View Full Version : Bongo Barry continues its rant on Trump's corona repsonse

05-17-2020, 10:59 AM
as expected, the vile negro Barry Bongo has been dug up by the usual suspects to facilitate their election campaign - but nobody believes a word of anything anymore and have have become completely disillusioned and mistrustful of everything spun up within 6 months of an election. The people are burned out with nigger induced bullshit. The BBC and other junk state media just can't stop their tax payer funded war on humanity.


05-17-2020, 06:21 PM
The former HNIC will be a tool of the communist left until the day he transitions to the watermellon patch.

05-17-2020, 08:05 PM
Keep it up Obongo. The ape can barely put two words together without a script and an earpiece. The more the jug eared kenyan ooks the more people realise how much better off we are with a human leader who gets shit done

Midder Peenud Hayed
05-17-2020, 09:53 PM
I am not a religious man, and because of the existence of niggers, doubt the existence of a Supreme Being, but every goddamn day, I say a little prayer thanking whatever for keeping Obuttplug from accomplishing much of anything in his 8 fetid years in the WHITE House.

Fuckball Barry losing the Congress in 2010 helped greatly! He never won over a few southern Senators, and when the stuttering dimwit lost the Senate in 2014, he was effectively neutered.

Bongo's "signature" policy was the massively-fucked ACA, better known as "Barrycare". Most of that is now gone or nonenforceable.

As a mostly Human nation, we dodged a bullet. It could have been so much worse...

Chimp Detester
05-17-2020, 11:00 PM
My friends: Every time the the sub-cockroach mega-turd Koonyan impostor rump-lifter ooks ANYTHING about rump's response to COVID 19, we need to FLOOD our social media pages with several very important 100% verifiable facts:

1. It's 'presidency' was a total failure, as are ALL nigger presidencies anywhere in the world. (Ape-freekah, the Caribbean, etc.)

2. The super-turd Barry the Pillow-biter Insane Ohomo sent $3,700,000 of our tax dollars precisely to Wuhang for "virus research". So the despicable former HNIC has a great responsibility in the current 'plandemic'. See:

3. Though the idiots in the main stream media wish to overlook it, we had another much-worse epidemic during Obunghole's failed ape-ministration. Its management of that epidemic was horrendous.


4.The leader of the World Health Organization, sub-cockroach Ethi-ape-ian Adhanom Ghebreyesus Tedros, is NOT EVEN A MEDICAL DOCTOR, is 100% New World Order, has been accused of terrorism and has ALWAYS voted against the U. S. and for China in any of its decisions, in spite of the fact that the U. S. was giving WHO $450 million a year or more of our tax dollars (something which Trump suspended!!).


5. Ass-lifter gay Obummer is an America-hating despicable down-low nigger.

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05-20-2020, 12:50 PM
I am not a religious man, and because of the existence of niggers, doubt the existence of a Supreme Being, but every goddamn day, I say a little prayer thanking whatever for keeping Obuttplug from accomplishing much of anything in his 8 fetid years in the WHITE House.

Fuckball Barry losing the Congress in 2010 helped greatly! He never won over a few southern Senators, and when the stuttering dimwit lost the Senate in 2014, he was effectively neutered.

Bongo's "signature" policy was the massively-fucked ACA, better known as "Barrycare". Most of that is now gone or nonenforceable.

As a mostly Human nation, we dodged a bullet. It could have been so much worse...

I'm not looking to convert you ;), but how about this: be certain there is a God because of all the devils around us. Someone once said, "Niggers are proof Satan once raped a monkey."

Midder Peenud Hayed
05-20-2020, 01:55 PM
I'm not looking to convert you ;), but how about this: be certain there is a God because of all the devils around us. Someone once said, "Niggers are proof Satan once raped a monkey."

I could buy that theory :lmao