View Full Version : "A headshot is personal"- she boon laments her demonspawn son shot dead while robbing Pizza Hut

Whitey Ford
04-28-2020, 12:01 PM
“Our Son Had Rights”- Armed Robber’s Family Angry After A Pizza Hut Employee Shot Their Son


A west Charlotte Pizza Hut employee is on leave after shooting and killing a man police said was trying to rob the restaurant early Sunday morning.

Police identified the would-be thief as 28-year-old Michael Grace.

“If there was to be a death, it was not the place of the employee at Pizza Hut. That is the place of law enforcement,” said Hairston.

The parents are angry that their son was shot and killed by an employee. They don’t believe the full story has been released to the public.

“Why in the hell did this guy have a gun?” questioned Hairston about the employee who shot her son.

“This wasn’t a body shot. This was a head shot. My son was shot in the left side of his head just behind his ear. A headshot is personal,” said Hairston.


04-28-2020, 06:08 PM
“Our Son Had Rights”- Armed Robber’s Family Angry After A Pizza Hut Employee Shot Their Son



I'm surprised the nigger got bat winged since niggers have hard hayids.

04-28-2020, 08:52 PM
I foud his facespook page.


Same old story. Muh baby dint do nuffinz. I am curious if it was a robbery or another nigger keeping it real when the buck came in for the henz he was owed. I want to think it was the latter and was not a human or there would probablt be racism claims. Now imagine if it was a cop... Same story, different nigger lotto and more instigators like Sharpton.

04-29-2020, 01:52 AM
The two other intruders ran away and have not yet been found.
Better luck next time, Pizza Hut guy!

No customers were at the restaurant at the time.
So this stupid nigger robs a restaurant on a Sunday morning when no customers were there and no cash was on hand. That's a real rocket scientist there!

Police have not determined if the employee will face any charges.
Forget the charges - give him a medal. Might I suggest this one?

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.flyingtigerssurplus.com%2Fprod uct-images%2Flg%2FM078.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

After the shooting, the parents of the man who was shot were interviewed and seemed more concerned with the fact that their son was shot by a Pizza Hut employee, than their son participating in a armed robbery. “If there was to be a death, it was not the place of the employee at Pizza Hut. That is the place of law enforcement,” said Hairston.
So this mammy would have nothing to say if it had been the badged boys in blue zoo-keepers that had to put it down? Bullshit!

Hairston and Grace Sr acknowledged that their son was breaking the law by robbing the business, and said they definitely don’t condone what he did.
Should have thought of that when you were raising it. Plus, BULLSHIT! The fact that you are running your mouth about it proves you did condone it and that you are just mad that your hellspawn didn't win the gunfight.

“It was an act of desperation, but I do not believe that Michael would have hurt anyone,” said Hairston.
He wuz a good boy. He neebuh did hurtz nobodeez. You stupid lying nigger bitch - the fact that your nigger robbed a store with a weapon just invalidated everything you just blathered. Desperation to what end? What the hell did your little nigger need so bad that it felt compelled to rob a restaurant at gun point? Could it be drugs?

“Why in the hell did this guy have a gun?” questioned Hairston about the employee who shot her son.
Because you raised a nigger to be a nigger and niggers kill. It would have easily worked out the other way around if that nigger got the first shot at the worker. You should have asked your thug nigger kid that same question before it decided to rob a business.

She said her son was shot in the head, and she thinks the shooting may have even been personal, citing past conflicts Grace Jr had had with other employees at the restaurant.
Niggers have coonflicts with anyone who makes them pay for goods or services. You threaten me or mine with your paw-gun and I will take it personal too!

“This wasn’t a body shot. This was a head shot. My son was shot in the left side of his head just behind his ear. A headshot is personal,” said Hairston.
So the nigger turned it's hayed while the gun was aimed at an innocent and the employee made sure to make one shot, one kill rather than finding out that between the PCP, baff salts, or vest it was wearing that it could have returned fire on him or killed another innocent. Even a shot through the heart will still leave several seconds of consciousness in which the nigger can fire it's paw-gun. Better to flip that nigger's circuit breaker off than find out the hard way that others could be killed because the round wasn't big enough to do the job with a DCM shot.

Even though their son was in the process of committing a crime, the family thinks his death was undeserved and unjustified.
I have never once heard a nigger say that another nigger needed to be put down unless it was the one doing it. Maybe if niggers would goodify each other more often, civilized society would not have to.

Whitey Ford
04-29-2020, 04:48 AM
The two other intruders ran away and have not yet been found.
Better luck next time, Pizza Hut guy!

Yep. A headshot isn't personal. A Failure Drill is personal.

The Mozambique Drill,[1] also known as the Failure Drill, or Failure to Stop drill, informally, "two to the body, one to the head,"[2][3] is a close-quarters shooting technique that requires the shooter to fire twice into the torso of a target (known as a double tap or hammered pair to the center of mass), and follow up with a more difficult head shot that, if properly placed, will instantly stop the target if the previous shots failed to do so.[4][5][6]


04-29-2020, 09:20 AM

You say personal, I say practical.
You say tə-mā′tō, -mä′ I say tə-mä′tō,
Let's call that nigger offed! ♫♪


04-29-2020, 10:04 AM
“It was an act of desperation,

Really? Was he in dire need of a kidney transplant? Was he a day away from dying of starvation? Did he have an explosive planted in his body that would detonate unless he robbed a fast food joint? OR was he just a typical stupid nigger who is too lazy to get a job and instead steals from others?

Why does the mammy think a Pizza Hut worker needs to carry a gun?