View Full Version : Nigger 'Marine' gets 18 months N.U. scholarship for threatening to kill Trump on youtube, facebook & twitter

Whitey Ford
04-28-2020, 12:50 AM

Mickael Gedlu, 36, was sentenced Friday to 18 months in a federal prison after admitting to threatening to assassinate President Donald Trump. After that, he is set for three years supervised release.

The defendant pleaded guilty in December to a count of threats against the president, online records show. He’d admitted to threatening Trump’s life on social media, and even on YouTube, authorities said.

“I’m waiting for Trump to visit Dallas before I attempt to assassinate him,” he said, according to The Deparment of Justice.

Well, he Trump showed up to Dallas. Gedlu was seen across the street from the local Adolphus Hotel 30 minutes before the president arrived for a fundraiser, prosecutors said. He was holding a sign that stated “Kill Trump,” and he screamed “kill the president” as he was being detained, police said.


04-28-2020, 01:05 AM
Nigger Marine???

What the hell is that. Never met one and I worked with Marines for over twenty years. I've met plenty of niggers that somehow were allowed to wear the uniform but as my dad always says - you can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear.

Sorry, niggers - you will never be a Marine no matter how much you play dress up. This one just proved it as they all do eventually.

Master Sergeant
04-28-2020, 12:47 PM
From the looks of his Assbook page he was a reservist in the Air Wing. Looks like he went into the Army after that and did a tour in Iraq.

04-28-2020, 04:18 PM
The sad reality is, niggers are not even qualified to cook for our soldiers, yet that's what they end up doing. Just imagine, eating what was prepared by an ape paw that was never washed after it shat.

Midder Peenud Hayed
04-28-2020, 04:47 PM
[The nigger] was seen across the street from the local Adolphus Hotel 30 minutes before the president arrived for a fundraiser, prosecutors said. [The nigger] was holding a sign that stated “Kill Trump,” and it screamed “kill the president” as it was being detained, police said.

Every time I think I've seen the apex of nigger stupidity, some knuckler comes along and proves me wrong.

Master Sergeant
04-28-2020, 07:28 PM
I'll bet spending 18 months in a federal penitentiary might change his TDS into TNB.

Chimp Detester
04-29-2020, 11:03 AM
With the spelling of its first name (Mickael) and also with that despicable last name (Gedlu), I think we can safely assume this is an imported ape turd. Maybe a Somali-koon.


11192 11193

And Mickael Gedlu, you sub-cockroach vile mega-turd nigger beast, I wish you an amazing time during your enrollment @ NU.

Master Sergeant
04-29-2020, 12:25 PM
With the spelling of its first name (Mickael) and also with that despicable last name (Gedlu), I think we can safely assume this is an imported ape turd. Maybe a Somali-koon.


11192 11193

And Mickael Gedlu, you sub-cockroach vile mega-turd nigger beast, I wish you an amazing time during your enrollment @ NU.

His assbook page same he's from Eritrea which is a muslim horn of africa sewer.

04-29-2020, 02:41 PM
His assbook page same he's from Eritrea which is a muslim horn of africa sewer.

I haven't made the distinction among the niggers countries of Somalia, Eritrea, and Ethiopia. Who cares. All shouldn't be allowed here or in any Western country.

Sheboon DeLuxe
04-29-2020, 03:40 PM
I haven't made the distinction among the niggers countries of Somalia, Eritrea, and Ethiopia. Who cares. All shouldn't be allowed here or in any Western country.

Eritrea, shit. A skinny is a skinny.

05-04-2020, 11:29 PM
From the looks of his Assbook page he was a reservist in the Air Wing. Looks like he went into the Army after that and did a tour in Iraq.

I just realized another difference between human servicemen and niggers that get in the military. Humans do real tours of combat and hard work. Niggers do a "tour" as in tourists: they don't do anything, try to muh dikk local girls and DL bucks, get drunk at every bar they can, then come back with lots of pictures.