View Full Version : Bootliptimore breaks city record for killings per capita in 2019

04-25-2020, 01:01 PM
Baltimore breaks city record for killings per capita in 2019

The total is up from 309 in 2018 and matches the 342 killings tallied in 2017 and 2015, the year when the city's homicide rate suddenly spiked. A statement from Baltimore police said officers were dispatched late Thursday night to a location on Pratt Street, where they found a man with gunshot wounds. A police spokesman said the man died from his wounds at a local hospital early Friday.

Others have attributed it to the apparent free flow of illegal guns, the effects of a punishing opioid epidemic, social inequalities and a lack of decent jobs for many in disenfranchised neighborhoods. Some say political incompetence at City Hall also has contributed. Try TNB libtards!
:violin :whip :traybat

04-25-2020, 01:41 PM
A city run by a nigger mayor and mostly nigger politicians. It's now been officially renamed to - Baghdadimore

Rape Ape
04-26-2020, 01:34 AM
A city run by a nigger mayor and mostly nigger politicians. It's now been officially renamed to - Baghdadimore

I always thought of it as Boontimore. Right down the road from Gorilladelphia.

Big, smelly, disease infested, dirty hives of ugly shitbeasts.

Chimp Detester
04-26-2020, 09:28 AM

It really makes me mad every time I read one of these stories involving the manure pile (sub-cockroach mega-turd nigger beasts) on the nigger-coddling MSM, they always spout their communist/socialist America-hating lib-tard rhetoric. For example:

"...social inequalities and a lack of decent jobs for many in disenfranchised neighborhoods..."

The worthless, vile, crap colored and smelling, filthy ape-habitants of the so-called "disenfranchised niggerhoods" get subsidized housing, medicine, dental, sail fawns, EBT, Internet, practically free schooling all the way up to doctorate level, etc., etc., (all paid for by us human tax-payers!!!!) and they are still disenfranchised? Give me a break!!! Is anybody else getting mad about this????

As the great and famous (yet meek, humble and unconceited) Chimp Detester so wisely said:

Black Libes = Fecal matter.


04-27-2020, 08:55 AM
A city full of niggers, run by a nigger mayor, with a nigger democrats they still blame white republicans.

04-27-2020, 10:17 AM
The faces of some of the disadvantaged, disenfranchised of Baltimore. They only want jobs and equality!
