View Full Version : Trayvon 2.0: dindu goes for a "jog" through a strange neighborhood plagued by break ins

Whitey Ford
05-05-2020, 05:56 PM
He was a gud boi, dindu nuffins. Jus' goin' for a "jog" through a neighborhood he don' live in dat had tooz many break ins. An' lookin' through dose windows cuz heez a frenly sort.
Mother seeks justice after son shot while jogging in Brunswick, Ga.; pair involved in killing not arrested

This is the raw uncensored video on bitchute (too rough for youtube.)

What the official story isn't telling you is that the dindu was looking through windows into people's homes in a neighborhood that he didn't live in and had been plagued by a series of break ins. But, he was only "going for a jog."

Next, is where it went bad. They pursued the dindu and he chimped out on them and they opened fire. Never, ever confront dangerous dindu apes, that's the job for law enforcement. But, the guy involved was an ex-cop, but even so he should've let uniformed and on-duty police officers handle this.

A police report states on Sunday, Feb. 23 at about 1 p.m., police responded to an incident of shots fired at the intersection of Satilla and Holmes drives.

When Glynn County police arrived, the found Arbery, 25, dead on the scene.

An officer began speaking with Gregory McMichael, named as a witness to the incident.

McMichael, who worked several years for the Brunswick Police Department before working as an investigator in the Brunswick District Attorney’s Office, told police there were several break-ins in the neighborhood.


Sheboon DeLuxe
05-05-2020, 06:27 PM
I'm trolling them hard on nigtube.

05-05-2020, 06:57 PM
I read about this last week. The dayed nigger's fambly lawyer said it committed no crime because it didn't break in but the house has doors and windows. By this logic, if my front door was unlocked, any nigger could walk in and rob me. At a bare minimum, it was trespassing which is illegal and subject to arrest by anyone. If you try to fight for a weapon as this nigger foolishly did after being placed under arrest, citizens or otherwise, you just might earn your batwings. Tough shit, nigger.

Of course, the nigger mammy screeched the usual "He wuz a good boy - he nebbuh done nuttin to nobody. I done razed him right!" In fact this nigger did have a history. It was booted from school after showing up to a bawl game with a paw-gun and drugs then threatening other students. When the nigger wranglers tried to arrest it, one was injured with a broken wrist putting him out of commission for some time. It had several run-ins with the popo.

Chimp Detester
05-05-2020, 10:47 PM

So yes, nigger mamy, your worthless mega-turd sub-cockroach son IS a real gut boi now.

And hopefully dozens of other niggers will, in protest, also go jogging in that neghborhood, trespassing on private properties and peeping into people's homes.

Sheboon DeLuxe
05-06-2020, 08:55 AM
In fact this nigger did have a history. It was booted from school after showing up to a bawl game with a paw-gun and drugs then threatening other students. When the nigger wranglers tried to arrest it, one was injured with a broken wrist putting him out of commission for some time. It had several run-ins with the popo.

Got a link for that, ts? Thanks.

05-06-2020, 02:35 PM
The problems with this situation are:1) the nigger was chased by the 2 men, with guns, unlike Trayvon. Zim was on foot so they're on the same equal level, so to speak. 2) Nigger was not actively robbing or raping, so hard to even prove probable cause or exigent circumstances. On duty cops have that authority, not civilians 3) The son was not beaten like Zim, so harder to prove he was just defending himself 4) Zim was just one, here there were two of them, it could be argued they could have just wrestled the boy.
Even if the nigger was in the wrong place, it's just smarter not to deal with them unless they are actually in your house. Now they're in a big legal pickle that will cost them their life savings and peace of mind of their family, for what, a useless nigger? We need to be smarter than this. Let the badges wrangle the nigger. If the result is batwings, it's easier to defend.

Nothing good ever comes from contact with niggers. Avoid that species.

05-06-2020, 03:09 PM
Got a link for that, ts? Thanks.

This is just the first one that shows up when Googling the perp's name:

Arbery was arrested in December of 2012 by Glynn County Schools Police for bringing a handgun into the Brunswick High gymnasium during a basketball game. When an officer spotted the .380 caliber handgun in his waistband, the then 19-year-old Arbery attempted to flee.

Arbery was sentenced to five years’ probation as a first offender on charges of carrying a weapon on campus and several counts of obstructing a law enforcement officer.

I couldn't find the one I read about that included the drug charge but it shouldn't be hard to find.


EDIT - Just ran across this one as well:


The former prosecutor, Barnhill, also brought up Arbery’s past record to the cops. Court documents show that he was convicted of shoplifting and of violating probation in 2018. Five years earlier, Arbery was also indicted on accusations that he took a handgun to a high school basketball game, according to The Brunswick News.

05-06-2020, 03:40 PM
The problems with this situation are:1) the nigger was chased by the 2 men, with guns, unlike Trayvon. Zim was on foot so they're on the same equal level, so to speak. 2) Nigger was not actively robbing or raping, so hard to even prove probable cause or exigent circumstances. On duty cops have that authority, not civilians 3) The son was not beaten like Zim, so harder to prove he was just defending himself 4) Zim was just one, here there were two of them, it could be argued they could have just wrestled the boy.
Even if the nigger was in the wrong place, it's just smarter not to deal with them unless they are actually in your house. Now they're in a big legal pickle that will cost them their life savings and peace of mind of their family, for what, a useless nigger? We need to be smarter than this. Let the badges wrangle the nigger. If the result is batwings, it's easier to defend.

Well... you're not wrong.

While the nigger's reputation precedes it, and it probably was guilty of everything they suspected it of doing, I do have to say that it was an ill conceived notion to actively pursue this nigger. It would have been better to just follow it from a distance like the Z-man did. This story wouldn't even be in the papers now had McMichael not acted as he did. It would just be another nigger headed back to NU. If they were all on foot and the nigger had turned back on him the way trayboon did then it would be a different story altogether, especially with video and a two witnesses.

I smell where this is heading and I believe you are right: McMichael will probably will lose everything over this one worthless nigger.

Sometimes you win the battle but loose the war.

05-06-2020, 05:11 PM
Yep Tweak, once niggers were given rights, equality and shit, everything went downhill. I know the father and son just wanted to wrangle the nigger, but now, their entire family is in chaos. Gone are the days that niggers knew their place and wouldn't even try going out of their areas. Because of the national attention, even if they are acquitted, it's still not worth their pain and suffering. A nigger is worthless. Keep away from them. That's a lesson we want to impart on humanity.

05-06-2020, 07:49 PM
This will be another St. Skittle or Brown scenario for sure. My guess though is they eventually throw these humans under the bus to avoid massive chimpouts. Even if this was a magical scenario where these guys just were out to get some nigger; the nigger charged at the guy holding the gun. The nigger kept it real thinking he found a weak old white guy and got ventilated instead.

05-06-2020, 08:06 PM
As much as I hate this whole corona flap, the best thing this poor guy can hope for is that it drags on for months and some other thug gets batwinged under worse circumstances as soon as the curfews are lifted. The good thing about niggers smoking weed so much is that it does a number on their short term memory. When it comes to chimp riots over such matters, without media coverage, it might all just as well have never even happened.

05-06-2020, 09:00 PM
That cuck senile old man Biden is already siding with the negro. Knowing how they are, I'm sure this negro was up to no good. Why is it that when other people get murdered by negroes it never gets anywhere near the attention as a thug getting gunned down? Reading the comments of the confrontation on CuckTube and I just shake my head. Amazing the degree of brainwashing.

05-06-2020, 09:32 PM
I've been limiting trips to the grocery store but if this develops into something interesting I'll have to go get some cheese popcorn and sit back and watch the show. Burn down your shitty slums, niggers!


Sheboon DeLuxe
05-07-2020, 10:26 AM
Thanks for the links, ts.

The YT guys should not have retrieved a shotgun and a pistol, either. Of course, if you or I were to walk through a nigger neighborhood, we would be followed, harassed, probably robbed and beaten up, and the niggers would say we had it coming. But yeah, those two guys are fucked.

Odin's balls
05-08-2020, 10:46 AM
Looks like self defense to me.

Cat fur allergic
05-08-2020, 11:10 AM

Father And Son Charged With Murder In Killing Of Ahmaud Arbery

Nigger supposedly going for a "jog". Niggers don't jog at all. They run away from stealing etc...

McMichael, a former Glynn County cop, told Glynn police he recognized Arbery, 25, from surveillance video that captured a recent burglary in his mostly white neighbourhood. He said he planned to make a citizen’s arrest.

When he was in high school, Arbery was sentenced to five years probation as a first offender on charges of carrying a weapon on campus and several counts of obstructing a law enforcement officer. He was convicted of probation violation in 2018 after he was charged with shoplifting, court documents show.

McMichael, who retired from the DA’s office in April 2019, made no mention of his work on that investigation to police, though it’s unknown whether he remembered it at the time.


No justice for humans in the US. Laws are to protect criminal niggers.

animal mother
05-08-2020, 12:17 PM
I hope they got the niggers paw prints before they dumped it into DNS. They could prove the nigger was the one who burglarized the homes in the area. It had a long history of TNB, so I have little doubt it was responsible. Now that this piece of shit was Emmet Tilled, the niggers and libtards will have a field day.

05-08-2020, 05:26 PM
It is so ridiculous. Tens of thousands of people are dying from COVID-19, yet everyone is fussing over this worthless nigger. If it had died of the virus it would be just another statistic.

05-09-2020, 06:44 AM
Another bullshit story. The only time a nigger willingly runs ANYWHERE it's not being paid to run is when law enforcement is chasing it.

05-09-2020, 04:12 PM
Nigger supposedly going for a "jog". Niggers don't jog at all. They run away from stealing etc...

If a nigger's running away from you, it's caused trouble. If a nigger's running at you, it's about to cause trouble.

I saw the same nigger several times running down NY's 5th Ave, in the designer shops area. The buck was tall, bakkaball jersey and gym shorts, and could run like the wind. It was almost knocking people down, like it was trying to escape the entire NYPD right behind it. Each time it had a different backpack or bag, so obviously it had snatched and grabbed, and was hoping to get far away before a cop could find it.

Cat fur allergic
05-11-2020, 12:05 PM
New vid shows he wasn't jogging, he was at someone's home and running away. Just like all the other ones, lying about what the nigger was doing as always.


The video, obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, shows someone who appears to be Arbery on a home surveillance camera down the block from a construction site just minutes before the 25-year-old was shot on the afternoon of Feb. 23. The man enters the home under construction through the garage, walks around the back of the home and then leaves and runs down the street.

05-11-2020, 08:27 PM
The problem is, that liberals elect fucktards that invite these violent ferile animals to infest nice neighborhoods, then bend over backwards to ensure they have a right to commit fellonies without fear of bodily harm.
When you lose your property rights, you are no longer free.
It should be the states burden to prove the property owner guilty... Not the other way around.
It would GREATLY reduce crime, if the tax paying property owner could defend THEIR property!

05-11-2020, 08:38 PM
The gullibility of Americans scares me the most. Put a nigger in a graduation suit on the front page, clutching at teddy bear and grinning away like mammy, then associate a story of white interference and wrong doing to the nigger and you got yourself a prefabricated white guilt complex. Too many people have become conditioned by the profit seeking media into truly believing that niggers are innocent and only ever provoked by malicious humans to commit acts of violence.

Master Sergeant
05-12-2020, 01:11 PM
Would hate to be the defendants in this case. In an election year even more so the liberals will eat this one up in any attempt to frame the shooting on conservative white republicans.

LeeRoy Jenkums
05-13-2020, 08:53 PM
Would hate to be the defendants in this case. In an election year even more so the liberals will eat this one up in any attempt to frame the shooting on conservative white republicans.

He fucking ran at them and tried to take their gun.

I don't see how this even makes it to court.

Master Sergeant
05-15-2020, 07:31 PM
The local and state governments can't risk a Cat V Chimpout so they'll go to to court you can bet on it.

05-19-2020, 08:10 AM
2017 video of the innocent nogger jogger without its bow tie on !! Law enforcement try and give it a lightning bolt but it escapes justice !!


05-19-2020, 05:43 PM
oh...here's the latest niggin jiggin video !! The nigger gets arrested for stealing a TV from Walmart !! He was just jogging out of the store of course !!


Everybody at Chimpout knew all this shit was gonna come out !

05-19-2020, 09:58 PM
I'm willing to bet good money that this isn't the last video, much less the last run in with the po-leese that will slowly surface. The media is slow to bring it up and frankly I'm surprised that the NYP even put this one out there. There will be text, snap chats, youtubez and many others to follow. As I type, niggers are pouring through old text looking for shit this nigger did just so they can get their fifteen minutes of innerweb fame. They are more consumed with that than even what they consider "justice" which is nothing close to real justice anyway. Niggers love to brag about their exploits since they believe it gives them skreet credz, yo! Typical niggery shit behavior and they always think it will not come back on them - but it ALWAYS DOES!
It did with Traybat :traybatand it will with this batwing award winner as well.

I'm dusting off the popcorn maker now.