourselves.


Store worker charged in fatal shooting of armed man in Brooklyn

05-28-2020, 07:09 AM
Police say 25-year-old Edwin Candelario attempted to attack the worker with a knife during an argument. That's when the 34-year-old worker pulled out a gun and police say he shot Candelario several times, killing him. It appears the worker was not licensed to have the gun.

First off, the argument was probably over whether or not the victim should surrender his money to the thug with the knife. Of course, the media and the NYPD PAO will not talk about those specifics. Secondly, virtually no-one can get a license to carry or own a gun in NY. Any criminal can, though, and spend every bit of an hour in jail over it - especially during this hoaxrona fiasco. Now this poor shmuck will spend the rest of his life behind bars with hardened criminals and will likely not survive to see daylight - all for the crime of defending himself.

I would welcome any peaceful, law abiding human who wants to escape from NYC as my neighbor providing they do one thing: Don't try to turn this place into NYC like they did with Florida. That's the problem with New Yorkers - liberalism is a mental disorder and most all of them are afflicted by it. It is why they have the crime, corruption, cost of living and taxes that they do. It's why shit like this story is allowed to happen. We don't want that shit in the rest of the country. Stay there and choke on the shit sandwich you made for yourselves if like it so much.

Same goes for every other shitropolis! Take your medicine.

05-28-2020, 08:36 AM
A dead nigger is a good nigger !