View Full Version : Nigger York Shitty subway full of bums

04-25-2020, 07:15 PM
Damn nigga, diz be shit.

Look at the video.

04-25-2020, 07:41 PM
Damn nigga, diz be shit.

Look at the video.

"Go ahead, bite the big apple, don't mind the maggots, huh Shadoobie, my brains been battered..."
Rolling Stones 1978: Shattered.

Urban dictionary defines shadoobie as:

"a peice of shit lying around, sometimes called a log."

I counted 8 pieces of shit on the benches. I didn't bother counting the ones on the floor or the

04-25-2020, 09:40 PM
The E train has been a homeless shelter on wheels for at least the last 20 years. In the early 2000's I used to ride it late at night, and it was filled with smelly bums even then. I can only imagine what it looks/smells like now.

LeeRoy Jenkums
04-25-2020, 10:35 PM
"Go ahead, bite the big apple, don't mind the maggots, huh Shadoobie, my brains been battered..."
Rolling Stones 1978: Shattered.

'Splattered all over Manhattan...'

Rape Ape
04-26-2020, 01:25 AM
The bum infested Bernie Goetz Indoor Shooting Range (:lol) is probably a big part of why Beer Flu Chan has been so successful in handing out batwings in Nig York.

04-26-2020, 02:43 PM
Niggers degrade every place they visit and inhabit

04-26-2020, 03:32 PM
This just struck me today. Our last dog was kind, quiet, grateful, smart, loyal and all around the best a master could hope for - with one exception. She would roll around in filth especially immediately after a bath. This would range from whatever crawfish boil garbage can rotting in the summer sun she could find to another animal's shit. You could not catch her when she went wild like this. We learned quickly to never let her out of the house except to do her business in the gated backyard and on a leash for at least 1-2 days after her weekly bath. We were telling a neighbor about our problem and he informed us that it was because of the hound in her. It was in their breeding. They instinctively do this to mask any scent with normal outdoor filth in order to hide from other predators and to hunt. It is their nature.

There you have it. It is in a nigger's nature to shit itself and roll around in it. It must be a throwback to when niggers actually had to feed themselves with bush-meat and hide from other fellow feral beast in duh muddaland. Of course, it isn't necessary to do this now because humans provide their food and their only natural predators are other niggers. I guess that doesn't stop multi generational domesticated hounds so why would it stop imported wild niggers which refuse to be domesticated.

It's either that or they're all so shit faced on baff salts, booze and crack that they just don't give a fuck.

Uhhmm... Yeah nevermind - that's probably it.

04-27-2020, 09:11 PM
the only thing keeping niggers from the stone age is human intervention. We are literally holding them back from their natural place as prehistoric beasts, roaming the plains of Africa and eating shit and raw meat and muh dikking any hole that they are strong enough to pin down.

So niggers, we not stopping you from getting ahead, as you keep telling us, we are stopping you from getting behind.

05-04-2020, 11:05 PM
The E train has been a homeless shelter on wheels for at least the last 20 years. In the early 2000's I used to ride it late at night, and it was filled with smelly bums even then. I can only imagine what it looks/smells like now.

No kidding. When the article says "The subway has become a filthy, deadly homeless shelter on rails," I wonder where the Post has been. The subway became that decades ago for a lot of the lines. I used to take the NRQW, and it's not as bad as other trains running from downtown to midtown, but sometimes the doors would open and you'd get that whiff of a walking biological weapon.